The late Pop Singer Vigen singing for Mojahedin e Khalgh's Maryam Rajavi. Plus footage of leader Masoud Rajavi.
03-Nov-2007Recently by Jahanshah Javid | Comments | Date |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by Anonymous876 (not verified) on Tue Nov 27, 2007 08:38 PM PSTIt was very interesting comment,Thank you.
by Anonymous876 (not verified) on Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:48 PM PSTThese traitorous political prostitues (MKO) could not be eliminated by the Shah or even by Khomeini. They keep getting weaker but yet they survive. They are the cockroaches of Iran's political scene. Except even cockroaches have more respect among the Iranians than these cult-crazy Masoud worshipers.
viguen(king of pop)marde hamishe javedane music pop iran
by samy vigen (not verified) on Tue Nov 13, 2007 07:45 AM PSTsalam
hame in afrady ke dar mored vigen harfhaye najor va bady zadand makhsoosan on bihame kasy ke gofteh vigen faheshe baz boodeh mage ba nane va khahare taraf vigen boodeh ke zer zadeh az in mard behtare mardtar va paktar nadashtim.
khahesh mikonam past boodan bezarid kenar adam bashid mojahedin ke tardshodeh hastan bahsy nist valy vigen agar khondeh dalil bar in nist ke bekhater ona rafteh khondeh ya ehtiaj be pool onha dashte bekhatere mardoom mikhond vagar na rabetei ba ona nadasht man etminan daram.
vigen javedaneh marde music pop iran ke az hame lahaz aly bood seda,tip,ghiafeh,heikal,
vaghean heif shod.
ensane be tamam mana bood va az bas in mard mardom doost va iran doost bood ke harf nadasht.
dar iran ham ke bood har chi dar miavord be mardomy ke ehtiaj dashtan midad. khayer bood
va hame shahede in boodan ke moteassefaneh akhar che shod bekhate in ke hich vaght be fekre jam kardan poolesh nabood.
har che az in mard begooyam kam goftam khoda rahmatesh koneh.
man ghol midam ke hichvaght hichvagfht adamy mesle vigen ba in khososiat takmaik ke vaghean hame chi dasht nakhahad amad.
dar payan az mardam hasood va avazy mikham ke poshte in mard enghadr bado bira nagan. roye oghdehayee ke daran va kamboodhaee ke dar khodeshoon mibinan.
by azari1 on Thu Nov 08, 2007 08:58 PM PSTrajavi neemvajabi, kah, jo, yonjen nadareem bejavi :-D
High Treason
by afshin on Thu Nov 08, 2007 02:54 PM PSTRajavi and his clan of cohorts have committed high treason against Iran repeatedly over the past 4 decades. There is no limit to what these people are willing to do in order to satisfy their thirst for power. This Iranian version of Chalabi has been encouraging the neo-cons from day one to attack Iran. I hope the US is not blind enough to actually contemplate puting these people in to power.
While the MKO always cries out they wish nothing but a secular democracy for Iran, their actions are much different and have been quite telling. In none of their camps will you find official female members without a head scarf. You will also never find any other opposition leaders associated with them. That itself is for multiple reasons. Namely they've been recognized by the sane majaority of Iranians that they are terrorists, and second is the MKO's own doctrine. This doctrine mandates that though they claim to fight for democracy, it is of the kind that excludes their opponents. The main reason the 1979 revolution was successful at unseating the Shah was that it was an inclusive movement. The MKO simply stands alone.
The MKO has committed treason time and again in their thirst and quest for power. They joined Saddam at the height of the Iran-Iraq war, and Rajavi illegally made "peace" with Saddam. He further betrayed Iran by using his agents to spy on the Iranian military and forwarded that information to Saddam's generals and Mokhaberat who aptly used it to essentially murder our soldiers. He then went on to create mass hysteria worldwide by accusing Iran of having a nuclear weapons program and engrossing Iran in the hardship its people has had to endure to maintain their political independence over the past ten years. Mr. Rajavi in any other place on the planet would have to stand trial for war crimes, and would be easily convicted of high treason against his own people by any jury with common sense. Yet he enjoys the protection of the US military in Iraq at the expense of the US taxpayer. What a bunch of hypocrites these fascist pigs are. What a disgrace to their people. Shame, shame, shame! ! !
I encourage you visit the below youtube links and you'll see how Rajavi himself betrayed Iran while collaborating with the Iraqi intelligence services:
by Anonymous1978 (not verified) on Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:41 AM PSTNA RAJAVI, NA SHAH, NA MOLLAH...
Rajavi & wife
by Tara (not verified) on Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:40 PM PSTI know it is harsh to call her "his wife" since she has a political status herself. But no matter who you are if you still believe you have to cover yourself from a MAN's eyes you are "his wife". No matter what kind of the colorful hejab you put on, you are still not equal with the MAN and you accepted it.
Rajavi could sing any Iranian anthem and heroic music but he kisses a flag that in the background wall there are a lot of arabic jibirish that I don't know what they mean as it is their mantra.
Did we forget that she married him when her husband was alive and under toture in Islamic Republic of Iran? And didn't he fatwa that it is O.K. since it is politically correct?
Wow, Thanks god I have no political side otherwise I would have called him second Saddam Hossein.
The MKO are terrorists
by John Carpenter (not verified) on Wed Nov 07, 2007 09:11 AM PSTThe MKO are terorists.
Maryam and Massoud Rajavi are idiots.
And Vigen is dead.
Thank God.
God bless America.
Makes my stomach turn just lookig at these assholes.
by Iranian12 (not verified) on Mon Nov 05, 2007 03:48 PM PSTForget Vigen. He made a mistake and appologized for it.
What I can't believe are those who would actually call themselves MKO members. Idiots who follow a Marxist-Islamist dictator who has sold his country repeatedly just at the chance of being the next king of Iran. I can't blame the Rajavi's. They are opportunists who follow thier agenda for thier own glory, at any cost. I can't get the shit-for-brains idiots who actually fall for thier busllshit.
Anyway, the Rajavi Mafia is a thing of the past. An alien from the planet Neptune would have a better chance of taking power in Iran than these traitors.
cheghadr bad shod khomeini natonest kalake hamashono bekaneh
by irooni (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 04:37 PM PSTey kash baz in ashghala ro dobarh begiran o az dam dero konan. vaghean ke kasafatand. in rajavi koskesho bebinid shabihe sadam nist?
by Ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 03:23 PM PSTI know after giving a concert for Mojahedin, Vigen came in " radio sedayeh Iran" and cried and apologized to Iranians.
Everybody makes mistakes but accepting it takes a lot of braveness.However we know he was sick and in that age making enough money for medication in the USA is not easy.To me performing " Mara beboos" in Maryam Rajavy's presence is disgusting but...
I still love Vigen.
No Mercy For MKO
by AnonymousAkbar (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 03:14 PM PSTDoesn't this clip reminds you of Saddam! Let's assume Iranian will forget killing of hundreds of innocents people by the MKO's terrorist activities inside Iran. However nobody will forgive MKO for joining Saddam killing Iranian nationals. MKOs are just mercenaries who taking order from their masters. Iran is no longer needs dictator from outside, it will evolve from within and become stronger.
beating a dead horse
by MRX (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 01:14 PM PSTMojahdein and Rajavi klan are done! finito. no one cares about them in Iran or out side of it. yes U.S is playing them a bit now, but tommorow once this regime is gone, Rajavi and his klan will end up hiding in some locations hoping to overthrough the new regime!
Look the problem is not Mojahdein now, it's the islamo facist regime that needs to be focused on.
keep your energy in fighting this regime.
Re: jamshid
by Erooni (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 01:00 PM PSTThe truth hurts, doesn't it?? rajavis, your god does look like and live as a Pimp.
you MKO cultists (also designated by congress as terrorists) Cock Suckers can't even
spell the word "Free" so much for knowing the meaning. keep-on sucking rajavi's
cock you will achieve "freedom" or perhaps political orgasm. By the way MKO are the same SHIT as mullahs and the shit rulers which came before them, maybe even worst. Now go @#$k yourself.
MOK Unleashed by Bush
by J. Rashidian (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 08:26 AM PSTMost western policians and medias ignore that there are many secular and democratic Iranians who want a secular and democratic regime in Iran.
Bush and his administration ignore that an increasing majority of Iranians are themselves the first victims of political Islam and are consequently fed up with any Islamic regime or dictatorship.
The EU ignores that the unpopular MOK is not politically trustful and ideologically not different from the current Mullah's regime.
The whole West ignore that the MOK is a dangerous sect with all symptoms of political perversity.
As soon as these facts are intentionally or unwittingly ignored, they may unleash this group as an alternative to the current IRI. This is just a slap in the face of Iranian people who look for democracy and secularism.
In their business-like relations of the "civilised" West with the Islamic regimes, the plague of different alternatives of political Islam as a potential danger to democracy and Human Rights in Iran is ignored. Therefore, for the West, a docile Shiite government in Iran or a faction of the current IRI is not really different from, à priori, a MOK client state.
A bunch of Iranian fake opposition irresponsiblely attach “Islam” to Iranian people's fate. In fact, they attach Iranian fate with that of an anti-Iranian belief system which is now consciously one of main alternatives of the West.
One may ask them: Do not Iranians deserve of having an idependent, secular and democratic regime?
Rajavi's original and first sin: betting on the wrong horse!
by farrad02 on Sun Nov 04, 2007 08:01 AM PSTRajavi's original and first sin was betting on the wrong horse (Saddam Hossein)! Everything else followed from there. Including the weirdness and treatment of the followers in the strict way they ended up doing. It was all the fruit of that original poisoned tree!
Tof To Soorate' Harchi Mojahede' Khalghe'
by Anonymous01 (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 05:47 AM PSTMan Nemidoonam Chetor In Jemaat Mitoonan Khodeshoona Irani Hesab Bekonan Ba In Barnameii Ke' Ba Sadam Piyade' Kardan ..
(Vaghean Khake' Alam Bar Sare' Harchi Mojahede' Madar Ghahbe' Hast)
by hamid (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 05:26 AM PSTMan vaghean nemidoonam rajeh be rajavi chi begam, vali hameh ma filmeh molaghateh in mardeh palid ro ba saddam hosseineh zedeh irani didan. Adameh pofiozi keh be keshvareh khodesh hamleh mikoneh. In mard baeseh koshteh shodan besyari az javvonhayeh in mamlekta shodeh keh faribehsho khordan.
Omid varam jenazeh gandidasho lashkhora too iraq bokhoran, oon zaneh bisharafehsham keh ghablan maleh yeki az doostash boodeh bad ba ham tagh zadan ro dastband be dast bebinam.
In agha masoosud agar mishod raiiseh jomhoor az in akhoonda bad tar mikard. Tokhmeh melato mikesgid.Hala ham keh maloom nist kodom jahanami rafteh, vali omid varam marazi begireh keh az sobh ta shab dad bezaneh va arezooyeh marg bokoneh.
Omdivaram in nageh tarikhi az keshvareh ma pak besheh. Yadetoon nareh kehin mojedayeh bisharaf khomeini ro komak kardan ta keshvaro be goh va kesafat bekesheh.
Dar zemn in mardakeh divaneh marizeh jesnsi haji ro ham bikhial beshid, Mageh shomahah karo zendegi nadarid. In bichareh kos kholeh. mashangeh. Velesh konid
Cowards Sale outs
by I knew (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 03:26 AM PSTI knew a MKO Coward.
The day his wife gave birth to his daughter, he lifts her. He could not face the hard life of working to raise the child.
Azada Khanmom be strong.
by American Dream (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 01:47 AM PSTKill for OIL. American Dream!!! Black Water pays
Don't know when
things went wrong,
Might have been when you
were young and strong.
The previous comment is
by Ardeshir 28 (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 01:50 AM PDTThe previous comment is fake! Haji might be bad but he is not a rascal! How does she know the length of Haji's penis?!
Haji might be dum in some respect but he is not a bump. He is an artist and a worker, He earns money by working as a security guard I guess so he can not do the things said below.
I think a man wrote the previous comment.
This Supid Hosein Hajiagha has NO Brain and NO Penis
by Canadian woman who despises Ted Haji (not verified) on Sun Nov 04, 2007 01:28 AM PDTI am a Canadian artist in North Vancouver. I know this stupid boy by the name of Hossein Hajiagha. He calls himself Ted!!! He is the most untalented and backward Iranian in Canada. He is the opposite of all other Iranian men I have met. He is ugly, cannot speak proper English, is stupid, never takes a shower, smells like trash, spits while talking, and is lazy. One day he begged me to let him touch my blond hair!!! I slapped him hard and ordered him out of my front garden. This man is mentally disturbed, folks! I've also heard that he has a very tiny prick! Well, he IS a prick!
Hajiagha is now
by sharifvaghefi (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:49 PM PDTHajiagha is now decoded;
He's a chreek who's going old and no victory in horizon with all the treason and betrayal in his dirtbag. I have never seen him badmouthing rajavi or chereeks; go figure out.
Haji, let's have a cartoon for these vatanforoosh;
haji ye cartoon, hajee do cartoo, haji khodeto betekoon!!!!!!!!!!
by anti-Haji (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:17 PM PDTHAJI TOF TOU ROOT!
RE: Haji!
by jamshid on Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:52 PM PDTI don't know whether to hate you or love you man! You are unique!
I love rajavi. shah, and komonist and no mulahs
by no mullahs (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:41 PM PDTاز هم دیگر تعریف کنید تا کون این حا سو سان آخوند ها که زیر چادر زن شون قا یم می شوند....اسم زنانه دارند.....وروی این صفحه می ایند...
haji lover
by haji lover (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:27 PM PDTشحاع ترین و با استعداد ترین کاریکاتوریست ایرانی به گفته گل آقا....اکنون مشهور ترین و....حا لا کحای کاری....حاحی حنباز حنگ و برادر شهید هم هست.....تنها کاریکاتوریست شحاع ایرانی که آخوند ها رو به مدت 12 ساله دست می اندازه.....حاک برسر حسود ها و آملا ن آخوند ها....ها ها حاحی ...ها ها حاحی...درود برحاحی....
from hajiagha greatest cartoonist ever we have
by haji lover (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:16 PM PDThajiagha is a only Iranian cartoonist started to draw cartoons of Mullahs without any fear and thank from hajiagha which others cartoonist also now drawing cartoons about Mullahs after he started and thank you from JJ a first guy ever add the cartoons of mullahs in front of the publics, now we have JJ and hajiagha for Nobel price ?
Hajiagha Bimokh, you are nothing but an amaleh in Victoria, BC
by Anti-Hajiagha Bimokh (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:03 PM PDTGet the hell out of here, Hammaale Ahmagh! You
can not write either in English or in Paarsi! Why don't you go back to Iran and wear Chaador!:-)) You are a backward, reactionary, low-life, Arab-parast, Akhoond-lover revolutionary guard!!! All Iranians here hate you! Get lost, and keep doing your amalegi job on Victoria construction sites! We have seen you there from our condo windows!! :-)
About Rajavi
by Hamid (not verified) on Sat Nov 03, 2007 09:46 PM PDTMan vaghean nemidoonam rajeh be rajavi chi begam, vali hameh ma filmeh molaghateh in mardeh palid ro ba saddam hosseineh zedeh irani didan. Admaeh pofiozi keh be keshvareh khodesh hamleh mikoneh. In mard beseh koshteh shodan besyari az javvonhayeh in mamlekta shodeh keh faribehsho khordan.
Omid varam jenazeh gandidasho lashkhora too iraq bokhoran, oon zaneh bisharafehsham keh ghablan maleh yeki az doostash boodeh bad ba ham tagh zadan ro dastband be dast bebinam.
In agha masoosud agar mishod raiiseh jomhoor az in akhoonda bad tar mikard. Tokhmeh melato mikesgid.Hala ham keh maloom nist kodom jahanami rafteh, vali omid varam marazi begireh keh az sobh ta shab dad bezaneh va arezooyeh marg bokoneh.