فقر در ایران(Pics)
13-Oct-2010 (18 comments)

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Shame on Islamist regime and all their supporters

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

For bringing this level of poverty and misery on Iranian people, whilst filling their own foreign bank accounts and bank account of every little terrorsit gang leader from mullah nassrullah to bin-laden with money stolen from Iranian people.

BTW I think people who come on this site and support the islamist regime are the lowest of the low, to say such shmeful lies for the sake of scraps of money from their islamist paymasters. These people should do something less shameful. I suggest pimping or drug dealing.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


You Left. You don't vote. You don't count.

by iroooni on

Are you an idiot or just pretending to be one?

Dirty Angel

هوشنگ قوقولیقوقوی من

Dirty Angel

As a back up (short bit about hypocracy of subsidies...) and wondering what you think of Nader Hashemi's analysis (interview on www.therealnews.com with Paul Jay)

Ahmadinejad Tells Activists He's "Anti-Capitalist"





"Why do you want to be happy when you could just be normal?"

Yes, yes, I'll get off your women! ;) (Didn't see your last comment, as it was deleted whilst clicking....PFFFT!)


O Phony Sargord,

by AMIR1973 on

You're entertaining, if nothing else. You clearly cannot argue based on logic and evidence; so you engage in psycho-babble gibberish. What else can one expect from a West-residing Groupie of an anti-American, anti-Iranian terrorist regime (and a dimwitted one at that). Too funny. Cheers now, Phony Sargord  :-)

Hoshang Targol

Haji Firooz moron # 1 @ IC, is having 40,000,000 of your

by Hoshang Targol on

population living below poverty lines making progress?

Is having 20% to 25 % unemployment making strides in devlopment?

Is two digit inflation your idea of making life easier for the people?


Answer to all of the above,NO. You don't have a single word to say, but to stick your empty little head in the mud, and keep repeating the garbage you hear on IR's English programing.

You're hatred for the poor in Iran is so vehement that you even can't accept their existence.

Oh I forgot you just don't hate the poor folks in Iran, you support that closet-Nazi Paul, you must have as much hatred for the poor folks in US as well. So at least in your closet-Nazi politics you're consistent!


Sargord Pirouz

Well, Amir, obviously you're

by Sargord Pirouz on

Well, Amir, obviously you're unsatisfied with Iran's progress. But you know what? You left. You don't vote. You don't count.

Why you get all twisted over Iran is becuase you've a chip on your shoulder, for being exiled to a semi-accepted, foreign land. For this reason, you've a closed mind on the subject of Iran. More than that, you are anti-Iran.

Sometimes I feel sorry for you. Someone with so much pent-up hate; that's a hard way to go through life. But it's your choice. Go ahead and be a disgruntled exile for the remainder of your life, that's your business.  


The Phony Sargord :-)

by AMIR1973 on

And it endures sanctions for its principled positions in the region, as well as it sovereignty.

The "principled positions" of the IRI are: taking of hostages (U.S. diplomats, among others); killing of political opponents inside Iran, as well as abroad; sponsoring of terrorists who blow up embassies and kidnap people; hosting of a former KKK Grand Wizard and neo-Nazis at a holocaust denial conference, etc, etc. Oh yeah, the IRI is a "principled" terrorist regime. Sure it is.

Expecting it to be the UK or Japan is just plain silly

Hey Phony Sargord, forget Japan and the U.K. But Iran had a larger GDP than South Korea in 1979; now, its economy is much smaller than South Korea; its GDP per capita ranking compared to other nations also has fallen. Its current standard of living (as measured by its rankings in infant mortality, life expectancy, GDP per capita, etc) is pathetic compared to many developing countries). You're a rather slow-witted West-residing Terrorist Groupie, aren't you? Cheers  .-)

Hoshang Targol

Compare today's MASS POVERTY IN IRAN, with the promises

by Hoshang Targol on

at the begining of "Islamic Revolution."

see DK's post for today in Pictory, even if you have ZERO memory of all those promises to allievate poverty and hunger, all those headlines from KAYHAN of some 30 years ago should remind you what kinds of utter lieres, and theives we're dealing with today.


To make a long story short, this regime after waisting Oil monies for 31 years, now has no way of balancing its books but by taking away the simple daily bread from poor people's table.

That's the whole idea behind " goal-oreintation of subsidies," and to implement that they need a Pinochete type regime, with an economy resembling Chile of 70's-80's.

All these cat and mouse games for "presidental election" was suppose to make this transition as "smooth" as possible. It exactly didn't work out that way!



A retired highschool teacher

by Abarmard on

Gets $650+ a month. In US or in Iran?

The inner city schools are good enough to develop a university graduate student. In US or in Iran?

Generally speaking, in the US and in Iran if you are middle class you are getting ripped off but if you are rich or poor then you have some assistance. Iran has a long way to go but people's lack of social welfare is not a government problem. Iran does provide a decent size welfare however it is mostly corrupt and people steal from it. This "was" and "is" issue to be totally fair. I do not agree that with a different system, this kind of public theft would disappear. That's illogical.

One thing for sure about Iran under any system, people complain more than they contribute.

Sargord Pirouz

So what, Amir, it's still a

by Sargord Pirouz on

So what, Amir, it's still a developing country. And it endures sanctions for its principled positions in the region, as well as it sovereignty. So its growth has been stunted to a degree.

Expecting it to be the UK or Japan is just plain silly, even if it compromised its principled positions and compromised its sovereignty.

Dirty Angel

mullahtocracy is the perfect system

by Dirty Angel on

it takes care of you even when you're dead -  you'll get into the beautiful hierarchy of ethereal real estate in beheshteh zahr/emar

"Ceci n'est pas a very dirty post"


The Phony Sargord speaks :-)

by AMIR1973 on

I have to chuckle at the silly propaganda vomited up by the Groupie of an anti-American, anti-Iranian terrorist regime who lives in the same country that the IRI's terrorist leaders refer to as the Great Satan. Iran has the second largest natural gas reserves and third largest oil reserves in the world. The IRI has enjoyed revenues from these resources for 31 years, including some periods with very high oil prices. Despite that, look at the pathetic ranking of the IRI in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality. Look at some of the very poor countries who are ahead of the IRI. What a pathetic state of affairs.



Sargord Pirouz

Hey, Iran is a developing

by Sargord Pirouz on

Hey, Iran is a developing country- no one's disputing that.

But did you see latest UN FAO report on food-insecure nations?


Notice which nation is not on the list? That's right, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Hey, that counts for something.

And by the way, the two nations burdened with a US military occupation- Iraq and Afghanistan- are on the list. 

Hoshang Targol

To all IRI apologist morons, why are 40,000,000 Iranians living

by Hoshang Targol on

below poverty lines,( the source is IRI's own Center for Statestics)?


Why is this government of "poor people" dead set on taking away ALL SUBSIDIES from the people?


What's the difference between Ayatollah Pinochete and the original Chilean Pinochete? Not a whole lot.


How many light years is it going to take you to understand, we're dealing with a bunch of theives in Iran?


Down with Islamic Republic.

Stop all executions in Iran.

Free all political prisoners in Iran.


The US does not claim to have eradicated poverty

by mahmoudg on

when this moron Shariat Madari (Khariat Nadari), claims that there are no poor people in Iran. It is making these outlandish statements that brings out the true nature of this regime, murderous, terrorist and affront to humanity.

Sargord Pirouz

Yeah, here in the US we have

by Sargord Pirouz on

Yeah, here in the US we have a poverty problem as well, with a huge economy. Yet we go into debt to the tune of 13 trillion dollars, while spending 1 trillion on foreign wars.

By comparison, what does Iran spend on Lebanon? 500 million? From their strategic perspective, it's money well spent. 


Nasrallah Military Forum,

by AMIR1973 on

IRI's infant mortality ranking in the world is either 119 or 155 (depending on which source one looks).     Its average life expectancy is ranked 103, 108 or 132 (again, depending on the source).     Bravo, Rapist Regime! And congratulations to you too on the great achievements of the IRI, O Nasrallah Military Forum. 


You missed

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

the photos of millions of homeless, unemployd with no healthcare Americans while te US government, as the richest country on earth pours money into the Zio_fascist entity with a very healthy GDP.

Woud you like to see the impoverished Americans?
