
In wars

Kaveh Golstan's war photos are part of this collection of powerful images from the Iran-Iraq war, Vietnam, Spanish Civil War... Music by System of the Down.



War could have been prevented....

by MRX (not verified) on

we wouldn't have had Iran Iraq war, if the islamo facists that took over in Iran didn't execute generals and destroy the Iranian arm forces to a large extent. Ironcialy the only reason Iran did not loose the war was because of the bravery of what was left of armed forces, particualry the air force that did magnifecent job with thousand of sorties it provided to turn the tide of the war.
War is fact of life and unless you are prepared for it you loose.


I agree to an extend

by پیام on

Rest a sure that if Khomeini had bought the offer of Saddam/US to end the war, Iraq and it's allies had regroup and come with a final solution for Iran's fragile government. Though Iran and Iraq lost both alot in the war and though I I have seen war upclose and personal, I think that the prolunging the war by Iran was inevitable. Had Iran given in, Iraq would still form a threat.

 On the other hand, Khoemini the strategist, saw his chance to unite everyone behind a common cause (The war) against the opposition to the war. War was sacred and no one had the right to criticize it (kind of Iran's 9/11). Patriotism florished and the Islamic revolution got welstablished. By the end of the war, no one could argue with the legitimacy of Khomeini and his way of ruling Iran. 



by American Dream (not verified) on

US-Iraq war is for OIL. and will continue ON.

USA is planning for permanent stay in Iraq….

Stop blaming Iran ...

With over 1000 000 Iraqi children murdered for OIL,
USA is the most hated government in in the ME and the world.

Over 1000,000 dreams and hope has been extinguished for OIL.
Over 1000,000 people with names have been killed by USA and continue to die in Iraq....
USA the killer of Iraqi Children .


Bunch of hypocrite REFUJEES

refuge for $$$$$$
refuge for sake of your ass
refuge sale out

Will you go back to IRan ?
will you stand up to USA for IRan ?


Iran is only your refuge. Do not sell Iran short...



Re: Payam and 1000 000 plus

by jamshid on

The Iraq war started in 1981 and could have ended in 1982 with Sadam offering peace and willing to pay for the damages made to Iran. But khomeini wanted to continue the war. Most of the death toll was from after 1982.


The Iran Iraq war was imposed by Saddam in its first year. For the next 7 years, it was imposed by khomeini.


Damn Khomeini, the Zahaak of Iran, for not ending the war and causing the death of so many Iranians that could have otherwise been alive today. May he rot in hell.




May Kaveh Golestan rest in peace

by پیام on

Because of him and his kind, history has the chance to tell the truth about wars in which USA, wether directly or indirectly, is responsible for. May May Kaveh Golestan rest in peace and may the US dictators who wage war upon every nation around the world, soully for their own interest, burn in hell (if there is any).



by 1000 000 plus (not verified) on

Iran-Iraq war was made possible with push from USA.

US-Iraq war is for OIL.

With over 1000 000 Iraqi children murdered for OIL,
USA is the most hated government in in the ME and the world.

Over 1000,000 dreams and hope has been extinguished for OIL.
Over 1000,000 people with names have been killed by USA and continue to die in Iraq....
USA the killer of Iraqi Children .



Bush like to go on war and he never be happy for all this blood

by hajiagha on

Bush should watch this , most of are know all this, Bush like to see more bloodshed,he like war not American or any others far as I know.

what is  the rung with peace ?


Homo sapiens generally are

by ocean (not verified) on

Homo sapiens generally are NOT evolving to become less selfish. Their behavior is shaped to compete for the ever scarcer resources, and they're morphed to become more selfish. They're doomed. They're selfish pricks, ALL OF THEM.



by hamidbak on

We fought when we were apes and walked on fours. We continued fighting when we learned to walk on feet only. We fought over food, fire, land, salt....

As we evolved the fights turned to wars, vicious wars, bloody wars. As we grew mentally and learned more and experienced from mistakes, we had world wars, atomic wars and more and more wars for oils, uraniums, diamonds, lands...

There will come a day we'll fight for food, water, and fire again. In the meanwhile, we will say goodbye to our sons over and over again. When are we going to be compassionate humans? When will we evolve, really?


he did so many great photography from war

by hajiagha on


to hops no more war in any place,



war is darkness!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Wars,religious,racial or political,have arisen from human ignorance,misunderstanding and lack of education.


Thanks Mehrnoosh, I think

by persian westender (not verified) on

Thanks Mehrnoosh,

I think you left few minutes blank to make us think,

Good selection of music too!