Alireza Aghakhani

Why a lot of Iranians pretend to be someone else?


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Speak English!

by A B (not verified) on

I can't understand what he's talking about.



by Alireza Aghakhani (not verified) on

Hi friend,

First thank you for taking time to watch my video and write your point of view on that.

All of those stories I explained in this video are my real experience that I have met. I even told at the first of video that a lot of Iranians, and it means that not all, so it means that you didn't watch this video accurately and so finally if you don't get my point correctly, your comment will go in a wrong way.

Second, Everybody has right to like as he/she wishes and prefers, I just wanted to give some real examples and ask viewer to give his answer why Iranians pretend to ...
So I didnt judge anything. Ofcourse, if you want to act in your real life in a false way you are looser, because you can fool all people in the world, but never yourself.

And finalley, ofcourse you must n't talk to anybody either in park or anywhere else, but if you are for decades in West as you said, you must see these scenes in urlife.

Anyway, thank again for ur comments and enjoy your moments.

Alireza Aghakhani


Get my response buddy!

by Alireza Aghakhani (not verified) on


Thanks for your comment. My friend, you should know that choosing to be alone or being with somebody as GF/BF or getting married or something like that is a full private and personal matter, so you can't compare people by this case.

Then, if somebody wants to be with a Polish or Russian, he or she has not made any mistake at all. It's so selfish idea that just an Iranian must be with another Iranian. It's one of those wrong Iranian traditions that unfortunately has remained among alot of Iranians, even highly educated ones.

And finally, try to know your around people better. Good luck to you too!


To answer this:Why a lot of Iranians pretend to be someone else?

by Another Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on

In other words, your question could be formulated as : Why iranians are so iranian ?

You're very welcome


نوزاد ِ قورباغه

نوزاد ِ قورباغه (not verified)

Hey Brother,
Relax and don't get too deep into the Iranian psychology. We all come from an old culture with all the positives and negatives. It sounds like that your feelings have been hurt chasing Persian chicks at the discos. There is nothing new about that. When you go to a "meat market", try to look cool and carry a lot of cash. That's all that matters. Philosophy and deep thoughts are not going to help you get laid. My advice to you, if I may, is to surround yourself with people that think like you. You will sleep better at nights.


Damet garm

by wtf (not verified) on

Damet garm brother :)

Everything you said is so true.


> a few points

by Another Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on

All right then, only the PHDs in Middle Eastern civilizations can ''take pride'', now go ahead you great persian minds and explain us how you guys ''take pride''

As far as our friend AliReza : I've been to Italy many times, and met many iranians specially in Firenze, they were all very friendly and approchable.

The other girl was right : grow your hair, trim your eyebrows, and shave this gottie. Then I'm sure girls will answer you back agha.



Good points Alireza

by masoudA on

Well said -

Just remember, only those who know the substance of Our culture can take pride in it.   Unfortunately, we have many who follow the non substantial aspects of our culture.   Those are the ones who will fiil the Kamran-Houman or Leila Forouhar concerts in the name of keeping up with the Iranian cultutre !! 


girls are afraid of you since you're bald & look scary to them!

by gol-dust on

Don't take it persoanl! just shave off the goaty and trim the eyebraw and grow hair, you'lll be alright! Just stick w/italian girls and you'll have more fun! I agree with a lot of what you said. However, people should live their lives the way they choose, whether we like it or not! Some have OGHDEH! May be that makes them feel AZ MA BEHTAROON! Or they are practicing: KHAHI NASHAVI ROSVA HAMRANGEH JAMA-AT SHOW! Let's admit it, Iran's policies have created a lot of insecurities in a lot of (not all) iranian people living abroad! They want to say that they are not one of them! Besides, we are not the only one doing that. This is very common among japanese living abroad as well.

Live free & let others live free! Just hang around the iranian guys, You would be cool! girls, girls! What a lovely creatures! There must be God/Godess!


Social problems

by Imperial Lion (not verified) on

In my opinion what Mr. Alireza is refering to are social problems and of course not everyone would behave with all the examples Mr. Alireza has given.

As many here have stated part of this social problem is due to the negative publicity of Iranians.

Then, there is the example of some who pretend to be more than what they are. I have seen so many former low ranking military personnel who now claim to have been Sarhang, Sar tip, even Timsar.

The whole subject by Mr. Alireza reminds me of Ghatebeh (Italia Italia).


Aghaye Alireza,

by Princess on

I agree with some of your points, but on the whole I concur with the other people who have left comments here: You sound a bit frustrated. 

As a "journalist" I would expect you to present a well-balanced, well-researched picture of anything you decide to cover. For one, you have completely left out the cultural differences amongst Iranians Diaspora. Some of these cultural differences stem from our various backgrounds (ethnic, family, education, etc.), but others and arguably more pronounced variations depend on how integrated and assimilated we are in our respective new homelands. In all these decades I have spent in the West, when asked about my country of origin, I have never denied the fact that I am from Iran. That, however, doesn't mean that I identify and would like associate with just any Iranian I might run into in my life. I am proud of my heritage, but have a love and hate relationship with the Iranian culture and consider myself lucky to be in a position where I can pick and chose. So I find it very frustrating when some Iranians automatically pigeonhole others and assume to know how Iranians SHOULD behave. What makes you think that just because we all come from the same geographical location we automatically all have to behave the same way? Besides, I would not talk to just any guy who says hello to me in a park IN IRAN, why would I act any differently over here? In any case, good luck to you!



Respond to my video

by Alireza Aghakhani (not verified) on

Hi to all,
This is Alireza Aghakhani, who has created and presented this video on YouTube. First I have to thank for all comments have comming to me.

So, this all I said is a truth that me and ofcourse you are seeing and watching in your daily life. I'm a journalist and freelancer, so my duty is to show some issues from a difference view to you and be difference, so I'm practicing what I MUST do.

I'm living in Italy right now and you can see my YouTube channel on: //

Answer to those who think I'm alone and in need of a Persian girl ====> Hey buddy, finding a girl whether Iranian or non Iranian is nt difficult at all, even here in West, and even I'm not alone, also if I decide to be alone, it's the matter of what I want or trying to be and is out of your business.

Me as a Journalist, have to be Rude, Brave and Wise, so thanks all for sending their beliefs that reflect their nature.

Alireza Aghakhani


Khob badesh.....

by Iranie (not verified) on

Mordam az khande az neveshteye "Another Lost Iranian in Paris" U r funny :p
Hala in agha ke dare in harfharo mizane, baraye ki? Darbareye keshaye ke in harfharo mizane ke goosh nemidan o migan to chi migi(ma intori nistim) oon ede'ie ke ehsas nemikone intori hast, oona ham migan, to in harf haro be ki mizani, chon ma intori nistim! Kholaseee in video ke nazdike 10 min tool mikeshe, frustratione yek agha pesare.......
Enshallah mo'avagh bashe dar harchi ke oono khoshhal mikone


sooooo boring

by Ano (not verified) on

I think the subject says it all


> Half right, half cliches.

by Another Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on

To be honest, this dude is partly right. But there's a lot of frustration in his voice. I guess he doesn't have a g.f, or at least he's not with a persian girl.

Now seriously, I've met too many 30something bitter, disapointed, single, frustrated iranian young men outside iran. Most of them were educated, well manered. Their only problem is that they're not loaded, wich is why they remain single or end up with some polish or russian girl.

Sad and pathetic. Good luck to you man wherever you may be.


The answer is clear cause

by maryabdy (not verified) on

The answer is clear cause Iranians are not in a good condition and the whole world has an ugly image of Iran thats why most of them pretend to be Zartoshti even though no one knows who the hell is Zartosht


A bit simplistic

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

I often refuse to say where I am from, because I find the question really stupid. What does it matter? Surely, it's what I am doing now and where I am going to is more important. As it happens, I've spent over 90% of my life so far outside Iran. I speak a bit of the language, but hardly understand any nuances and expressions.

I also, hardly mention that I am originally from Iran, because of other people's immediate categorizing (by Iranians too) and then comes the questioning.

I don't have a clue. I've never worn a headscarf, I only know the first 2 lines of the Koran, have no idea about the various ceremonies and I'm not proud of the Shahnameh.
You see, I didn't write it.


What Waste

by Jack (not verified) on


What Waste....!!!

He is good candidate to be senior advisor in high ranking offices or I pray his talent to be used by some institute or top university before his knowledge and talent vaporise.



He looks bored and needs a female

by Hakim (not verified) on

I have seen many Iranians like this dude, bored and alaaf. They love to criticize everything to have a fix. I usually run away from them. He needs a find a nice Iranian girl to make his life miserable enough to stop thinking and preaching.


Rast Migi Mashdy

by Hesam (not verified) on

Fekr mikoni chera enghelaab shod?
Chon olaagho bisavad Iran faravooneh.
Man 25 saleh Amrica hastam va har roozi az rooze ghabl bishtar Irani hastam.
Agar kasi esmam ro nemituneh talafoz koneh behtareh bereh yaad begireh chon haminieh keh hast.
Man Iraniam va kheili ham az in mogheiiat raaziam.
Rasti man ham Masjed-Soleiman budam, Madreseye Rahnamaiie Shamse-Daavari miraftam. Saale 1971 ta 1974.


Let others be

by Anonymous iranian (not verified) on

he needs to know that Iranians who live outside Iran live and behave the way they want to live and behave and no one can tell tell how to live or behave.With the bad publicity that Muslim and middle Easterns have I do not blame them if they do not want to say they are Iranians.


حالا شما

امیر کبیر در بستنی فروشی لادن (not verified)

َعلیرضا خان، حالا شما که بزرگتری کوتاه بیا و بلند شو برو یک آبی به سر و صورتت بزن حالت جا بیاد. بعد هم شلوارتو بپوش بپر برو سر کوچه پنج تا تافتون بخر با یکدسته تربچه. تا برگردی شام حاضره.....

باز دوباره تو کوچه با مردم دست به یخه نشی!


he's got a point

by MRX1 (not verified) on

He does have some good points. I have seen people like he describes.


Victim of Islamists and Mullahs' "degrading Others" style

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

Let Iranians be free and wish them to become the best Iranians for Iran and Iranians.


Iran parast

by jaram (not verified) on

Rastash in asst ke har kaasi namitavanad Irani bashad Irani zistan kaare har kass Nisst.


Kelat migoozeh?

by Anonymousus (not verified) on

I haven't heard that before. Is this a new one?
He seems to be very bored.



by Anonymous24 (not verified) on



This is stupid ...

by Anonymous2009 (not verified) on

Extreme stereotyping. I have one question to ask this guy: "toro sanana ?". This "amre be maroof va nahi az monker" is in the DNA of some people !

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

It's sad that most of this will go over the heads and be lost on those he is referring to. 



by Ali1234 (not verified) on