Defend Jennifer Peto, a Brave Canadian Critic of Zionism
Aletho / Jay Knott

is mostly a diluted version of the USA. But Canadians are justly proud
of their country’s resistance to the abrasive style of American
politics. In one respect, though, it is more extreme than the United
States – it is the only country with a more fanatical Israel Lobby.

the University of Toronto recently accepted a Master’s thesis critical
of Jewish privilege, the Lobby, the media, and politicians, immediately
condemned it as ‘hate’. Some of these legislators declared the
University should not have awarded the M.A. to Sociology and Equity
Studies student Jennifer Peto, an unprecedented interference of the
government in academic freedom.

When a Jewish anti-Zionist like
Peto is physically threatened by Zionists and denounced by politicians,
the first thing is obviously to defend her and her freedom of speech.
But there is a danger in giving extra credit to her argument because it
has come under such vicious attack from the Lobby.

The extreme
reaction of the Lobby to any criticism has the effect of encouraging
narcissism in critics, especially Jewish ones – there is nothing like
persecution to make people self-righteous, and Zionists know this better
than anyone! To be a Jewish critic of Zionism in a Western country
today is less risky than to have joined the white anti-apartheid
activists in South Africa, who w... >>>

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