'Evil CIA agents support terrorists'- Interview with Prof. Paul Sheldon Foote (video report)
ranian officials say US politicians and the CIA have openly supported terrorists groups such as Jundallah and the MKO.

Press TV interviewed Professor, Paul Sheldon Foote of California
State University regarding the tragic terrorist attacks in Chabahar.
Professor Foote shares his insights regarding the recent attacks in
South Eastern Pakistan.

Press TV: We will look more into this with Professor, Paul
Sheldon Foote of California State University. Professor, it's good to
have you with us. The timing of this attack is quite sensitive if you
agree, as it comes during the Ashura ceremonies. What would you say is
the intended goal of such attacks in Iran?

Foote: For many years now the neo-conservatives or
neo-troskyites have been speaking in America with Iranian groups,
suggesting the break-up of Iran. The whole purpose behind this is to go
to minority groups and tell them that they are not well treated and to
split up the country into little pieces.

Press TV: The US says those responsible must be held
accountable. Jundallah says it has been supported by the US. How
complicated is that?

Foote: It's not very complicated at all, while in general
American leaders try to keep it secret, in February 2011, then Vice
President Dick Chaney went to Pakistan and very openly spoke in favor of

He called them gorillas and n... >>>

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