First day of class

University of California, Los Angeles

From www.Bebin.TV


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سارا ميامی

پویا (not verified)

The letter on which 'hamzeh' sits depends on the vowel sound before it. In this case, the sound is 'o' so it is correct. Let me know if you are still in doubt.


The End

by samad agha (not verified) on

Baba Ahang o haal konin, zabane madarimone (GOOGOOSH), eyvalla farnaz editor e khodai


خانم استاد

SARA, MIAMI (not verified)

خانم استاد محترم،
کلمۀ سوال را اينطور مينويسند : سئوال.
سارا ميامی


halla enja bahs sareh class

by yebandeh khoda (not verified) on

halla enja bahs sareh class e farsi dar UCLA hast ya eenkeh bahs sare enehe ke ladan behtareh ya melissa? man ke gij shodam een vasat.


of course melisa

by sombody (not verified) on

i have been watching bebin tv since the beginning , and this girl melisa is so good, she is so down to earth with her cute persian accent, and funny,so you go melisa.


Ladan & Melisa

by ironi pasand (not verified) on

I vote for both (Ladan & Melisa). I can handle it. I have expensive toys and lot of charms. hehehehehehe.

I am ready to date both of them. They are both sexy with kind of body that I like. so, what do you say Ladan joon and Melisa joon; which one wants to go out with me? :)


Melisa & Ladan

by Ala hazrat Hajagha (not verified) on

I vote for Melissa, she is funny, kind and for sure good looking. Ladan has only the face and that is it (let's don't talk about the height). Melissa has confidence and it is really fun to watch her. go Melissaaaaaa!


AlsoPossible 2 Enrich Understanding Persian thru Study of Arabic

by Roozbeh Shirazi on

I enjoyed this clip and really have respect for the Iranian youth who strive to improve and/or maintain their Persian langauge skills. I have always taken pride in my language, but have also come to recognize its hybrid multicultural nature. The Persian langauge has so much Arabic embedded in it--for good, for bad, it is what it is, a result of our history and also the religious legacy of Iran. In order to conduct my research, I have studied Arabic now some time now, and feel it has actually improved my understanding of Persian. I had no idea to what extent our langauge is comprised of Arabic words (but our grammar is quite different) often find myself marvelling at the sheer amount of Arabic in Persian. Some examples. hoviyat=Hawiya, masalan=mathalan, tamadon, soal, etc...try to make a sentence in Persian without using an Arabic word, it is quite difficult! Sometimes, we may make sentences that are mostly arabic. for example, sobh-beh kher, man soaleh ziadi daram. Masalan, mani een kalameh, hoviyat, chi hast? Sobhalkhair, mani, ziad, soal, masalan, mani, kalameh, hoviyat are all Arabic. It is akin to what happened to English after the Norman invasion--English absorbed a tremendous amount of Latin-derived words, which gave birth to a new, more comprehensive language.

But there is also Persian in Arabic--Bustan, bademjan, shirin, baazar, even the name Baghdad,, this is my hobby, to find the footprints of the Persian language in Arabic.


To Jahanshah Javid

by Farzad (not verified) on

Can we please have a referendum to choose between Ladan and Melisa.


SOAL is arabic. PORSESH is parsi.

by nokhod (not verified) on

it would be nice if teachers learn some PARSI first!


Melisa & Ladan

by ironi pasand (not verified) on

both cute and spicy. It is entertainment and they got do what it takes. my "boos" and "baghal" to both Ladan and Melisa. :)
bebintv: any more video of Melisa?


The white guy

by Farzad (not verified) on

I bet that white guy wants to learn Farsi to get himself an Iraninan pussy. (thats is of course a pussy cat...). Thanks Ladan for conducting this interview, I am just pleased that Mellisa's face (horrible nose job) is not in this video.


Ladan is a cutie

by ironi pasand (not verified) on

I am more interested in seeing "LADAN", cheh nazi, hooo, bebintv cheh ghoshgel dareh. hehehehe, farsim khaili khob shodeh with



by caspianseamermaid on


Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Gee this looks more fun than in my days. We had Scary Farsi Teachers who would humiliate us half breeds. ;0) Thank God Things have changed for the better in this avenue at least. How Lucky You are to have such a good and open minded teacher ! Pretty Persian Girls and Persian Guys. I long for those University Days. Wish I has signed up in UCLA ;0) Bravo Ladan and Bebin for your Excellent Report and Insightful Subjects. Keep up the Good Work and continue Educating Us on our community. Darius From Paris. FRANCE