Repercussions of an Israeli attack on Iran
Minn Post / Dan Murphy
14-Aug-2010 (one comment)

BOSTON — If Israel is likely to decide to attack Iran next summer, as argued in an Atlantic Monthly story by Jeffrey Goldberg out this week, the big question is, what happens in the aftermath?

A common view among strategists and political analysts is that the U.S. will be held responsible by Iran and much of the Muslim world. Tehran is expected to use the relationships it has carefully cultivated with militants in Iraq and Afghanistan to lash out at US troops, and some say it could provide fighters in Afghanistan with the surface-to-air missiles they crave.

"There are segments of the [Iranian] regime, parts of the military apparatus especially, that will welcome an attack, the heightening of tensions and even confrontation," says Kaveh Ehsani, a political scientist who studies Iran at DePaul University in Chicago. "Their strategy to react to this is to export conflict - to Afghanistan and Iraq and Lebanon and Gaza... they’ll raise hell anywhere they can, like in Saudi Arabia."

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Next summer is too late

by mahmoudg on

Millinos of Iranians will welcome surgical attacks to remove these cock roaches we call The Mullahs, with open arms.  Israel and US have come to the pivotal conclusion that removing the IRI by force is the only option left to save humanity from complete destruction by these mad men.