Bad hejab girl

Little girl pretends she's a big girl arrested by vice police for improper hejab



Very disturbing!!!

by Davoud (not verified) on

This is very very disturbing. This is a perfect form of child abuse, both by the government that forces little girls to wear hejab, and by the interviewer who subjects the child to the mental torture.



by Shabnam (not verified) on

this is sad for us living outside the country, it is reality for the people in Iran. She is growing up seeing this things happening to her mom, aunts, or whoever. This is part of life for them and part of being a woman. I don't think it is inappropriate. Maybe the mom (or whoever) is drawing on something that she had seen happening, or maybe she is using it as a teaching tool, or she is just having fun with her very cute girl. It is a role play of a reality as it would be to play the role of a police officer or a nurse.


not "very cute" ...very disturbing

by oprbxk1 on

This was so depressing to watch. It made me sad to see her mother (or whom ever she is) coach this beautiful child through this sad "skit". Also, the kid was using words that are inappropriate for someone of her age. Really sad.


This is really sad

by saddened (not verified) on

I am truly saddened by this piece, this child should be learning something useful and think about all the happy moments in life that awaits her in the future...not to be practicing for the moment in the future when she is going to be abused by " ye mosht bi namoos" over covering or not covering her hair.
What a waste of talent. Nothing to laugh about here just pure sad.


I don't know...

by Princess on

if I should laugh or cry.