The West's Game: Nuclear Hypocrisy
Op/Ed News

It took over three weeks for the peace-loving nation of Japan to find out that the publicity-shy U.S. Department of Energy had sneaked in a subcritical nuclear experiment - a type of dress rehearsal nuclear test - in mid-September 2010.   (The close-to-critical nuclear experiment was conducted on September 15, 2010 under the newly dubbed Nevada National Security Site, a Department of Energy facility formerly named the Nevada Test Site where over 1,000 nuclear tests were conducted from 1951 to 1992.) The anger that hotly percolated as Japan's citizens' eyes opened to that headline in a leading daily newspaper one morning in early October manifested in formidable public outcry: formal letters of protest poured into U.S. embassies, near-spontaneous sit-ins occurred around Hiroshima's Peace Park, and strongly worded sound-bites by enraged Japanese atomic attack survivors and nuclear abolitionists dominated television news broadcasts.   The greatest impact from Japan's angered reaction to the test, which was dubbed 'Bacchus,' came in the form of dozens of letters -riddled with outrage - penned by both angry mayors in Japan (and their allies across the globe) and variou... >>>

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