Palestinians Denied Access To Water
Progressive Radio Network

According to OCHA (the UN Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs), Palestinians face a serious water crisis, being
denied access to their own resources.

Cara Flowers with the Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Group
(EWASH - a coalition of almost 30 water and sanitation sector
organizations in Occupied Palestine) said many vulnerable communities in
Israeli-controlled Area C (covering 60% of the West Bank) are hardest
hit, the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) having limited say over its
own resources, ones Israel uses itself, an international water expert

It's "easy (making) the desert bloom by using someone else's water
(and) denying them access to their fair share...." In some areas, it's
easier denying them none except what they can obtain by other means or

In 2009, Amnesty International (AI) addressed the problem in its
report titled, "Troubled Waters - Palestinians Denied Fair Access to
Water," explaining that water is life, stealing it a crime, without it
"we can't live; not us, not the animals, or the plants," said Fatima
al-Nawajah, a South Hebron Hills area resident.

Throughout the Occupied Territories, the problem is longstanding,
exacerbated by Israeli water policies, denying Palestinians for
themselves, preventing their right... >>>

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