
Morteza Fayyazi

Electrical engineering

Morteza was a Ph.D. student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Northeastern University. He was a research assistant working at Northeastern University Computer Architecture Research Group (NUCAR) under the supervision of Prof. David Kaeli. Currently, he works at Mentor Graphics>>>

Who's your Iranian of the day? EMAIL PHOTO


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You people are a bunch of

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

You people are a bunch of morons. You NEED Bush to bomb your backward assess to the stone age. Only a devastating all out war with america will create the impetus to change your stupid, idiotic culture.


Kimia & Hazrati

by Majid on

In total agreement with you, I Have to add this:

Some of us HAVE to say something about anything, and with this new format JJ provided that opportunity.

If you ask me how to cook a "ghorme sabzi" ? I simply say ( I don't know how to) ! but when it comes to other issues ? we ALL are EXPERTS ! no matter if it's politics, Engineering, Medical field, Auto repair, Parenthood, Astronomy, etc...........just get us started!

I don't know if it's good or bad to have such an opportunity ! let's see where it ends up to.


What's the matter with you

by Yasmin (not verified) on

What's the matter with you people?!
What are you moaning and groaning about??
What's all this negativity??
This is a picture of an Iranian engineer,( a good looking one at that) and I am sure he is alive and well, and if you read further you'll find out he is working now; so perhaps that's why the past tense has been used instead of the present tense(which would have been better), but so what...??!!
Get a life people, get a grip on yourselves!
If this was your picture, or your brother's, or son's...
You'd be turning cartwheels in the sky and jumping for joy!
I don't know this person from Adam, but I wish him well from the bottom of my heart.
I wish him happiness and success like I'd wish for my own son, if I had a son his age....
(My son is only 8)
* Did anyone of you write in to complain when JJ monitored this site? We used to get all kinds of people as Iranians of the day, kids, older people, younger ones and ALL... !


KIMIA I agree with you 101%

by Hazrati (not verified) on

I believe since the start of this new site, it started going down the hill. Now anybody can put any BS as they please.
I liked the old format much better.


It was making me sad to read it

by reader99 (not verified) on

I think and hope that this engineer is still alive...Please take the earlier suggestion given on this page and rewrite the article so that readers don't assume you are writing about a dead engineer.



by kimia on

kimia yar

What are your goals for this site.  This site is mostly "Selected" advertisement.  NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE  NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE.

 what do you want the iranian society to get out of this site?

I honestly think you have changed direction  and it has become one of those tabloids with an Iranian twist.  I use to browse through the site and I would find some good reading. now is mostly crap and vulgarity DONT YOU AGREE (sorry, I am a very ROK person)


Iranian of the Night!

by NotSoAnonymous (not verified) on

Shahe Jahan (JJ),

We gotta start naming the "Iranian of the night" too! Plenty good ones out there! :-)

"Iranian of the afternoon" sounds exciting too!
So I guess tomorrow this very goofy looking wanna be PhD would be "Iranian of yesterday"?!
I am thinking of starting my satire calumn and kick Nabavi's A** :-)



What the heck is this?

by Ashna (not verified) on

It is his fault, check out his website:

Lots of was, was, was ...

i agree with "NotSoAnonymous", we should start thinking about "Iranian of the month or so" ...


well is he dead or not ?? if

by ali (not verified) on

well is he dead or not ?? if he is alive ,what is the significant of his achievment ? i mean there is alot iranian with phd in USA or Canada , so why did he become iranian of the day ??


He is good looking too.

by ye bandeh khoda (not verified) on

He is good looking too.


Bah, bah!

by Anonymoos (not verified) on

Great academic accomplishments! I hope he's also the type of person who selflessly reaches out to the poor and the disadvantaged, which is what the Iranian of the Day should be all about.


Morteza was...???, is he

by whatever dude! (not verified) on

Morteza was...???, is he dead now?!


If he is alive....

by NotSoAnonymous (not verified) on

what is the news then?! Don't we have hundred Iranian PhDs hanging around?! It seems we are runing out of "Iranian of the day"! :-)

May be we should settle for "Iranian of the week" or soon we have to call people like 'Masoud Rajavi" or "Reza Pahlavi" Iranian of the day!

just a thought...



by KL (not verified) on


Is, was, or whatever!
Glad to meet ya!


Did he die?

by Ali Pournourbakhsh (not verified) on

The way this article is written you would think that the poor guy is dead.


eeshala ke hanooz zandast

by hazrati (not verified) on

Why are you using the past tense for a person that still alive? Instead "he was" maybe you should have said "he used to". I guess the whole thing should be re-written.
Sorry being a molla loghati.