Anoosheh Ansari

Why spend $20 million to go to space?

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do you know bita daryabari

by xx (not verified) on

do you know bita daryabari omid kordestani's exwife is very well educated and from a very good backgrand and since the day she walked in to usa she has been working and obviously she doesnt need to work now.


Good luck

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S.,

All the best and I look forward to reading your manifesto on how Iranians should behave and live their lives. I suppose the alternative would be to lead by example, but that is unlikely to happen.

Take care.


Did you by any chance Lead a debate team??

by Kouroshs (not verified) on

Big B.

You can go ahead and cherry-pick all you want. It really is of no use trying to argue with you. Your picking and choosing on what to comment on and not seeing what i was suggesting as a whole is just rediculous. It literally resembles banging one's head againts a wall. You sound like a parrot.

I am ending this discussion. You believe what you have to and i will do the same.
See you in heaven:)


Legendary Generosity

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S.,

Thanks for the kind offer, though I make my own handouts needed. But thanks though.

Yes, I concede the point that because Anousheh's parents sent her to the USA instead of Nigeria, that is why she succeeded and that is why, as you have suggested, she should not have gone to space and instead spent her money they way you wanted her too.

Please submit your manifesto, a guidline to all Iranians, as to how they should live their lives.

All the best,
Big Boy


If that day comes, I will give you some too.

by kourosh S. (not verified) on

Big B.

The core of my argument was the fact that despite all the smarts and intelligence and hard-work, just like everybody else they were fortunate enough to have been able to take advantage the circumstances. To be in the country where the products and services their company put out, had ample usage and not in Nigeria or any other country for that matter. So if you can pay close attention, you will see that i am not putting all the weight on pure Luck.
You are right. I should put some "honest" effort into working hard. Wow! I guess it really does take one to know one doesn't it?
But i assure you that if i become rich all of a sudden (an idea that i am sure you have fantacized about a billion times) i will keep you in mind and send you some dough so you will finally catch a break, be able to go on a vactation (hopefully to africa), and come back with a fresh batch of great ideas, for all of your captive audience here on

Take it easy.


Only in the USa

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S,

You are right, had they been in Nigeria, they would not have become successful (or at least as successful). Also, had they not gone to school, gotten their engineering degrees, had a vision, had belief in themselves, using their own savings, taking the risk, establishing their company, developing a product, selling it for $550 million, they would not have become successful either. So, while you still think they are just "lucky" and then go and bad-mouth them any chance you get, I simply admire all that they have accomplished going from having nothing to havgin everything and she can go to space and also giving millions to charity.

But you're right on one account...if they were in Afghanistan or Nigerria, or Ehtiopia, they would not have been successful. Is that the core of your argument?!

it's cool if you think Bill Gates and all the rest were just lucky and I really hope one day you will also get lucky and all of a sudden become rich (please don't blow all your money on lottery tickets), but I would suggest rolling up your sleaves and putting in some honest effort into hard work.

All the best,
Big Boy


ASk Michael dell and Bill gates . They will tell you.

by Kourosh S. (not verified) on

Big B.
No. I don't like to spread lies and rumors and had you not had a tendency to blow things out of proportion and cling on to the claim that iranians are jealous, sick , idiots, deranged etc...You would undoubtedly see my comments in a different Light.
Bill gates, Michael Dell, And everyone else who is a billionare now, has had some degree of good fortune in their lives, In a sense Of Being placed in the right environment, and utilizing forces which help their marketing and entreprenurial efforts to actually bear fruit. the same goes with the ansaris. Do you think if they had Picked nigeria for their purpose, they would have garnered so much success? You can NOT deny that. So , no i am not walking on clouds and spreading lies doesn't make me sleep any better at night.

You may think that you are conducting a discussion here, But guess what, In reality you are not. Because you have adopted a style, through which you constantly remind iranians how low-life, Jealous and sick they are. and In fact that is your whole point. IN your comment to Dr. Phil You directly mentioned my name a few times, as a Case in point! as if you had done so much research on this and knew exactly who i was. Is That how you normally discuss things with people? By spewing nonsense about them?

Kouroh S.


Iranians love rumours

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S.,

You're not backing down from your claim that her husband was rich?? Ummm, okay, don't let the facts stand in your way of spreading silly rumours. Read her bio and you will realize that she and her husband had nothing, used their savings and borrowed money to establish their company, and made millions after selling their company. If it makes you feel better to think that it was luck then hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. If you want to spread lies and rumours, that is fine...after all the love of rumours is another sick Iranian characteristic.

While I admire the woman for all her accomplishments and her success, and the money she spends on charity (which she does not publicize), unlike you, I'm not going to tell other people how to live their lives. So we go back to my initial suggestion "LEAD BY EXAMPLE OR SHUT-UP"!!!

Lastly, we're just having a discussion so don't let it ruin your day. Good luck and all the best.


To Big Boy. Let's just move on.

by Kourosh S. (not verified) on

Big B.

This is my last reply and then i will be done wasting my time going back and forth on this with you. No matter what i say you insist on maintaining the sick and disgusting notion that i am somehow jealous or sit around wait for people to give me hand-outs. Really. Shame on you for being such a Pinhead. IF you really thinkk Iranians are Jealous, Then guess what you are somehow including yourself in that same category. fair to say that you are as jealous as everyone else and are sitting on K**ne mobarak waiting for some kind soul to help you out.
If you eXcluding yourself from the jealous bunch, then we clearly have a case of serious Double-standard here.

I am not backing down from my claim that her Husband was rich and Being in the right environment combined with hard work, has happened to so many other millionares. Inspiration comes from a variety of sources and does not have to be associated with some Kharpool who spends a big chunk of money.

Once again. I did not bad-mouth anyone (check with a dictionary every once in a while to know what words mean).
Bye to you. And thnaks for ruinning my morning.


What would you guys do if

by music (not verified) on

What would you guys do if you had 20mil to spare???


Dr. Phil, You hit the nail

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Dr. Phil,

You hit the nail on the head when you said "Ultimately, it is her choice. If she is happy with the way a great many Iranians view her, then she shouldn't do any thing about it. However, if she wants to be viewed in a more postive way, then she should adjust her image accordingly."

As I said earlier, Iranians are notoriously jealous people who always look to bring down others rather than lifting THEMSELVES and others up. Case and point is Kourosh S. While he can't take any satisfaction in the accomplishments of this wonderful Iranian who had NOTHING and became wealthy because of her brains, he first says "her husband was rich", which he wasn't, (they built their wealth together from nothing), and then he says, well, it was just luck. See what I mean??

I sure hope she doesn't change anything and continues to give to charity without making a public show of it (I know Iranians like to show-off, but she doesn't do it and that is more admirable in my view.) and I hope she makes another trip to space and maybe this time with her husband so jealous Iranians who sit around doing nothing and wonder why nobody gives them money (Kourosh S), somehow get a bit more inspired to actually accomplish something in their own lives rather than bad mouthing successful Iranians.

Big Boy.

P.s. she doesn't need my help. :)

Dr. Phil

Dear Big Boy

by Dr. Phil on

In all due respect, you need to indeed act like a Big Boy. Your responses, not only to me, but also to others, are somewhat childish and immature.

If you read carefully what I have said, I indicated to 'Afshoun' that this is the perception that people have of her. The term narcistic was used to convey to her how a great many Iranians view her. I did not say that I necessarily agreed or disagreed with that.

Secondly, I was trying to put a road in front of her to improve the negative image that she presently has amongst a great many Iranians. If you read my comment properly, my intention was to convey to her a positive message forward.

Ultimately, it is her choice. If she is happy with the way a great many Iranians view her, then she shouldn't do any thing about it. However, if she wants to be viewed in a more postive way, then she should adjust her image accordingly.

I strongly recommend that you tone down your rheoteric, and be a bit more civil in communicating with others. As you can read from other people's comments, you are not really helping her at all.

Good Luck :) - !

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Pasha, The reformed fornicator, Humanist, and Nader are the ones my words are directly aimed towards. Even suggesting how someone should spend their money is indicative of a lack of class.

And to a lesser extent, "an Iranian" and Mehri Moghadam.

Being that you responded in the manner that you did, perhaps it is you who took it out of context.


To Noraee and Big boy :))

by Kourosh S. (not verified) on

Kaveh Noraee.

I don't feel insulted. I am just exercising my right to critcize. you would not have a problem with that, would you? No one has suggested that she is Obligated to do anything. Why taking comments out of context?

Big Boy

Now i understand. After reading your comment to Dr. Phil. i have no doubt You are just hell-bent on bad-mouthing and offending anything and everything iranian. Poor you. Some iranian somewhere must have scrwed you over in a major way. Such a pity.... oh well. Thank god you can finally beat the heck out of them by venting out on



God bless.

by Kourosh S. (not verified) on

Big Boy.

Yeah. I agree. She does donate more than our (you and me) collective net worth.But you still just don't get it do ya?:((
Once again, Going to space is a privilege, and it can be earned. Why couldn't she go and pursue a career as an astronaut? Spending so much money on this trip, is all about personal satisfaction, and not about the Honor and the glroy it carries for that individual's native country, and reaching out to young adults can happen in various ways.
You seriously need to change the theme of your argument.You keep repeating it and This is getting old. This is not about jealousy at all. It is about what is right.
I am always Searching for solutions to my shortcomings, But i maintain the right to call a bad move when i see one.
You... have a nice day okay?


Kourosh S. I said lead by

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S.

I said lead by example (show her how to live her life), because otherwise you come across as a person who only tells others what to do, but when it comes to himself, well, I guess you have nothing else to offer.

Fact of the matter is, you don't know how much she gives to charity (probably more than you're worth). BUT, you know she worked her way up from having nothing to becoming super-rich and that she went to space and for some reason that bothers you. Get over it!! Jealousy is an ugly trait and you will have a much better life if you can deal with your personal shortcomings in a more positive manner. Good luck and all the best.


Dr. Phil, What if she does

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Dr. Phil,

What if she does a lot of charity work but doesn't publicize it? Is that acceptable, or unless she tells you about her charity work it isn't okay?

I always thought, if you're about to do a good deed, keep it quiet. But I guess in this day and age, people need to justify themselves and they should announce to the world when, where, and how they give to charity.

You'll never know if she does charity work, but jumped the gun and called her narcisistic, becuase you just assumed that she doesn't give to charity. Another weak Iranian characteristic...tearing people down without any evidence. Sick!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

If I am wrong, I will gladly say so upon being proven so. But I'm not generalizing. I am speaking directly and specifically to those who feel that Anousheh Ansari is somehow obligated to spend her money in any other manner other than how she sees fit. She is a private citizen.

If this doesn't apply to you, then why react with a feeling of being insulted?


I expected more out of you

by kourosh S. (not verified) on

Kaveh noraee.

Are you so sure about that? You know for a fact that no one raise their voices when it comes to those thugs and thieves? You dare to generalize and then top it off with an insult?


Lead by example or

by kourosh S. (not verified) on

Lead by example or shut-up!
by Big Boy (not verified) on Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:36 PM CDT

Kourosh S,

Couple of details seem to have escaped you. First, she and her husband were not rich, they borrowed money (off their own credit cards) to finance their company. They had nothing except brains and a belief in their own abilities. They worked hard and became millionairs.

Second, what gives her the legitimacy to "fork over 20 million" is that it is her money and not yours and not the money of other jealous Iranians. Nobody questions you when you buy a hyundai even though for that amount you can sponsor fity children in Ethiopia. Did you do it? Probably not, because like typical Iranians, you only talk a big game with not much substance behind it.

In her world (much grander than yours...are you jealous?), she can afford to pay 20 million and go to space. AND, as mentioned before, do you even know how much she gives to charity??

So instead of thinking she owes you, or anyone else, and instead of making it your only claime to fame that you tried to bad mouth a successful Iranian (again, jealous?) why don't you go and accomplish something and then lead by excample as to how others should behave.

Very nice way of getting your point across. Catchy title Inviting the other person to shut up. It is interesting that throuought the entire arguments you chose to constantly use the phrase "are you jealous" as if this was a personal attack on you. Are you family's chief counsel? Come to think of it, you may very well be a "noche" for the ansari clan.
I never denied anoushe and jim ansari's good work ethics and intellect. However, If working hard makes millionares, the how come every iranian who works hard is not one? DOn't you think being in the right envinronment has something to do with it?
It is totally alright to spend one's own money, but my argument here was much about the CHOICE of spending that money. Purchasing a Hyundai vs travelling to the space are two entirely different concepts, And to say that I talk a big game , but i come up empty, is absolute nonsense.
I also don't think that She owes me anything. Her right to spend as she wishes, does not necessarily bear any recognition for iranians. And where in The hell is your evidence of my bad -mouthing her? You just love to defend her so much. don't you?

I think you should stop being a Do-ateshe Defender of her and wisen up.

Kaveh Nouraee

Are You People For Real?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

How in the world do any of you get the audacity to believe that this woman has any kind of moral obligation to spend her money other than the way she sees fit?

Of this $20 milllion, was any of it stolen, embezzled, or acquired via criminal or otherwise nefarious means? No.

Whether you like it or not, she has every right to do whatever she sees fit with her money.

Why don't any of you complain to Rafsanjani or any of those thieves and gansgters in the IRI to spend some of the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS THEY HAVE STOLEN AND HAVE STASHED IN SWISS BANK ACCOUNTS on these things that you expect Anousheh Ansari to spend her LEGALLY EARNED MONEY on.

What a bunch of losers.

Dr. Phil

Dear Anoush

by Dr. Phil on

I want to share with you a thought or two hoping that it would be useful to you:

I have read pretty much all the comments that people have left for you, both pro and con, and essentially I have come to this conclusion:

The problem that people see with you spending 20Mil dollars to go out of space is not necessarliy with that trip itself, but that people perceive that you are not doing any other thing, such as helping others in need, but to satisfy your own personal gratification. Very much a Narcistic Image.

I can probably count a dozen or more people who are much richer than you, and do unusual things like you have. Some of them are richer than you by even an order of magnitude or so. But these other people have been identified by the charities that they have created, some with very recognizable names, and that these charities help others in great need. With you, all people know is the money that you spent to go out of space, and that's it.

I want to suggest something to you: Embark upon some charity work, perhaps through a foundation that you have created, or you may want to create, and do some charitable work that's quite visible. By doing this, when people see you spending an extravagant amount on such things as going out of space, then they will also remember the good work that you have done to help others.

This is very much a Public Relations matter with you.The people who are advising you, in all sincerety, are not doing the best they can. Remember: Helping others is not only a Good thing to do, but that you would also directly benefit from it.

Best of luck to you - We hope that you would do the right thing :)


Akhe be shoma-ha che ke in

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Akhe be shoma-ha che ke in khanoom poolasho chetor kharj mikone! Aslan dootst dare bereez-e mostarah! What ever she does with her wealth, it is none of your goddam business ...


Lead by example or shut-up!

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Kourosh S,

Couple of details seem to have escaped you. First, she and her husband were not rich, they borrowed money (off their own credit cards) to finance their company. They had nothing except brains and a belief in their own abilities. They worked hard and became millionairs.

Second, what gives her the legitimacy to "fork over 20 million" is that it is her money and not yours and not the money of other jealous Iranians. Nobody questions you when you buy a hyundai even though for that amount you can sponsor fity children in Ethiopia. Did you do it? Probably not, because like typical Iranians, you only talk a big game with not much substance behind it.

In her world (much grander than yours...are you jealous?), she can afford to pay 20 million and go to space. AND, as mentioned before, do you even know how much she gives to charity??

So instead of thinking she owes you, or anyone else, and instead of making it your only claime to fame that you tried to bad mouth a successful Iranian (again, jealous?) why don't you go and accomplish something and then lead by excample as to how others should behave.


Stop Playing the "iranians are just jealous" care and Get real.

by Kourosh S. (not verified) on

I find it so abhoring that there are still some iranians who stop at nothing to play the "oh you guys are just jealous", in situations like this one.
She's got what she's got, but that does not necessarily mean she started with nothing! that is such a rediculous thing to say. Fine.

SHe has the smarts and she is a well-educated woman, but that does not give her decision to fork over 20 sweet million dollars to go to space, any Legitimacy.

Perhaps, people sometimes forget that she was at the right place and at the right time and the fact that the husband was a super rich guy, contributed siggnificantly to her cause.
Now, im not suggesting she should go block by block, taking care of the needy, But this is just too much.
To say that she stands out among those other rich women who show off their gooides and bling-blings, Has no credibility whatsoever. If reaching out to yound adults and enriching their world by encouraging them to dream big, is the Real cause here, She can do a lot more by going to schools and making presentations and make direct contacts with Those kids, Not by spending 20 millions.

This screams of self-fulfillment and self-indulgance.

KOurosh S.


I love this woman

by Parsagarda-- (not verified) on

Too bad she is already taken as I love this woman. Anousheh has raised the bar high for Iranians everywhere. She is ambitous, smart, accomplished and beautiful. She has made me proud as an Iranian, once again proving that women of Iran are her most valuable asset. This is another reason why Arab Mullahs running Iran should be resisted. Anousheh: please keep pushing forward to clear the path for our nation and don't ever stop!!!


Iranians are notoriously

by Big Boy (not verified) on

Iranians are notoriously jealous people.

This lady started with NOTHING and built a multi-million dollar company. Instead of admiring her accomplishment, ignorant jealous Iranians (who have done nothing for their country and will never do anything for their country) question her motive for deciding to become the first Iranian woman in space.

Have you jealous morons checked to see how much money she gives to charity on???

Good for her for being such an accomplished woman and the rest of jealous idiots can burn knowing she is incredibly successful while the rest of you suck!!


Dear Anoush

by An Iranian (not verified) on

I want to sincerely ask you to try and reach out to people as shown in the video that Behnam has provided below.

In many ways, you have been blessed by resources which are not available to others. Without being judgmental towards what you have or have not done in the past, I want to ask you as one Iranian to another, to try and reach out to these people.

I am sure the producers of the video would be able to assist you in locating these people.



Support Cyrus Kar -- people

by Iran First (not verified) on

Let's give this production company juice needed.



It wasn't your daddy's money that she spent

by Hasoodi-Nakon (not verified) on

It was hers.

I am always amazed when someone spends their hard earned money doing what they enjoy, (for example, travel to space, or spend money for surgery to cure their sick pet dog, whatever it may be) that you always find some party pooper jealous Iranian to poop on their parade and declare for what that money should have instead been used.

Interestingly, those who complain always turn out to be the hypocrites. I've seen them spend money on ridiculous purchases but, no, it is always SOMEBODY ELSE who is "wasting away" the money, it is never *themselves*.

To those who always bring up the poor in Iran and how much good *this* money or *your* money could have done there -- let me tell say that it is not the role of any single citizen to save Iran.

Instead focus your hated towards those who *should* be held accountable, i.e., the useless GOVERNMENT of Iran which makes MILLLIONS of dollars EVERY DAY exporting oil, rugs, and other goods and then spends that money supporting worldwide terrorism instead of helping the poor people of Iran.

Please focus your hatred on the incompetence and the vile thuggish rulers of Iran and the atrocities they caused (and continue to cause) for the good people of Iran.

Be kind to your accomplished citizens.