Arham Sadr

Iran's greatest comedian has died

BBC News
ارحام صدر در سال 1302 در اصفهان به دنیا آمد و بیشتر عمر خود را در همین شهر گذارند. او همراه با کسانی چون ناصر فرهمند از پایه گذاران تئاتر اصفهان بود. رضا ارحام صدر مبتکر نوعی از نمایشهای عامه پسند بود که گه گاه در بیان طنز و هجو انتقادهای اجتماعی را نیز بازگو می کرد. پایه این نمایشها در واقع همان نمایشهای سنتی و سیاه بازی بود. نمایشهای ارحام صدر که داستانهای ساده و تک خطی داشت با توجه به استقبال تماشاگران براساس بداهه گویی بازيگران روایت می شد. رضا ارحام صدر، با فیلم شب نشینی در جهنم در سال 1336 وارد سینما شد. اما با وجود موفقیت این فیلم و محبوبیتی که در میان تماشاگران داشت در عرصه سینما چندان پرکار نبود. علی واکسی و جوجه فکلی از جمله فیلمهای او در پیش از انقلاب ایران بود>>>


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What a great man. I was in

by Hassanagha (not verified) on

What a great man. I was in the Kish Island on the summer of 2008. I met Arham Sadr in the carpet show festival.I asked him if he won't mind I take a picture with him. obviously, he didn't mind but, he insisted that I don't put my hand around his shoulder because the authority will think we are gay. I started to laugh but, he was very serious on his request. God bless his soul and peace be with him.


Roohash shaad

by Monda on

My father knew and admired Arham Sadr, so twice in late 60's and early 70's we were invited to see him on stage and afterwards at Hotel Shah Abbas. Being too young I could not understand his political nuances on stage but I do remember my father worrying that he may get in trouble with "authorities". As an adult I looked for his plays in any form. I loved the man and look forward to seeing more of his work on DVD.


I love this man....

by ali1 (not verified) on

he is a close relative of my father's from isfahan....and he used to come to ahvaz to visit us every couple of years....very bright and funny
may god bless him.....even he's from isfahan, a very religious city, he always made fun of akhoonds and their creepy ways!

Iranian Reader


Iranian Reader

ما فکر کردیم این حرف ها کمدی است نگو تراژدی بود. در هر حال تاریخ ثابت کرد که کمدی و تراژدی هر دو خر تو خر است.

دست شما درد نکند ایراندخت خانم. اقلا اول صبحی چشممان به جمال آقای صدر روشن شد.


A True National Treasure

by Arde (not verified) on

Arham Sadr was a true legend and a national treasure. He will live in our hearts and minds forever.


Very Sad

by Yek-Irani (not verified) on

When I was a kid, my father would take us every year to Ispahan to see him live


khar too khar

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

A true "Iranian"-Bloger has her/his own interpretation of this proverb. Greeting



by Anoyed (not verified) on



Thank you Irandokht

by Souri on

I'd seen this video on the other blog too and really enjoyed . I'd sent it to some friends too. Arham Sadr was one those great artists who will never be replaced by anyone. Thanks for the good selection.



Thanks IRANdokht & Hajj Ebi Jaan...

by Khar on

I also loved the man! First time I remember seeing his show live I think I was 7 or 8. I'm sure he is still making people laugh in the heavens. Ravanash Shaad!

Irandokht Jaan, Is more like Khar too Olagh! :o))))


I love it

by IRANdokht on

oonghadaa ham khar too khar nist jooneh shoma
