White House rebuffs Ahmadinejad offer to debate Obama
BBC World Service
03-Aug-2010 (3 comments)

The White House has rebuffed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's offer of a public "face-to-face" policy debate with US President Barack Obama.

The White House said the offer showed new UN sanctions were having an effect.

recommended by fooladi



US presses Iran, Obama signals openness to "talks" - not debate

by MM on


Bad Translators

by HHH on

Ahmadinejad never said DEBATE he said GOFTEGOO which means TALK.

Of course no US president would debate another president because they won't have any other answer for many of their foreign policy decision but to say "BECAUSE WE'RE A BULLY."


A good idea

by amirkabear4u on

AN has nothing to say.

Furthermore, since he been visiting NY like a shopping tourist, they should have faced him sooner. Thinking about it this raises some questions.

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