پیام شاهزاده رضا پهلوی بمناسبت اعدام پنج تن دیگرازمبارزان بی گناه
rezapahlavi.org / Reza Pahlavi
11-May-2010 (5 comments)
هم میهنان عزیزم،

باردگر رژیم دژخیم حاکم برای بقای خود فرزندان ایران را قربانی کرد و با ترفند همیشگی درجهت ایجاد ترس و وحشت در میان مبارزان، دست به اعدام پنج تن بی گناهانی که تنها گناهشان آزادیخواهی و آزاد منشی بوده، زده است.

فرزاد کمانگر، علی حیدریان، فرهاد وکیلی، شیرین علم هولی و مهدی اسلامیان و بیشماران دیگری، جان خود را در راه ایرانی آزاد و سربلند هدیه کرده اند و این بر ما ملت است که فداکاری این جانباختگان را پاس داریم.

هم میهنانم،

همبستگی و تعهد ما در راه رهایی ایران و ایرانی می تواند آرزوهای راستین این عزیزان و صدها چون آنان را که با خون خود درخت آزادی را آبیاری کرده اند، جامۀ عمل بپوشاند و یکبار و برای همیشه دست این رژیم ضد بشری و ضد ایرانی را از دامان پاک کُهن میهن عزیزمان کوتاه کند

recommended by Darius Kadivar



His father used to drop

by benross on

His father used to drop kurdish rebels off a flying helicopter, now he is supporting the kurdish cause!

This is called improvement.

No fear No Fear. He is your king too. 

No Fear

LOL ..

by No Fear on

His father used to drop kurdish rebels off a flying helicopter, now he is supporting the kurdish cause!

free vs islam


by free vs islam on

Those who comment about Reza Pahlavi, Kamran and IRI,When was is it that you did anything for your people and your country and people like you who know so much only could write so little. This man works quite hard for freedom of his countryman and his country but only if some people could of understood what is the freedom? He wants restore the pride and dignity of this nation and the country that has been destroyed by enemies of country and nation. Iranian people getting killed and prisoned for what we had before 1979. what a shame that what we had we can't get it back. we claim we know a lot and educated and yet what we don't know about ourself. If one nation think and act collectively and main goal is server and built and protect the heritage and culture and freedom and development then this nation could have what they want.  

Kamran Ramyar

Reza the brave one!!!

by Kamran Ramyar on



Does this Reza guy do anything

by IRI on

He just sits and talks too much. What has he done? I can sit here and talk too. He is not a leader and his talk means nothing, as your means nothing.