Khashen Band

Life is good


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by Sal (not verified) on

I don't understand the ppl that don't find this funny. It's so AWESOME!
They're just making fun of themselves.. Nothing is serious on this video except for the title. Life IS good for these guys, and they show it.
So I agree with Mehrdad, just stfu and enjoy ^_^


ay baba

by Mehrdad23 (not verified) on

how bout shut the fuck up and enjoy the clip to everyone?


thanks for all the comments

by owner of clip (not verified) on

thanks for all the comments I am one of the guys in da cLip..
BTW we did this video just for fun.. and FYI we weren't high, drunk or anythin else..
I really appreciate all the support from u guys.. wait for our next clip which will blow your minds.. ;)

for any suggestions or private comments u can contact me with


Who sing this Song ?

by Tom. E (not verified) on

Who sing this Song ?


to AnonymousH

by Souri (not verified) on

Maybe, but it's just enough for the people like you !
Other respectful readers (whom I apologied for my bad English) have been so tolerant they tried to understand what I mean and even they sent comment about it.
Many thanks to them.


souri your english SUX ASS

by AnonymousH (not verified) on

souri your english SUX ASS


This is not supposed to be

by A (not verified) on

This is not supposed to be funny. It's guys getting high and having nothing better to do! artistic munchees.

Jahanshah Javid

That's NOT me!

by Jahanshah Javid on

You're so silly...


you are waaaay off! who says

by amir 2 (not verified) on

you are waaaay off!
who says that's JJ?
Although I've never seen him up close but have seen enough pictures to know that's NOT him!
for sure!


to Souri

by Albaloo (not verified) on

I definitely don't think that's JJ on the left!!
Is it JJ? .... NAAH! ;D



by zigz (not verified) on



Is this suppose to be funny??

by kimia on

kimia yar

Is this suppose to be funny??Sorrrrryyyyy

This is not funny and I just hope these kids are not more than 20 years old.  Its disgusting. First of all to dance like that in private is something and then to put it on you tube is another story.

Also, I have to agree with Souri.  The quality of material on this site is diminishing.  Where is the intellect?DON'T LIKE WHAT I READ AND SEE.


Dear Doc, I did send a first

by Souri (not verified) on

Dear Doc,

I did send a first reply which hasn't been published.
FYI, yes I am a femal Iranian being abroad for 3 decades now (and I'm almost 50 years old) most of this time I have lived in France, and now in Canada.
The point is not being enlighted by what is going on the world today.
I am a real fun of this site since couple of years and has never commented nothing about any of those people who send their ideas to be published (even not our famous Hajiagha !!)
But, I do expect from JJ who is a good
Irania journalist to not expose such a
vulagrity on his own websit (same comment I did when he first talked about that awful porn website!!)
I just want him to show more responsiblity in his social action (thru
his website) than dancing this way with a banch of men (JJ was the firs on the left) in front of all his fun.
Sorry if I offended you or any "male" here,but as you say : nothing is sacred !!! so take my point of view as well,

And also sorry for the bad English I use, I am not English spoken"


It is damn Funny!

by e (not verified) on

It is damn Funny!


ewww what a turn off. To a

by Mahtab (not verified) on

ewww what a turn off.

To a male's point of view: I'm sure they are just a minority of Iranian men. I can't imagine a serious man moving his behind like that! What a disgusting behaviour.




by jd (not verified) on

This is hilarioussss!
These guys are FUnnnny!
Lighten up people!


This site is only about the realities in our TODAY's world...

by A male's point of view (not verified) on

To Souri,

First of all, a friendly advice, never try to judge people when you do not even know them very well!

Second, this video only shows how some guys prefer to move or dance "among" their own friends... but, it is online now? OK, I suggest to JJ from now on to put a rating label on each clip or image and when you see that there is something not in your taste, then do not even bother yourself entering there!

One more thing, if you are really a female, and if you have never been among such guys, this is just showing how majority of guys behave or talk or dance... meaning that we (the males) do talk or joke about females or make fun on some subjects, however we do not act this way in public in front of females or people who might get offended... haven't you ever heard any jokes, not only in Iran, but anywhere in the world, which mostly are about sexual subjects or somehow related to that. We say and listen to it but it does not mean we believe in it or we lack a sexual life or anything like that. I know many and several educated people, married or engaged in a relationship, who just behave like that among their own friends. This clip is only and only that! Watch their other clips, just making fun about the song and perhaps mimicking the act of some singers or dancers.

Loosen up, please! Look around yourself where ever you are... I hope you are in USA or even in Europe and you can easily see that majority of Americans or Europeans behave or talk the same way and most of them are normal or educated people with nice families. I have personally browsed this Web site since its birthday up to now and I personally think that it is just getting more professional or in a way I should call it a very useful, informative and unique site! This site is trying to put the realities out there for you, even the worst ones, such as Hajiagha, but believe it or not that one is also a reflection of many of people's daily life or the way of their thoughts... and perhaps this unique way of presentation on this site can be helpful to many people to really see what we have inside of our people's mind, specially Iranians or Iranians-Second Nationality or foreign residents, which has been rooted in all of us for the past centuries... and make us to do something about it, either try not to repeat the mistakes or seek a solution from others. In general, this site is only about the realities in our TODAY's world!

And FYI, I am a doctor living abroad and happily married. This is my very first comment on and I take the opportunity and congratulate JJ for this site. Thank you and please keep up the good work.

Mohammad Kazerouni

LOL... this clip was too funny

by Mohammad Kazerouni on

First off...Damet garm JJ for finding net stuff that is interesting... I'm not sure what Souri is talking about.... but this was great....

That clip was really funny... Those guys really cracked me up



khashen band

by Souri (not verified) on

Seriously JJ, I think you should check your credibility more and more now.
The more it goes on this site (by your's)
the more I am convinced that you are encountering some personal/sexual problems recently !
Are you ok with your wife and your private
situation ?
Don't forget above all, you are a FATHER of two nice kids.....
And we all expect you to be a responsible Iranian (the word come with all around it, culture included!!!) journalist !
I am very disappointed...2