The knives are out for Ahmadinejad
Macleans.CA / Michael Petrou
08-Jan-2011 (3 comments)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces a regime-buffeting revolt—not just from secular-minded students and youth who continue to gather at universities to denounce him as a traitor and call for his death—but also from the very heart of the Islamic Republic’s conservative establishment. Conservative members of Iran’s Majlis, or parliament, recently tried to summon Ahmadinejad for questioning, which in theory could have led to his impeachment. According to a letter sent by a parliamentary committee to the chairman of the Guardian Council, another governing body, they “refrained from the questioning and impeachment of the president” only because they were ordered not to do so by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Divisions emerge within terrorist regime

by Simorgh5555 on

The terrorist regime is in turmoil and these divisions will soon self-destruct. Ahmadinejad's real source of support comes from 'Supreme Leader' Khamenei whose days will soon be numbered when mortality catches up. The biggest threat to Ahmadinejad is Rafsanjani who hold the influential post of the head of the head of the council of experts which will determine who will fill in the post of Supreme Leader when Kahmenei eventually dies. Ahmadinejad picked the wrong person to pick a fight with and the in-fighting and contest to consolidate to power in Iran has already begun.   



"conservative", "pragmatic", "reformist", "guardian council"....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

So the list goes on. But what is really the difference? None, absolutely none. A bunch of murdering, thieveing islamist fascists with their hands covered with bloods of Iranains to the elbow.

What we see here is this fascist islamist dictatorship falling into pieces, faced with the anger and outrage of Iranian poor and dispossesed, the very same people who brought them to power back in 1979,  suffering from lack of food, jobs, housing and basic human rights.  

One day, not in so distant future,  these islamist fascists will be lined up against the wall, shot in the head one by one, and their corpses hung outside the syrian, chinese, russian and british embassies as a lesson to any wanabe fascist and their foreign paymasters.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anahid Hojjati

I can only second Simorgh about Rafsanjani

by Anahid Hojjati on

Simorgh wrote:"The biggest threat to Ahmadinejad is Rafsanjani who hold the influential
post of the head of the head of the council of experts which will
determine who will fill in the post of Supreme Leader when Kahmenei
eventually dies. Ahmadinejad picked the wrong person to pick a fight
with and the in-fighting and contest to consolidate to power in Iran has
already begun. "

I agree with this. Ahmadinejad is no match for Rafsanjani. Additionally, Ahmadinejad had no role in 1357 and this will come to bite him when decision day arrives to keep him or dump him plus not being mullah. So he is not an akhoond, he had no role in 1357, he became president by cheating; at least as many people believe, you do the math. He will not be around in Iranian politics for much longer.