Photos: Badab Soort Natural Spring in Sari, Iran
payvand / Payvand
14-Sep-2010 (6 comments)

The Badab Soort Natural Spring is located south of Sari and is considered one of the most incredible sights of its region. It is at a height of 1,841 meters above sea level and just west of the village or Orost. It is believed that the Spring was created during the Paleocene Era and at the same time as the latest folds in the Alborz mountain range (read more and see more photos on Historical Iranian sites and people).


"Yellowstone" of Iran

by yolanda on

It is so beautiful! They should make it a National Park or something like that to stimulate tourism!




by yolanda on

Thank you, Shepesh jan.......Rosie and HB are way more knowledgeable than me....

Thank you for your kind words also!


Yolanda jan

by Shepesh on

It is an honour to have non Iranians such as yourself, Rosie, Human Being etc who are so interested in Iranian people huma rights and heritage. I also look forward to reading your valuable contributions and kind comments.



by yolanda on

You are very welcome, Shepesh jan.........Iran has a lot of fascinating stuff like historical sites, Natural wonders, water caves, hot springs, Persian gardens, Persian architectures, and famous poets............they are very unique! Too bad that all those beautiful stuff has been overshadowed by sanctions, war threat, stonings, and the nuclear program!


Yolanda jan

by Shepesh on

Thank you for sharing this. Once in a while we need nice News items to cheer us up.



by yolanda on

It is even more beautiful than Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone:
