
Fariba Davoodi Mohajer

2007 Human Rights First Award

On Monday, October 15, 2007, Human Rights First brought together Iranian human rights advocates, international activists, celebrities, and philanthropists for its 2007 Human Rights Award Dinner, recognizing extraordinary work in the past year to end human rights violations around the world. Dinner host Meredith Vieira of NBC's "Today" show and HRF board member Sigourney Weaver were among the 1,000 people at the annual gathering, held at New York's Chelsea Piers.

Iranian women's leader Fariba Davoodi Mohajer, one of the founders of the One Million Signatures Campaign for women's rights, received the 2007 Human Rights Award for dedicating her life to challenging laws that discriminate against Iranian women, including the lack of legal recourse for victims of violence.

Fariba Davoodi Mohajer is a prominent journalist and a life-long feminist and human rights activist. Ms. Davoodi Mohajer has been quite active in the women's movement. She was specially active in one of the most important women's rights organizations, "Women Cultural Center." Additionally, Ms. Davoodi Mohajer, along with a number of other prominent women's rights activists, participated in various international and local conferences dealing with the Iranian women's rights movement and human rights issues. In these conferences, Ms. Davoodi Mohajer bravely criticized the non-democratic activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and addressed the on-going violations of human rights by the ruling authorities.

Ms. Davoodi Mohajer has written numerous articles and has delivered countless speeches regarding the rights of women, democracy, and human rights in Iran and abroad. She has participated in numerous protests, meetings and demonstrations in support of gender equality, abolishment of executions by public stoning, and free attendance of women in soccer stadium and sporting venues. In 2001, Ms. Davoodi Mohajer was arrested in her home in Tehran and beaten in front of her children. She was imprisoned and interrogated for 40 days – blindfolded, in solitary confinement, in an unknown location. Her crime: writing newspaper articles and speaking at universities bringing attention to the serial murders of writers in her country and calling for political reform and women's rights in Iran. She was tried and sentenced to 2 years suspended prison sentence. Since then, she has written for a string of now-banned publications, led several of the most prominent pro-reform groups, and become an organizer of the growing women's movement in Iran.

In 2006, when hundreds of women took to the streets to demanding their equality before the law, Fariba was once again arrested and subsequently released on bail. She and the other women leaders were not discouraged. They decided that since they were prohibited from voicing their opinions as journalists, lawyers, judges, or politicians – and could not gather in the streets – they would go door-to-door to educate women about the laws that violated their basic rights. This effort, called the One Million Signatures Campaign, has drawn the attention of men and women inside and outside Iran, and has become the most powerful pro-reform movement in Iran today.

On April 18, 2007, in a closed trial at which Ms. Davoodi Mohajer was not present, the Iranian court convicted her of violating national security laws because of her role in the 2006 protests. She received a four year sentence. Now living abroad, Ms. Davoodi Mohajer continues to work tirelessly to raise awareness of the laws that treat women like second-class citizens in Iran. She hopes to return to Iran in the coming months even though she will face imprisonment.

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Who's your Iranian of the day? EMAIL PHOTO


Maryam Womenfound

good for you...

by Maryam Womenfound on

Goof for you khanym Mohajer.
keep going...keep talking...keep advocating.
Information is empowering and women in repressive Muslim countries need all the empowering they can get.

Please click onto womenfound.org and feel free to write for us with some of your experinces and insights. I would love to have you...

Thanks and best, Maryam
Founder: Womenfound Inc.


Truly an inspiration

by Parisa Ahvazi (not verified) on

I'm glad that Fariba Davoodi and her colleagues have been able to achieve so much despite all the obstacles that the Mullahs' regime has put in their path. She is truly a role model, and I admire her bravery, dedication, and selfless commitment to improving the lives of Iranians living in Iran. Thanks for naming her Iranian of the Day. She has my full support.


Congratulations to go Ms. Davoodi Mohajer, A REAL leader

by Brava! (not verified) on

Now, THIS is a REAL human/women's rights leader/activist, unlike some of the unfortunate, beyond-desperate-for-fame-and-money persons that you have identified on this website in recent past.

Please note that this award is an ACTUAL award from Human Rights First organization, unlike the so-called award granted to another person you had previously featured on your site as having won a "human rights award" at United Nations, where, in fact, that award had absolutely NOTHING with United Nations. It was an award presented by the Church of Scientology, which had simply rented space in the United Nations building for the event.

Please be careful to give credit to those who are truly the real deal, instead of promoting opportunistic, desperate-for-spotlight posers who can not put a simple sentence together to save their lives, yet go out of their way to take credit for the rise of the sun and other matters!!


Full Support

by Foad on

I like to express my full support and congratulate Ms. Mohajer for her stand and active leadership on women right issues in Iran. While we are sitting in our comfortable homes in this country, she is risking her life for this cause. The least we could do is to be respectful.


I am sick about this human right ?

by hajiagha on


I am sick about this nasty word human right and others , democracy, lets be honest sucks to human right and democracy , why this human right organization all the times speaking about Muslims country not own country like Canada who's going to look in Canada and help us from this nasty regime we have

I can not find answer with $1200 monthly work and take off %14 Tax to government also %700 rent, $400 gas for car $100 car insurance, $50 telephone and Internet, also pay for hydro, food and.....be honest I was be in list to support Amnesty international but last week I told the sucks to human right I can not trust any more this nasty word, why no one ever look in Canada and in are system which rub the poor to support rich and government , because most of the Canadian are working for government and having right job with high pay,,,,,they never complain and only immigrant are having so much hard times to pay and pay for high cost of the living working like slaves .....lets be honest sucks to the human right I thinks Iran is much much better as Canada and are mullahs in Iran they are respect much much more to human right as Canadian


سوال بنده ا ین است:

Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified)

آیا خانم شیرین عبادی نیز آن تومار یک میلیونی را امضا کردند یا آنکه دنباله قهرمان سازیهای جدیدی هستید؟

دیگر آنکه چرا وقتی امضاها به یک میلیون رسید توقف کردید، خوب صبر میکردید ده نفر دیگر نیز امضا کنند!


Fariba Davoodi Mohajer

by Antibullshit (not verified) on

Nice Try Fariba Jan but take your Islamic campaign and shove it.