Before the Chador
Photo essay: Pre-revolution Iranians
by Malkovich Music
Curated by L.A.-based rap artist Malkovich Music, Before The Chador premiered March 26 at R&R Gallery in Los Angeles, and is now courting galleries worldwide. Visit for more information.
My good old days are the days my family would sit and tell me about theirs, in Iran before the revolution. I was a kid, but we were all young. They would laugh and cry and show me old photos while Cesaria Evora cassettes played. "Saudade" is her biggest hit and a Portuguese word. It means 'to miss something that doesn't exist'. Maybe home is overrated. Maybe identity is a burden. Maybe this is for the best; Iran, a shadow of itself, and us, scattered like worker bees, boiling limes and spreading love and money across the continents. Maybe the world needs us more than we need home. The Shah tortured and killed us just like Khomeini, just like anyone. Continents away we let religion separate us, just like we always have. Maybe my family's good old days never existed. I don't know. I wasn't there. But I wish I was. Just to know how belonging feels. Perhaps I'm imagining a feeling only people in stories get. Maybe belonging isn't that easy. But when I look at these old photos of my family in Iran, I get a feeling I assume is close to how home feels; maybe the feeling of home only people in stories feel, but who knows, maybe sometimes in real life too.
Salman jaan pull the other one
by areyo barzan on Tue May 24, 2011 05:16 AM PDTAre you really that stupid or do you take us for fools. Have you even read any history.
Kaba was an idol house (Bot Khaneh) for Arabs living in and around Mecca before Islam to keep their idols there and has noting to do with Jews (as they were hundreds of miles away living in Jerusalem, Israel).
This was a Bot-kadeh and even Islamic scholars admit to that.
After Mohammad invented his cult and eventually captured Mecca by force, he transformed this place to house for his God by evicting other idols.
Ironically the name Allah is the name of the largest Idol in this place before Islam. That is why it was called Allah Akbar, which means there was also a Allah Asghar.
So I recommend to you to go back and do some reassert about the cult of Mohammadism and then you might find out that one of the laws in Saudi Arabia is that NO none Muslim is even allowed in the city of Mecca let alone in vicinity of Kaba and if any one disobeys he/she will be executed.
So my friend if you want to live the rest of your life in ignorance then that is your choice but don’t you dare to try and sell this BS to me mate cause you’ve got another thing coming
Go and read some books, as an example I can recommend
Pass az 1400 saal
Tavalodi Digar
Doe gharn sokoot.
If you want you can even give me your email and I will send you a PDF copy.
Please, please, please get some education. It is so depressing to see that after thirty years of hell that this nation went trough there are still such misinformed, ignorant and arrogant people around as if they have not learned squat
They look so serious!
by Bano Atefeh on Sun May 22, 2011 05:18 PM PDTThere is no smile in any of these pictures!
There was a pre-Islamic Iran, there will be a post-Islamic Iran
by Mash Ghasem on Sun May 22, 2011 01:24 PM PDTIslamic Republic of Hell is just the worst nightmare we have had in between.
Historical Materialsim is anything but rigid materialsim, it takes into account all 'non-material" indices, hence it has a complete view of history, outta here.
Because Iran IS an Islamic country
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 01:16 PM PDTIronically, we do the same to materialism, deconstruct it and ditch it as a rigid and reductionist ideology.
For an Islamic democracy
Why does such seperation need to be under the auspieces of
by Mash Ghasem on Sun May 22, 2011 01:07 PM PDTa thought that has brought us nothing but death, destruction and miseray for the past 32 years.
Garmsci's only hope was in Praxis, see his writings on popular culture.
Authentic Historical Materialism never dismisses religion or its functions for the masses. Our only difference with you is that we don't glorify it, we deconstruct it (as to its utility and material base), and do away with it, like any other useless rigid ideology
Golsorkhi (RIP) as much as a great poet and a true national hero he is , nonetheless politically he remians a populist, a nativist, and unfortuantely incorrect on Islam (all such distorted readings of Islam in Iran eminates from Alahmad and Fardid).
You still remian a contradiction in terms, cheers
For the nth time
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 12:38 PM PDTIslamic demcracy IS about separation of state and religion under the auspieces of Islam.
And PLEASE, don't bring quotes from Gramsci and Co. whose greatest hope was Marxism to supersede religion if it could meet the spritual needs of the masses!! At least our own Khosrow Golesorkhi recognized and respected the role of religious thinkers in the betterment of the society.
For an Islamic democracy
I wonder which one is worse: outdated software, or theology?
by Mash Ghasem on Sun May 22, 2011 12:06 PM PDTWhy does our democracy has to be modified and limited to islamic ? A seperation of religion and state is the very first step towards enlightenment and liberation.
Antonio Gramsci dismisses the clergy as thinkers, since they don't question or doubt the basics of their thoughts, hence you can't have religious 'intellectuals," cheers
my god...
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun May 22, 2011 11:28 AM PDTshe's so gorgeous! I hope her man loved every inch of her... :)
Samsam, MS-DOS was abondonned years ago
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 11:03 AM PDTand you are still living in the days of Autoexec.bat and config.sys? :))
For an Islamic democracy
Agreed, alienating Muslims will only create global ghettos
by SamSamIIII on Sun May 22, 2011 10:08 AM PDT& detached islands of fundamentalism. Attacking Islam as a religion or Muslims as beievers is not only unproductive but as well a defeatist knee jerk reaction which can only give rise to muslim isolationism & extremism. In Iran the enemy is not Islam but Ommatism & it's assimilative front which must be rooted out with all it's bedoine icons & idols.
To make it simple, Islam or any other religion are mere platforms among many that average folks use to connect to God or spirituality. kinda like computer platforms such as Unix, OS2, Dos, Windows7 , Me, 2000 in which all have the similar basic core & design. Now, the majority of users of these computer platforms dont use more than a few basic features of these platforms available to them and just as well the majority of Muslims treat their religions & it's micro elements the same way as some obsolite , rarely used features.
Its pretty narrow minded & 2+2=4 to attack the whole platform or the users when all we need is to get rid of the corrupt icing on the cake which is Ommatism, shaikhism & anti kiaani nomadism. The only viable native remedy is a Federal democratic kiaani system of tolerance yet from the position of strenght & strong self-identity.
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //
Dear Roozbeh
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 09:04 AM PDTIf tenth of the Muslims, particularly the Iranian Muslims, were as decent and an accurate observer that you are (as an athiest), the world would have been a better place.
Thanks for your most observant and respectful comment.
For an Islamic democracy
Salman farsi
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sun May 22, 2011 08:50 AM PDTI am reading your comments with interest.
Am I understanding you corretly that you see khomeini and islamic regime as a whole a very bad news for the muslims worldwide, giving justification to every simpleton biggot, racist, half brain idiot to come on this site attacking the entire muslim population who have nothing to do with terrorsim?
I want to let you know that I, as an aethiest, find these comments and attacks on muslism a real disgrace.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Whose reality Raoul? Yours or mine?
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 08:38 AM PDTYour reality is that you are an Ayatollah!! Mine is that I am the reincarnation of Salman Farsi!!
Now, about your "related" matter. Elvis and Jacko are old news. The latest fad in the twon is Osama :))
For an Islamic democracy
by Raoul1955 on Sun May 22, 2011 06:16 AM PDTIt is so wonderful that in the 21st Century that Jews, muslims and Hindus may worship together in the same temple. Can you post some photos and videos of these three groups worshipping in kaaba together? Otherwise some people may claim that you as a true muslim are detached from reality!
On a 'related' matter: Have you been talking to Michale Jackson or Elvis recently?
Ayatollah Raoul,
Yes Raoul, its name is:
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 05:08 AM PDTKa'aba.
It was originally a Jewish place of worship and some say it was a hindu shrine.
For an Islamic democracy
After Chaador
by ghalam-doon on Sun May 22, 2011 04:59 AM PDT//
by Raoul1955 on Sun May 22, 2011 04:49 AM PDTWe are in the 21st Century:
Can you name a non-muslim temple in Mecca, or anywhere in Saudi Arabia?
Ayatollah Raoul
Sorry to upset your simplistic view of Islam
by salman farsi on Sun May 22, 2011 04:42 AM PDTbut Ghasem you just because you were fooled once by Khomeini you shouldn't see Islam in a negative way. You see sure there is much more to it than perhaps you can fathom but never lose hope.
For an Islamic democracy
A summer place! Photo #1 conjures up!
by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on Sat May 21, 2011 06:31 PM PDT//
by Mash Ghasem on Sat May 21, 2011 10:45 PM PDTI wonder how long our religious 'intellectuals' ( Gramsci says that is actually a contradiction in terms) will be stuck with Islamic Republic of Hell?
Fool me once, shame on me: try to fool us agian with your "Islamic democracy," shame on you.
Yes, Ayyat Shaytan Khomeini made an ass out of an entire nation. You're following his path as well, what's the dif?
I wonder ...
by salman farsi on Sat May 21, 2011 02:53 PM PDThow many members of this seemingly liberal-minded family took to the streets to welcome Khomeini and embraced his version of Islam?
For an Islamic democracy
Great pictures, thanks for sharing
by Mash Ghasem on Sat May 21, 2011 02:21 PM PDTan old uncle of mine has started this habit of sendign us old family photos with Iranian music on DVD. The contrast between the old black and white photos , with all the men and women nicely dressed, and the color photos of today, always reminds me of a time travel, to the past.
I liked these lines: " Maybe this is for the best; Iran, a shadow of itself, and us, scattered
like worker bees, boiling limes and spreading love and money across the
continents. Maybe the world needs us more than we need home"
All these definitions of home and belonging is also different in different stages of your life. As a youngster you always miss your homeland, but at some point in your life you could have more than one home, if you could afforde it, I can't, cheers
by پندارنیک on Sat May 21, 2011 02:22 PM PDTI think that Taunus© is still a good ride....They don't make cars that good anymore...
And then the title.......Between two chadors.....I think......
James the shah himself was against violence, torture etc
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sat May 21, 2011 01:39 PM PDTShah was really was lied about quite a lot. You say "The Shah tortured and killed us just like Khomeini, just like anyone."
That is not true, crimes did occur, but they were never on the same scale as in the USA/UK/FRANCE/Germany/IRAn today.
When Americans have caused over 50% 0f all iraqi children to be orphans, this is on a major scale James, that's alot of mums and dads, its millions of lives and its not on even the tip of the ice berg for America. vietnam, korea, afghanistan, libya etc etc
That is why people miss Shahs Iran so much, IRAN was a country at peace with all its neighbours and progressing rapidly in terms of increases in standard of living and individual freedom.
Shah was an autocrat, which is not a dictatorship as any educated person knows. He was busy bulding independent institutions like parliament, judiciary, universities, news. Today no western reporter even dares to go to Iran to report on the rape, torture or killing of lives to young to believe, during shahs time they would freely go and gossip with people and come back writing lies that served no one.
Their dis-service to iran was not esteeming all the shah was doing that was worthy of being esteemed, in the absense of democratic institutions, in a country that would not be able to undergo democratic development for many many years to come. At least back then we were decades away from building democratic institutions, now we are even further away than that.