Differences between Persians and Arabs

Comedian Maz Jobrani

Axis Of Evil Comedy Tour DVD. www.mazjobrani.com


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Arabs & Muslems & Jews

by :))) (not verified) on


Chill people!

by casual observer (not verified) on

The first guy spells it Nadar with an "a".... the 2nd guy ( with the better English, but fingers that are too quick with keys, not a sin, everyone does it!)..spells his name Nader with an "e", just an observation. But, People please Chill out! this is supposed to be a comedic , fun clip, save your bitching for the serious threads:) Peace out.


This is interesting.

by Odent (not verified) on

Mr. Vanaki:

I have been checking your spelling, grammar, and punctuation, since you seem to think it is very important to have perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

What is "weiiten?" Did you mean to type written? I do not know. I am not a perfect speller, so I thought "weiiten” may be one of those million dollar words only the highly educated people employ to degrade hoi polloi.

Thank you in advance.


You are a condescending

by Behzad (not verified) on

You are a condescending individual. Your last post confirmed my suspicions. You need clinical attention. If you wish I could make a referral so you could get the help you need.


To Behzad

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

You are looking at the name and not paying attention to the content of the postings. If you just pay enough attention you know which one is weiiten by whom.


Nadar Vanaki

by Behzad (not verified) on

You are in desparate need of help. You need to see a psychologist soon. I understand you are one, but this does not give you license to hurt others. You need help my friend.


To All: The Real Nader Vanaki Speaks Out

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

The posting is the work of Kouroush Sassanian or K.S. who boasts to write under my name or to be my alter ego. The psychotic loser can not even write in correct English. So for all those who want to distinguish between my writings and his, just note that I never use the words devil, hell, morality, etc..pretty soon you will catch on since K.S. has limited vocabulary and his mood is hateful all the time.

Keep reading my real postings and you will find out the difference. It is not too hard.


To Nadar Vanaki

by RR (not verified) on

If you anybody's behavior is disgrace is you, gosh , look at all the comments that you post, full of hatred, name calling iranian women, bad mouthing.

It is so pitty that a person is sourrnded with so much negativity.


Had found him on FACEBOOK,

by PS (not verified) on

Had found him on FACEBOOK, and I absolutely love him~


A disgrace!

by Nadar Vanaki (not verified) on

He should perform in Iran. What has happened to our morality! These people have sold their souls to the Devil. They will burn in hell for it.