Angry protesters stone Iranian embassy in Kabul
RAWA News / RAWA News
14-Jan-2011 (one comment)

ABUL: Hundreds of angry Afghans stoned the Iranian embassy in Kabul on Thursday in protest against the blockade of fuel tankers in the neighbouring country.

Nearly 300 people, including women, participated in the protest that started at 10am and continued until 12 noon. Stones and addled eggs were hurled at the embassy.

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Terrorist regime bans oil to needy Afghans

by Simorgh5555 on

Go, Afghans! Nice to see the wretched embassy being vandalised and that Islamic flag being torched. The Islamic Republic or its symbols do not represent Iran or the Iranian people. 

Although the IR has made significant gains in South America it has lost friends in Africa, most notably Nigeria and Gambia. Lets hope Afghanistan breaks ties with the IR and ejects its diplomats from the country.  
