
Alo? Dr. Holakouee?

Poking fun at pop therapist

LISTEN: Dr. Farhang Holakouee (holakouee.com) is a popular therapist, public speaker and radio talk show host in southern California. This is a parody of him talking on the radio with a telephone caller >>> LISTEN


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by Monda on

I thank you for posting his site. Genius he's not, but he does make lots of sense and knows his craft for the Iranian community.



by IRANdokht on

Actually I think Dr Holakouee is a sociologist not a psychologist.

I don't like to listen to his programs, the people who call his show usually get on my nerves.



He is a Genius.

by Dariushagha1 (not verified) on

He is one of the best psychologist I have met. you listen to his talk shows in here:




by cherto-pert (not verified) on

I have never heard this doctor's show before, but the clip was FANTASTIC.

I can just imagine this Iranian Dr. Phil equivalent saying similar cherto-pert on his radio show. Thanks for very funny post.


I'm laughing!

by Monda on

Nice job! Every time I'm in the L.A. area, I make sure I get a good dose of Dr. Holakouiee. I wish I could listen to his talk shows up here.


N.B. This is a parody

by Maral on

This is a parody not the real one. Stop attacking the man.


پس فقط من نیستم !


گذشته از مثال‌های ماشین، دقت کردین چقدر بقیه مثال هاش اینجوریه ؟

_ سرکار خانوم این مثل این میمونه که من یه چاقو ور دارم بکنم تو چشم شما و......

_ مثل اینکه من پای شما رو قلم کنم و اونوقت شما بگید.......

_ این حالت این رو داره که یکی‌ گردنش بریده شده و غرق خون و آش و لاشه .......

و جالب تر اینه که ۹۹.۹% از شنونده ها  قبل از اینکه شروع به صحبت کنند دکتر از صدای زنگ تلفنشون میفهمه که ....

- من علایم شیدا یی و سرخوشی، ADHD ، دیپرشن، مثلث نکبت، هر جور disorder که شما فکرشو کنین.......همه اینارو تو شما میبینم ! 



loos bood

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

I have never heard of him before, and could tolerate the audio clip only for a minute or so. I found it too repetitious and bland.



by Dariushagha1 (not verified) on

This was Very funny. whomever is imitating the doctor, is same in the ads I hear in the radio. Good One.


Dr. Holakouee Ruls

by SamIam (not verified) on

Funny ,almost sound like him..


MR: mechanic

by La (not verified) on

He gets on my never every-time use automobile as an example for every call..i mean no matter what, he use the car for Every call.. I think he could be a great mechanic instead of psychologist.. Although i have to give him a credit for some of his comments..

Jahanshah Javid

Very funny

by Jahanshah Javid on

I am actually a fan of Dr. Holakouee. He's straightforward and makes a lot of sense. Exposes Iranian psychological BS very well :o)

This is a great parody. Sounds a lot like how he talks.