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Aerobics on Iranian TV


American Wife

No PBR virus for me, thank you very much!

by American Wife on

You said the magic words... Mahr and Stewart.  I'll stop and pick up IRANdokht on the way over.  Tell the hubby he needs a "boys night out"... we girls are gonna rock the house!

Hmmm... unless of course he's an enlightened man and will fetch us drinks all night long.  I cater to my man all the time... fixed him a little circe of bastani nooni after dinner tonight... it's time for a little "me" time..:-)


AW, I like your style. Come

by Skatermom (not verified) on

I like your style. Come on over and we can watch dvr Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and the Thunder from down under. I have a new bottle of Bourdeaux that was just sent to me from Biarritz. The perks of being a "liberal elitist". No Pabst Blue Ribbon in my house.

American Wife


by American Wife on

I'm on my way over with a bottle of White Shiraz and a pack of Salem Slim Lights...

We'll watch the Chippendale Dancers instead.  That's all the exercise I need to watch today...:-)


I tried it

by Abarmard on

Too easy :p


to amir nasiri

by nina (not verified) on

Don't be so insecure. Liking Arabic music does not mean, saying bye bye to Iranian roots ,values or culture. Why should anybody close other cultures to themselves? You don't like it, then don't listen to it. It is not like anyone is banning Iranian music here. Just relax !


Rouhi is very good. I love

by dancer (not verified) on

Rouhi is very good. I love the Arabic song on this video. Does anyone know it's name, or have recommendations for "shad" or "dancing" Arabic music like this?


What is withe Arabic music -- Boycott this movie

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

Don't we have nice Persian music

what is the point of this?

That is why I call you guys hypocrites and traitors!!


She rocks....still!

by Majid on

That's her indeed, Roohi Saavoji (Saavogi) !

One of the best dancers in pre-1357 era!

You go girl!


Well I could be flippant.

by skatermom (not verified) on

Well I could be flippant. However, I just dusted off a half bottle of petite syrah and smoked 4 cigarettes. So kudos to these girls. 'cause I aint doing that.


messed up

by parham1300 (not verified) on

I'm agreed with Gol, man...It's just messed up. I just know when an American says "Oh Iranian, Are you Arab?" we just burst up and say “Noooooooooooo we are different”.
And the beautiful part is that those who promote Arabic dance are not Arab girls because it’s forbidden for them. Iranian girls compensate for that.
Just put yourself in American shoes and let them know how to distinguish Iranians from Arabs?...from our look? From our government dress code? …Freaking script? …dance?



This is Ruhi's Belly Dance

by knas (not verified) on

This is Ruhi's Belly Dance studio.weekly lessons.
She's one of the girls from"Moorche Dareh",


Relax dude..

by Parthian on

Gol, come on man, there are some good arabic music, spanish music, etc. There are also some really crappy persian music. This is good, they are doing aerobics Iranian style. I like it. I hope they can whip these Iranian women in shape. Sorry there are very few of them. Every time I go out hiking, or some outdoor activity with a persian girl in the group, she always starts complaining in the first 15 mintues about how hot it is, or how uncomfortable it is.


Boy we are confused! Iranians w/Arabic dance & music & religion!

by gol-dust on

And you guys make fun of IRI for leanning too much towards the arabs! Religious link is their excuse. What is your? You want to make sure that we are totally connected to them? And you call yourselves PERSIANS?!

I never hear any arab playing persian music! Nothing against the beautiful arabic music, but why not trying our own beautiful music instead? ohh, it doesn't go with belly dancing! That's fine! I am being too harsh! Just go ahead and show your gorgeous and delicious bodies for people's pleasure! Thanks!


Aerobics on Iranian TV

by bikar (not verified) on

afareen , bunch of smart girls having fun and making money.i wish they would play Iranian music instead of arabic.