"Burried Treasure"

French director Claude Lelouch's 1971 film of Iran

Made as a gift to Farah Pahlavi, this documentary is aptly described as "visual poetry." Yesssssssss! An absolutely fantastic documentary. Towards the end of Part 2, there is footage of Reza Pahlavi and the Shah which I had never seen before. Claude Lelouch's film, "Roman de Gare" competed with Satrapi's "Persepolis" last year.

Intro: "Far more than a travelogue with pretty pictures, this little-known film won six international awards shortly after its release. 'Iran' consists of spectacular geographical and archaeological footage interspersed with "slice of life" shots, evidencing best juxtapositional editing we've ever seen. This is a buried masterpiece from the director of 'A Man and a Woman,' 'Happy New Year,' and 'And Now My Love.' Lelouch reportedly shot six miles of footage to make this film, which apparently was sponsored by a multinational petroleum pipeline construction firm, as a gift to the Shah's wife. One guesses that international dissatisfaction with the excesses of the Pahlevi regime negatively affected the distribution of the film, a shame, because few films treating similar themes are its equal. The musical score by Francis Lai is a priceless timepiece, resplendent with heavy early-70s euro-pop wah-wah guitar. An intriguing, beautifully crafted, and dynamic film, this visual poem transcends the didactic."

Part 1

Part 2


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Now I know

by Nader Khan (not verified) on

I remember this film but i didn't know Leouche made it, now i can see his touch in the film, Also I think SHAH look great.


Numbers don't lie

by Saman on

Yes every drop was accounted for .... 40% of each drop went to UK, 40% went to Uncle and 20% went to the most wealthy monarchists.


Darius I agree with you completely....

by ali12 (not verified) on

these individuals are still brainwashed from the crap that was fed to them in '79!!! it's astounding....they probably still believe that the shah stole billions and is hiding them under farah's bed pillow!!!
if you want to talk about excess, why don't you say anything about the trillions wasted by the corrupt akhoonds by stealing iran oil wealth and giving it to the terrorist arabs over the past 30 years??!!! or the billions stolen by the akhoonds such as rafsanjani...or the fact that if anyone questions how many barrels of oil are sold or at what price they will be thrown in evin prison!!!? I lived in the south and I know that EVERY DROP OF OIL was accounted for before the fiasco of 79-
so don't give us this crap about excess, the akhoonds have ruined iran by throwing it back to the dark ages- what do u think is the cost of that???

by the way, even if the shah had a lot of excess, he gave a crap about his homeland- he was a true patriot- despite all his issues- SO NOOSHE JOONESH!

Darius Kadivar

Whats So Excessive about a Ceremony ?

by Darius Kadivar on

First for Jaleho's regular Ignorance, Lelouche first mentioned this documentary on French TV in a Program called Vivement Dimanche hosted by Michel Druker and in presence of the Shahbanou and Lelouche had Great Words for her and her accomplishments in Iran and for  Iranians saying that Iran's disastrous situation today is not at all comparable to that time.

Who calls the Queen of England Excessive or the President of France Mitterand Hosting Heads of State at Versailles for the G 8 or receiving Ambassadors at Elysee Palace and distributing Medals ?

In Iran they would give Chelo Kebab to Ambassadors in Qajar Plates, is THAT what you call Corruption ? Or sign of Respect to your guests ? Now Don't start saying Oh they should have given a plate to Every Poor Quashghai villiager just to prove how generous they could be. No one does that, not that they could sell the items and use the money and give it to the poor and needed but there are some things that are part of a protocol for any civilized nation  and government who wants to be respected.

Fidel Castro would give Cigars to ambassadors and smoke it proudly when in fact its a symbol of exploitation. Kids and women worked hard on the plantations to have HIM Smoke it with his revolutionary pals like the Che. Why not criticize all the hypocritical Third World Rherotic of these Left Wing thrid World Dictators who called themselves Communist and lived the High Lives. Like Breshnev in his Dachas on the Caspian Sea or Tito ( actually a Friend of the Shah) who had Swimming Pools in every Presidential House built just for him in his countries provinces. Or Rafsanjani today who builds mansions on the Caspian Sea and owns half of Iran's Economy in his hands or that of his family members. Same thing for Saddam Hussein who had villas in France and a HUGE Yaught he never used on the French Riviera. THAT IS NOT CORRUPTION because they vociferate thrid World Rhetoric they don't even follow ? But the Shah is Corrupt because he doesn't hide his Palace's wealth or exterior appearance ?

All governments do that with their own traditions and customs. You think the Shah went around walking with a Crown on his head ? These Jewels were all registered in the Bank of Tehran as they are today. Even the Shah had to sign an official document if he had to rent such precious jewels ( which he never did in fact apart from his regular Military suits and medals) and same thing for the Empress and they were returned to the Bank after such public ceremonies. Most of the time the Shah and Shahbanou were dressed in a Western Style Tie and suit like nearly all world leaders today except those like Quaddafi who wants to erect a Tent on the Champse Elysees just to show off his so called Bedoiune Pride and irrespective of the fact that it is insulting France's Hospitality. Do You even know how much it costs to Fly in a Camel and put it on display on the Champse Elysées ? Not to say the Traffic Jam to please His Highness Quaddafi ? 

He was even recently dubbed King of Kings of Africa in all his megalomania :


What do you call This Type of REPUBLICAN MEGALOMANIA ?

You guys don't even know what you mean by Excess except the regular stereotyped prejudice on the "Form" instead of "Content".

And if you think Protocals don't exist in Diplomatic Circles you are simply being naive ...




Chi shod and Ajam

by Jaleho on

Why do you see a pro-shah message from this clip??!

If anything, I see the opposite! Short clips of a plethora of things that "defined Iran," including the sick excess of Pahlavis with all their jewels and fancy palaces, their alianation from REAL people which are beautifully depicted....the symbolic burning of the gas coming from the oil fields juxtaposed with the "royal excess," the poor villagers jusxtaposed with Shah and family living a totally different life...... all of these while capturing so much of different aspects of Iran as a country, its traditions, its religion by the short beautiful Azan, from camel rides to carpet washing....

I just don't understand how this masterful piece is even compared with the garbage of Satrapi!!!


chee boodeem chee shodeeem

by ali12 (not verified) on

wow, it's sad to see how happy the people were....what a shame


Very entertaining

by Saman on

I think the filmmaker did a good job staying away from Savak and Evin. Sometimes we need to look at the positive in order to move on. Music was great too.


Ms. Party Girl whoever you are..

by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

Alas, I'm behind a corporate firewall and cannot see this yet, but what I would like to see is a picture of the face behind Ms. "PartyGirl". Who are you? Where are you? How come you have so much time come up with so many video clips like these? And how can I get a job like yours :-)


Chi shod?

by Chi shod? (not verified) on

هر چی‌ نگاه کردم ببینم تعریف و تمجید شماها از چیه متوجه نشدم. به نظرم یک ویدئو معمولی‌ که با چسبوندن تیکهای به ربط به هم دیگه درست شده.

آیا بعضی‌ از شماها آنقدر اشلتون پا‌یین که هر فیلمی از ایران قدیم و یا از شاه باشه بی‌ نظیر میدونید؟

ببینید این شرکتهای نفتی چه قدر مارو (یا بهتره بگم ملکه و شاه عقب افتاده مارو) ساده و بچه میدونستن که با یک هم چین فیلم آب دوغ خیاری میخواستن سرشونو شیره بمالن، در حالی‌ که اونا از این جور فیلمها رو هم برای بالا کشیدن امول مردم احتیاج نداشتن و اگر رشوه مناسب میپرداختند میتونستن تحت حمایت شاه شاهان هر جور میخواستن غارت کنند.

واقعا که بدبخت هستیم!

Darius Kadivar

Hey PArty Girl What a Treasure, I was looking for this ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I wrote about this documentary that was made by Lelouche and Claude Pinoteau and Awarded at the Time. Lelouche had become worldwide famous with his Oscar for Best Foreign Film for A Man and a Woman (1966)

Here is my Article mentioning it on PersianMirror:

Iranian Pioneers of The French New Wave Cinema By Darius KADIVAR




by Happy Boy (not verified) on




by Ajam (not verified) on

Funny how there's no shortage of sycophants for lining up to kiss the hand of the despot (Shah, Khomeini or Khamenei)!
Some innovative way of traffic control by the policeman holding a traffic sign! Interesting is also how Sha'ban Bimokh was a ubiquitous icon of the Pahlavi era!


Thanks Party Girl again

by Jaleho on

What an absolutely fantastic clip!!


Thank you for sharing with us

by farrad02 on

This really made me sad. What did we do to ourselves and our children?!!!


Yek dar donya va sadd dar akherat!

by SALTY on

Wow Party girl where do you find these stuff? thank you and may god gives you one in this world and 100 in the here after or vice versa whichever you prefer