New Movie by Ali Samadi Ahadi
ARD Phoenix / Ali Samadi Ahadi
12-Jan-2011 (one comment)

Yesterday the german TV channel "Phoenix" showed an amazing new movie by Ali Samadi Ahadi, the iranian film director who lives in Cologne/Germany // The movie "The green wave" (german title is "Wo ist meine Stimme" aka "where is my vote") is a realy artwork, mainly a record of the political protest during summer 2009 and the violent reactions of the police. These scence are drawn like a cartoon movie, starting with vivid colours showing the peaceful student protests and their battle for a free iran. With the rising violent reactions of the police and security forces, their brutality against unarmed protesters and torture of the imprissoned students, the coulours of the movie turn more and more into a dark grey. These diary-like cartoons are supplemented with comments by Shirin Ebadi, Mohsen Kadivar and Mehdi Mohsen.


One of them said with a lot of frustration, that the people in the west are only concerned about the iranian nuclear activities, but did not care about the situation of the people in Iran. This might be true if you listen to the politicians in the west. But I can assure you that many of the educated and intellectual germans (and I guess europeans in gene... >>>


The Green Wave

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on
