
Columbia honors Shah


Columbia University and evil dictators
Louis Proyec, The Unrepentant Marxist: "When Bollinger told Ahmadinejad that he exhibited “all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator,” the Iranian president might have wondered whether great and cruel dictators are judged by a different yardstick at the university. After all, the Shah of Iran was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree only two years after the CIA organized a coup to overthrow Mossadegh [1955]. By any measure, the Shah was one of the most horrible dictators of the post-WWII period. One supposes that as long as he was on the State Department’s A list, Columbia University would be happy to put down the red carpet for the torturing beast." >>>



Re: Imagine

by jamshid on

You are right Imagine. Take the nuclearization of Iran. The IRI is trying to accomplish something that the Shah did long ago but without all the fuss, without the threat of a war, without any problems at all. Iran would have had operational nuclear reactors by 1984. Just google the words shah nuclear iran and see for yourself.


Yes I do imagine all the time what would have been if the Pahlavis had continued in Iran and when I do "aah az nahaadam bar miad".



by Imagine (not verified) on

(1) Imagine an iran without pahlavis: reza shah never existed, and ghajar dynasty continued. Don't you think that they would have lost the rest of iran piece by piece and iran would have almost certainly partitioned. iran would have looked like a central asian country of today. is that what we wanted?
(2) imagine an iran without mullas (and thus no '79 revolution), pahlavis continued, prince reza would have perhaps been more democrat and more moderate. i can't even imagine how progressed we would have been. we would have certainly been as prosperous as china today (and had reactors and its fuel cycle too). Case closed! Now keep bad mouthing shahs and praising I.R. for their outstanding baby steps. The facts on the ground are different and majority of iranians cannot be fooled anymore.

Kaveh Nouraee

Dear only...

by Kaveh Nouraee on

You are right. There is entirely too much animosity, and unfortunately it is directed at the wrong people. While both Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah were far from perfect (which only proves that they were in fact, human), Iran would be less than nothing without them. We would have probably been a member of the U.S.S.R., speaking Russian as a first language.



All of the animosity should be redirected towards the people who supported this miserable excuse of a government that we have now.  


Withouth Shah....

by ali (not verified) on

You and I were smuggling opium like Afghans do, if we were lucky. Otherwise, we were working our asses off in the neighbor countries, like Afghans do.

Pahlavi with all the imperfections it had, it brought our deprived country, a new era, new life and infra-structure. No other dynasty or government has done that for Iran in the last 2000 years of documented history.

You want to insist on Shah being a can certainly do so. But keep in mind that the symptoms you describe for Shah's "dictatorship" are exactly what you can find in any Iranian man like your father, your teacher, a policeman,....In other words, assuming you are right about Shah being a dictator, then he was replaced by millions of tiny little dictators that keep on taking away freedoms any chance they get.

My point is, instead of sticking to uneducated rumors, get real and open up to new things. Get Secularized and live free! I honor Shah for playing a big role in doing this. Pahlavi is still the best thing that ever happened to Iran. Don't you think so?


I have read The Economist's

by Disgusted (not verified) on

I have read The Economist's story on Iran but I don't need The Economist and its tilted and biased view to tell me about Iran's political structure. Perhaps you do but I don’t. I'm not one of those “all or nothing types” who refuses to see shades of grey. The municipal and presidential elections have been vigorously participated in these past years; I know, I have friends and relatives that were election supervisors; average Tehranis who wanted to make a difference. This in spite the regime's best efforts to frustrate the process. The Economist doesn't have to tell me about the oxymoronic-ness of a “theocratic democracy.” I happen to have read the so-called IRI constitution and experienced its consequences first hand. My point is the people’s resilience in face of adversity. You of course, very typically have averted responding to my point and gone on a tangent. Typical bullshit emotional knee-jerk reaction. Democratic participation during the reign pf Pahlavis was very low, ditto during the dark days of Eighties where the regime was at its most brutal but the death of Khomeini did change some things. This is not to sanitize the regime but to only point at the grassroots efforts that have been germinating in Iran; efforts that were unthinkable during the Shah if all the Shahollahies out there want to be honest with themselves (to them of course the people were a bunch of donkeys and Ala-hazrat was the “god’s shadow” on earth; end of conversation) Yes, the regime will try to frustrate these efforts and Ahamdinejad’s de facto coup d'etat this past year has cooled off many people but the grassroots will not be denied. So long as there is debate in Iran and beginning of political maturity there is hope that there won’t be emergence of another demagogue savior in the cards. The people in Iran have to learn once and for all to solve their own problems.


Khoda - Shah - Mihan

by Aryamehr (not verified) on

God bless their Imperial Majesties the Great Shahanshah's of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Father and Son, whose disgraceful and honorless enemies cannot come up with any solid argument against them except the same lies and exaggerations of 30, 40, 50 years ago.

These are the same communist nokar's whose short-lived soviet republics in Gilan, Azerbaijan and Mahabad were squashed by the Imperial Iranian Army under the command of Shahanshah Aryamehr.

May the Great Shahanshah's of Iran rest in peace, and may Iran soon witness a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity - after the complete destruction and uprooting of the occupying Islamic Republic.

Long Live Her Imperial Majesty the Shahbanou of Iran!
Long Live His Imperial Majesty Reza Shah II!

Payandeh Iran!


Why so much anemosity, so little rational

by Only Iran (not verified) on

Why people are so vulgar against shah? I read and read to find the answer and i don't. Was he a dictator, let's say yes. Was he corrupt (in absolute terms), let's say yes. and so on... But how about majority of people who were really saying that he was too progressive (people had a lot of problem with him not imposing hejab, people even disliked celebration of noruz, ... -- i was in a small town and that is what people were saying). Maybe majority of iranians were not ready for a more progressive regime (like that of bakhtiar, who did not survive beyond days). The choice of the majority came down to mullas or leftists, none cared for the "people", but for power, domination, and control or country's riches. Could shah have done more? absolutely. But, let's face it, majority of people were not ready for a more progressive regime (they chose mullas). It seems like lots of people do not know mindsetof iranians of the time. Being vulgar against shah without being rational does not make it right. One more thing: ask any middle-class or poor-class iranian of today if they were better off in shah's period, and majority would say yes. The choices were not between shah and a perfect regime (call it democracy or whatever). The choices were among shah, leftist, and mullas. Intellectuals were a tiny minority and were not willing to fight for their aganeda. And lastly, if the best that a so-called democracy can offer is choosing of this Ahmadi for president (despite all those educated and honest iranians of today), then simply going ballot boxes would not help our country. Look at today's afghanistan to see yesterday's iran (with some exaggerations of course - and the oil factor).


Kiss H.I.M. Ass!!!!

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

His Majesty, M.R. Pahlavi, he rests in peace, he is deeply embedded in the hearts of Iran, and Iranians, We love him, We respect him, and one day , very soon, he will rested within the soils of Iran, a country he loved, lived , and died for.

Only fools don't know, History judges, the verdict is Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, was the greatest thing happened to us in the last 1400 years.


Dethroned and died in exile, ha ha!

by not a monarchist (not verified) on

Ha, ha, ha...listen to all you spoiled, monarchist brats whimpering about your beloved dead king...remember the film of him running to his private airplane to flee for his dear, despotic life?...remember the scenes of his great imperial army refusing to fight the revolutionaries in the streets?...remember his BFF Carter refusing to allow his lame ass into the US?...and now you privileged kids of yesteryear lament the loss of your high status and the humble king of kings that made it all possible..ha, ha, ha...!


To: Disgusted Deomcratic

by Anonymousw1 (not verified) on

To: Disgusted

Deomcratic theocracy is an oxymoron. Who are you trying to fool?

Iran, remember, is at best a fake-democracy, designed to fool the international community: in parallel with the elected system exists another system that is unelected. Its elements include the armed forces (especially the Revolutionary Guards), the Council of Guardians, the judiciary, the senior conservative clerics and a vast administrative machine that reports directly to the supreme leader. By and large this unelected system is made up of strong believers in the original ideology of the revolution, or at least people who have a strong vested interest in it. A common self-description of these people is that they are osoulgara, or “principle-oriented”.

The principle-oriented custodians of the revolution did not wait until the election of Mr Ahmadinejad before taking action against Mr Khatami's reforms, which they interpreted as a potentially lethal threat to its core values and their long-term relevance in staying in power. With the connivance of the supreme leader, they simply used their executive power and a compliant judiciary to override the wishes of the legislature and the voters.

By these means President Khatami was deprived of his power long before he was deprived of his office. Nor did the men of principle think it safe to leave the choice of his successor to Iran's voters. The election took place only after legions of candidates had been disqualified by the Council of Guardians. By way of insurance there was also judicious fiddling on election day: reformists complain that the Revolutionary Guards and their associated Basij militia of perhaps a million young volunteers were drafted in to intimidate voters and stuff ballot boxes.

It seems like all the mozdoors have graduated from the same propaganda school because they use the same exact propaganda techniques in their arguments; revisionary history, half-truths, and so on. Joseph Goebles would be proud of you lackeys. You've learned your lesson well.

Practice what you preach. Read:



The combined intelligence of

by Disgusted (not verified) on

The combined intelligence of comments posted here shows why Iran still is and will remain a third rate nation. It also shows technology, however sophisticated will not mask idiocy on a massive scale. Most of you should shut the hell up and read more. And yes, think a little too while you're at it. Regardless of what you think of the Shah and his father, benevolent or not, they were dictators. The definition of a dictator is an absolute sovereign with no checks and balances. The Majles, the Iran's parliament was a rubber stamp one. The fact is that democratic participation in the last 10 years in Iran has been more vigorous than anything during the Pahlavis; and that's in spite of all the restrictions that the ruling clergy have put on Iran. One of the reasons Iran got the Muallhs was the lack of any democratic framework in Iran during the reign of the Shah. An uninformed public is ripe for demagogues like Khomeini.


I have concluded that the

by Anonymous12 (not verified) on

I have concluded that the Iranian revolution was really masterminded to a greater extent by external forces (US, UK , France), who deliberatly engaged in a mud slinging campaign against the Shah in the late 1970's. They supported Khomeini against him, because they couldnt stand seeing Iran making significant strides forward, eventually being a modernised and westernised strong power and regional player, classic issue of betrayal in international politics.

I think the Shah had very good intentions for Iran, but could have done more to alleviate poverty (social programs) and develop the rural countryside, and shoudnt have spent so much on millitary hardware in 1970s, this would have taken the wind out of the sails of the extremists. However he wasnt a bloodthirsty dictator, but an autocratic monarch who knew that a developing country must first get solid foundation before anything else follows, just like Communist China is doing today (or since 1980) - that makes sense.

You know people in every country can be manipulated as sad as its seems, even in a democracy, because they do not think as critical individuals , but look blindley to leaders and act emotionally, abandoning reason and moderation in its wake...the Iranian revolution showed that very clearly ..... the people wanted someone parochial promising heaven on earth ( but delivering hell on earth) to lead them and werent even willing to give an intelligent and well edcuated man like Dr Shapor Baktiar a chance to govern, yes their hearts and minds were tottally infested with Khomeini'svenom.......Ironically , and with hindsight some people in your country now look back with regret , and think the Shah regardless of mistakes done wasn't so bad after all, what an irony or may be just plain human nature !

Sooner or later this anachronistic islamic regime will collapse against the tide of secularism (or via US military intervenrtion) sweeping Iran, just hope all mullas get summary execution along with it when it happens!.

Every Iranian should read this book to find out how anglo-americans manufactured the "iranian revolution" and installed the Mullahs into power:



Man comoniste sabegh

by Anonymous002 (not verified) on

Kasiftarin dictatori dictatori prolataria ast keh comonistha gholash ra midehand.

Man ba inha bodam az jomhori eslami badtar misheh.

Magar na inkeh shah kasani ra zendan mikard keh keshvar ra be ga dadand.


Thanks guys for these nice

by Ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on

Thanks guys for these nice comments. History is the best judge. Now most of people know what Pahlavi's dynasty did for Iran. Let some bias people like Moshiri or Foad say whatever they wish to say. They just make a clown of themselves.
The truth's color is clear!


Need I say more??

by Foad is a KOUNI (not verified) on

Need I say more??


Monarchy, IRI both are the same shit

by J. Rashidian (not verified) on

Despite that the IRI universally failed credentials and even many Iranian Muslims reject it; some “atheist” crypto-communists like Foaad and his Tudehi comrades still continue the pre-selected job, to further protect the IRI.

Through such a comparison between the two dictatorial systems, namely corrupt monarchy and criminal IRI, Mr. Foaad and his IRI master-minds intend to confuse Iranians. For Mr. Foaad, and a bunch of IRI’s “secular, leftist…” followers on this site, propagate the idea Iranians are doomed to choose the IRI, even if bad, instead of Reza Pahlaviany or any western orientated regime, which is worse.

Another part, the monarchists are a bunch of sold intellectuals, non-intellectual other thinkers, the old savakis and servants of the royal court who want the throne back. They fool people by presenting them two naive choices, monarchy, even if bad, and the IRI, the worst.

The fact is that monarchy is already and the IRI will ulimately be both dead be in Iran. Both are the same shit and both belong to the same dustbin of our history.


Mr. Foaad...!

by Khosro Nader (not verified) on

After all these comments, I believe Mr. Foaad should accept that he is wrong and he better do some reading and research on Iran's modern history. Then might understand the difference between the current regime and that of the Late Shah.


Hey you Fooad! Bacheh joon,

by amri (not verified) on

Hey you Fooad! Bacheh joon, ablah. Agar koministi begoo ta befahmim.

I was born in 1981,after damned fucking revolution that you and your peers, the traitors (Todeii, Mojahed, kooft zahreh mar) palyed the role of the puppet of Jiimy Carter (mother fucker, peanut farmer). You just shut up. Shah of Iran, Aryamehr, establiushed more than 30 Universities all over Iran. His great father incepted a new Iran.

Ahmadinejad and others in this fucking regime are a buch of studpids who are unfamiliar with the most basic decorums and principles of diplomacy. This studpid Ahmadinejad can not speak English. He is a shame!

Javid Shahanshah Aryamehr, ke Iran ro ddost dasht va iraneh novini ro payeh rizi kard.lannat bar communist ha va mojahedin va hameh vatanforoshan khaen keh nokarieh Khomeini ro kardan va albateh akhareh sar khomeini ba ordangi birooneshoon kard. Bad ham be nokarieh saddameh jenayatkareh haroozadeh raftan.

Khodaya Iran ro az shareh in adamhayeh nafahm nejat bedeh.


The late Shah at Columbia

by Parva (not verified) on

You should do something about your distorted views and face the realities! You should try and read
the declassified information of the US Department of
State and research work by Dr. Milani and Dr. Mirfetros to try and educate yourself before making
a fool out of yourself! When you do educate yourself, you will find out about what really happened during what you call the coup de'etat and you will further find out about the great deeds of
Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah in transforming Iran from a poor and backward country into a modern
and prosperous one. You should at least have the
decency of acknowledging this. But then again,
the word "decency" does not exist in many a commi's


All I got to say is "JAVID

by JavidShah (not verified) on



Sepents got away

by iran iran iran (not verified) on

If shah was such a horrible person, how come even snakes, thieves, and murderers like emam, rafsanjani, khamenei, rajavis, and this bozo president ... all got away to turn the country into such a disaster?


The most horrible dictator?

by Mani Khosravani (not verified) on

To the Author:

Although the Shah was a dictator, if you had a higher than a 1 digit IQ you would refrain from saying anything as idiotic as the Shah being The most horrible dictator of the post world-war II period. Listen you dumb fuck, have you heard of Stalin? Mao? the Khmer Rouge? Pinochet? Idi Amin? etc. Open a book from time to time.

To the Readers:

The author is clearly a former "Chapi" asshole. These retards kept calling the Shah a "horrible dictator" til the Akhunds showed them what a horrible dictator can be and did to them what the Shah should have done long ago.


The most horrible dictator of the post world-war II period?

by Mani Khosravani (not verified) on

To the Author:

Although the Shah was a dictator, if you had a higher than a 1 digit IQ you would refrain from saying anything as idiotic as the Shah being . Listen you dum fuck, have you heard of Stalin? Mao? the Khmer Rouge? Pinochet? Idi Amin? etc. Open a book from time to time.

To the Readers:

The author is clearly a former "Chapi" asshole. These retards kept calling the Shah a "horrible dictator" til the Akhunds showed them what a horrible dictator can be and did to them what the Shah should have done long ago.


you guys are lukcy because

by Verified but (not verified) on

I could not solve the math question in my last repsonse which did not get posted, or else you would be sitting around united and attacking me :)

To Kaveh:
Shah was a good man, no doubt, but he did not get high education. In Swiss he was basicallly a shy prince looked down by the European aristocrat brats.

He later developed his knowledge by people around him as time went by.

Also I disagree with you, the current gangs in Iran speak Persian very well as well as Arabic, so don't underestimae the enemy.

Let's see if I can solve this math problem, 13+ 5 is, let's see 14, 15, 12, 16.. oh it is 18 I guess


Don't Forget Theory of Relativity

by Afrasiyab (not verified) on

Compared to these anti-iranian thieves and murderers that are running iran today, Pahlavi shahs were saints. People, please be fair - by all means criticize shah for whatever he did wrong, but do not exaggerate. Leftists exaggerate and are still bitter with shah cuz he did not allow them to take over the country in place of mullas - had they taken over the country we would be in exact same place with rajavi's in charge instead of mullas. When did shah ship billions of dollars to taazi's while iranian kids begging in the street (see reports on Bam). yes he pocketed some, but nothing compared to what is going on today. When did shah murder tens of thousands of our beautiful young (see Amnesty Int. reports, or prove me wrong). When did shah create so many enemies of our country. People, please be fair, don't bite the hands that fed us, and backup your claims with reliable sources. The little positives that you see today in iran (banks, roads, universities, factories, resilient women, ...) are all from pahlavi period, the rest are packs of lies for the survival of brutal IRI regime. Specially reza shah that not only overthrow the corrupt ghajar but did so much for the country in only 16 years. Criticize him, but please be fair and acknowledge that he brought iran out of dark ages, or prove me wrong with reliable sources instead of just ranting. Payandeh iran.



by CEO (not verified) on

Foaad, I was just wondering if you are related to Hajiagha? You both make me laugh with your idiotic comments .


HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COL

by Anonymous-haha (not verified) on


COLUMBIA didn't give a shit whether THIS PRO-WEST TRAITOR WAS a dictator or not.Dictators were ok as long as they wipe our ass- Lee Bollinger ( the civilized white man )!!

Kaveh Nouraee

No comparison

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Calling the Shah a dictator is like saying Verne Troyer (the actor known as "Mini-Me") is tall.



Mohammad Reza Shah, and his father before him, while hardly perfect, were hardly dictators. They had the responsibility of an entire nation and its people resting on their shoulders. True democracy was not plausible then, as the populace wasn't educated. Neither was Reza Shah for that matter, but he did make sure his son received the best education possible, in the French-Swiss classical form.



By comparison, the idiots in Tehran now can't even speak proper Farsi, but their Arabic is FLAWLESS!



The monarchy's ideology was to give the freedom to the people to live their lives and prosper. The monarchy would take care of making sure the country would have what it needs. Did that work? Not always, we all know. The fruits of the freedoms and the growing economy did not trickle down fast enough to the poorer segments of society, who were being brainwashed into the idea that prosperity equals evil. And the people who were doing the brainwashing? The very Arab worshipping bunch in power today.



Out of compassion, out of decency and out of mercy, qualities he learned as a shoolboy in Switzerland and on the knee of his father who instilled those character traits upon him, Mohammad Reza Shah didn't deal with the likes of these politi-mollahs as hindsight has taught us he should. The result is the dictatorship we have now, not the free and beautiful country we had before.



Before any of you IRI-loving losers want to take a shot and respond, know that I don't give a damn what you traitors have to say anyway.






Of course not simpleton, Shah was not a dictator.

by Saggezard (not verified) on

No, Shah was not a dictator, he was a visionary. History is proving his integrity. You will never accept this truth until you rid yourself of deeply prejudiced, infantile hatred and envious view of Mohammad Reza Shah as head of our country.


well look who says all this

by mrclass on

according to the capture "Louis Proyec, The Unrepentant Marxist:"well who ever this person is you can bet he is a dopey communist that is simply too pissed that his side has not won the cold war. These idiots if they come to power they transform every society to a rotten hell with it's killing fields (USSR,Cambodia, China,etc..) and the edacity of this idiot calling shah dictator is laughable! case any one with even an one ounce of brain knows that at the most shah was autocrat not a dictator. If only he was a dictator may be we wouldn't be in the mess we are today....