This donkey can sing




by Anonymous555 (not verified) on

muslims will always be muslims What's new


But, seriously we had a

by XerXes (not verified) on

But, seriously we had a donkey in our village and he sang just like the donkey here when we hit him with rocks. Some kids did other terrible things to him!


Final Solution

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

We need a final solution for all the secessionists out there. Give them papers to leave, or hang them high in public!


Kouroush Sassanian is singing

by Anonymous c ya (not verified) on

nice, Kouroush Sassanian is singing

divooneh divooneh
kouroush showdeh divooneh


Looks like

by XerXes (not verified) on

Sounds great but looks like Bush (balaa nesbat e khar)


Lots of anti-persian videos

by Iva (not verified) on

There were a few links to anti-persian videos. Of course, I am not happy to see/hear of talks of divided Iran. However, I have to say "afarin" to them for using song and dance to promote their cause instead of stick, stone, whips and executions that current Arab rulers of Iran using.
By the way, whom should I send my thank you letter for making Iran equal to Nazi in eyes of the world? Shame on you dead-worshipers of the Iran who are sending Iran, as we used to know it, into its grave.



by just me (not verified) on

That was awesome...Khayliy, Khayliy,Khayliy, bahal bood..