Najafabad students

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more from Jahanshah Javid

Agreed w/ Ms. Irani

by hra (not verified) on

I have said it repeatedly that it is unethical and illegal infringment of one's privacy to post photos or videos of people w/o their explicit and written consent ... stop taking advantage of these people hospitality and innocence.


First see if they can get

by Najafi (not verified) on

First see if they can get youtube there, then make promises!
If they can't go to youtube(filtered) what does it matter to them.


I never date Iranian women

by hajiagha on


any one can tell me Iranian women are sexy and hot same as others women?


I wonder why the guy...

by Midwesty on

didn't go to an all boys crowd.  


What? This is a new trick...

by Midwesty on

to have them slowly take their cloths off next time around? Globalization?!!!!!!!

Jeesh Daram

چقدر این مردم ما پاک و بیگناه هستند

Jeesh Daram

انسان آرزو میکند یک چنین حجب و حیا و پاکی را در دنیای غرب پیدا کند. داشتن و یا نداشتن دسترسی به "یوتیوب" راه حلی برای حل مشکلات آن ملت بیگناه نیست. باید دشمن را از آن مملکت بیرون راند.


Did you get permission from these fine ladies?

by Ms. Irani (not verified) on

It is utterly unethical to post a video without asking the peoploe in it for permission - unless they are criminals! No sense of boundaries, eh?


To the moron who posted this

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

You are an idiot with your fake American accent for posting this video. Youtube is filtered in Iran and so these girls can not access it. So here we have is another bus traveler tourist thinking he is breaking grounds.



by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

I can feel the flow of innocence. Beautiful noble Iranian girls. I hope one day they will live in freedom.