
Bruce Bahmani

Happy birthday!

Last night after Stephen Kinzer's talk in San Francisco we discovered that it's Bruce Bahmani's birthday. Many of you know him as a writer. Byt the list of contributions this man has selflessly made to the Iranian community is long: he gives and gives and gives. We all love him very much. From left: Bruce, me, San Francisco Commissioner Ross Mirkarimi, Lalé Welsh and Amir Salalmat of, and Abtin Assadi co-founder of the Bay Area Iranian-American Voter Association. (He said he's 42. We know better! :o)


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JJ, you look good...

by jj fan (not verified) on

JJ, You look good in person. i've met you before and you are much better looking than this picture...Plus, you're not short, the others are too tall!

Your neighbor is just jealous of your success and your lawn!

BTW, Happy B-day to BB too!


To JJ's Neighbor - Stop your hating!

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

You're so pathetic. Even when JJ's trying to share some happy, neutral news, you have to be a pisser and bring things down with your negative comments and stupid observations. You are a total jackass!

Mohammad Ala

Happy Birthday

by Mohammad Ala on

Behruz jaan;  Happy Birthday.

JJ jan; thanks for the picture and the good news.

Behruz jaan; thanks for your contributions and care for our community.


You are both GG

by Abbas Atrvash (not verified) on

This is a message from AA to BB to wish him a happy and most prosperous birthday and many successful years to follow. Thanks to JJ who broke the news and finally to tell BB and JJ that you are both GG(great guys)
Stay that way.


Tavalodet Mobarak Bahmani

by Hamed Nikpay (not verified) on

Bruce jan Tavalodet mobarak. Omidvaram ke hamisheh shado salamat bashi .


Best Wishes,Hamed

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

BB Jan you are getting sexier with age you know, I think Brigitte Bardot ( BB Get it ) will be jealous ;0)

Wish I were with you guys who are having a swell time.




Nazy Kaviani

Happy Birthday!

by Nazy Kaviani on

Happy Birthday Bruce! Are you really 42?! You look a lot younger! It looks like your birthday was spent in the company of good friends and with good learnings. I hope your new year of life is full of pleasant surprises, joy, prosperity, and success.



by Number Cruncher (not verified) on

80% of men in this picture don’t have a female companion with them, even in Bruce's birthday!


Chakereh Agha Behrooz

by Nader Evini (not verified) on

Happy birthday Bruce. Inshallah ke sad sal zendeh bashi.



by JJ's Neighbor (not verified) on

Hey JJ, in this posted photo, you ain’t a good looking dude. What’s up with your gesture? You look like a deformed subway sandwich which was made by an Indian dude. Anyway, I notice amongst those men and the lady in the picture, you are the shortest. Short is fine, don’t let your heart be in trouble because of that. Hey, by the way, when was the last time you got new glasses. It seems to me, you must have got your glasses when you were a youngster and forget to replace it as your face grows older and bigger. Will you stop wearing those blue jeans? Hope you are having a great day and making daily work out your religion.