Elmeddin Ibrahimov: Promising singer




what the hell are yu

by Fidan (not verified) on

what the hell are yu speaking of?
what yu are saying is not true at all, an example is myself! ^^

(ps it is not azari, but azeri!)


to asdollah

by sanazi on

if u only knew what soviet azeris think of us iranian azaris, u would never think of joining soviet azerbaijan. they see us (iranian azaris) as inferior, and they will say it to ur face. i've met many of them,,,and they seriously suffer from some sort of inferiority complex. but if u tell them u are european they will kiss ass for u right away. they are a disgracefull bunch.


to jesus

by sanazi on

the name of the song the kids is singing is called delkesh (in azeri societ it's pronounced 'dilkesh'),,,which means 'attractive' in persian,,,,just the title of the song is persian.


STOP IT !!!!!!. that is a plot.

by Love Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

Some people(Seperatists) are fooling you Azeris. They are using the name Perisan to make a hostile enviroment between us IRANIAN. Don't fell into their trap. Ignore them, I know they are Pan-turk seperatists poping up to fool you. You Azeris hamvatane Iraniy man do not let the seperatists decieve you. It is obvious that they are not Persians, ask yourself why now in this dangerous time that Our home Iran is facing many threats they start making TAFRAGEH between us. That is the order of their boss USA and England. Be smart Azeri brother and sister.


Face the reality, asdollah

by Anonym70000000 (not verified) on

Slow down boy, it is the fault of people like you that made the Islamic-shia to the state religion of Iran. The religion that made all these problem. I know that you (Azeris, Pan- turk) are an Islam lover because it guaranties the oppression of other Iranians such as Persians, Kurds, Lors, and other ethnic Iranians. For the last 1000 years you Turks ruled and destroyed Iran, the country that belongs to all Iranians. Your fascist and prejudie views destryed Iran and its culture. You coerced all Iranians into islam and shia just to have controll over Iran. Shame on you. Open your eyes and see who is the leader of islamic Iran, an AZERI(Ali Kamenei), then you blame Persians for oppressing other Iranians. You guys have a talent to manipulate all facts but the world is too little to do such a thing. If you do like it then leave our country and go to your fatherland TURKEY.


This Kid

by Anonymous411 (not verified) on

is awesome and has a great voice.
Also, don't hate different ethnicities or bash them.
What makes Iran great is that it is a melting pot of different ethnicities, who all consider Iran as their home and have helped make it a great country. Peace and much love to all my Azeris, Kurds, Joonoobis, and every other ethnicity in Iran and around the world


First of all, I am a third

by Asdollah (not verified) on

First of all, I am a third generation tehrani. Farsi speaking born and raised but my great grandparents were from Azerbaijan, both from tabriz side and baku side.

I am shocked at how some racist and ethno-centric some persian people are, that actually after seeing all this I am becoming an azeri seperatist.

How retarded can one be to compare Iranian.com with turkish.com? why would they have Farsi songs in Turkish.com? how many people in Turkey speak Farsi? Well, Kurdish is another matter, they should have Kurish stuff because 30 percent of their population is Kurdish, but Iran has a quarter azeri turk population, and you racist idiot call them "foreigner".. you are nothing but a filthy neo-nazi bigget fashist. If Persians or Iranians are all like you, I want to be separate and Join the former soviet azerbaijan, even though I don't speak their language, (I can understand them a little bit).. shame on you..

Iran is a diverse country, and that's what makes us be proud of being Iranian, because of different colorfull traditions of different regions.. and if we had a secular, free, democratic, modern country, I am sure those countries who used to be part of iran, would want to join us, rather than we be so paranoid about our own people wanting to be seperatists. peace..



by Anonymous-persis (not verified) on

you have a very aggressive tone. That is one of the impurities in one's culture!!!. We make what we can of our condition with the all means available. I agree that we must accept the mixture in our country as we find it, but not the cultural impurity of it(Islam), we can share the tragedy of it, the hope of it, but we have to do our best to get rid of it. Islam is a tool in hand of some ethnic groups(non-persians) in Iran to oppress other Iranians(Persians, Kurds, Lors, Balochies.....) for more than one millanium.
Iran(Persia) was founded by Persians(Cyrus the great), a fact that can not be denied. The impurities started with Arab invasion about 1400 years ago and contineued by Turks and Mongols. By study and knowing the history of Iran you will realize that the glory of our country had ended with Arab-turk cultural invasion to Iran. Please ask yourself whether stonning, hanging, cutting people's limbs, rape and many other crimes are not the result of impurities. Shiaism, a religion introduced and forced upon all Iranians by Safavid(Turk), is something that has no place in Iranian's mind and heart. For the last 1400 years persians were the victim of genocieds and atrocities committed by Arabs and Turks. The only way to save Iran is to revive our ancient way of life and if anybody has a problem with that he/she needs to leave Iran. Anonym999999, it is very sad to read that you want that your county face distruction just in order to fulfill Mullah's dream to export Islam to other countries. Don't you think that we Iranians are paying a very heavy price for it? That is another impurity in your culture that you think, you and your Mullahs have to decide for the fate of all Iranian people. I don't understand your hostility to Persians and Persian culture, even the enemies of Iran praise the persian culture and Persian history. You brag about the Naserodin shah for invading India!!!!. Then you should ask Indians what they think about him. They know him as a turkish butcher who had committed the worst genocide and crime against them. Read the history of Iran and see what all of those non-Iranians(Saljogees, gasnavied, afsharies, Safavied....Qajars) did to Iran and Iranians(crime, genocide). Compare the size of Iran(Perisa) and its glory in pre-Islam era with the Iran after Arab-Turk invasion. Iran only belongs to those who love Iran regardless of their ethnicity(Persians,Kurds, Lor, belochies.....). Kurds are the eyes of Iran and the most important people in Iran just like other true Iranians.


What a remarkable talent

by ramintork on

What a amazing voice!

Thanks for posting this.


to Jesus

by Anonymous999999999999 (not verified) on

obviously with a name like that you will hate muslims and call them fundamentalists...if fundamentalist means abiding to the basic fundamentals...then it is very good thing and i wish i was one...if you are not a fundamentalist as an engineering you’ll be fired in two weeks…there is a reason why they call fundaments fundamentals…because there is nothing left with foundation has gone….don't get me wrong, i know and love Jesus more than you because i am a Muslim....but i do agree with your other comments.


To Anonymous999999999999999

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

I agree with what you are saying regarding prejudice, but what I don’t understand is how you can support a fascist government that prohibit others to practice their culture, language, a government who kills its own citizens in the name of separatist. Did you know that even the mayor of some regions are not even from the same ethnicity… A secular and federal Iran is what most of Iranians specially Kurds, Baluchs and Arab Iranian needs.


Let's not act like the Turks(Turkey) or ..

by Jesus (not verified) on

Or Azarbayjanis of the country of Azarbayjan. I love all my Iranian compatriots, Baluch, Azaris, Kurds, Persians(if there is such a thing as pure persians), all part of the Iranian family, the only group of Iranians I hate with a passion are muslim fundemantalist, mullahs, basijis and hezbollahis, because they are foreigners. Now having said that, having this video is not an attack on Iranian culture. Let's not be close minded like the Turks of turkey, where everything is an attempt at complete westernization. So what if they don't allow Iranian video on their site. You know what, that is their loss. Iranians have always been able to tolerate, and appreciate other cultures.
One more thing, he may be singing in Turkish, but some dialect of it, but the music, and even the clothing has lots of Iranian influence. Indeed, I would say the clothing, and style of music is much more Iranian than anything else.


to vatan parast

by Anonymous99999999999999 (not verified) on

First of all...what the heck do you mean by impurities??? are you saying Azari culture in Tabriz is impure??? I hope this is not what you mean, and if you did mean this then you're lucky that i don't know where you live...Turks(turkey) act like they are defending their culture against impurities, but in fact they have already sold out their culture...they can not even write in their ancient letters anymore...they beg Europe to let them into their continent...which is the funniest thing to me...so, are you sure that they have defended their culture...they have no culture left to defend anymore...and i must say we (iranians) are also moving in the same direction with the our generation that thinks west is god. but i think we in iran should cultivate and encourage all ethnics to express their language/culture freely...even though that is how it is in iran right now...but i think the goverment should take up a more active role in encouraging azaris/kurds/arabs to express their language and culture...Today the most beautiful and "hamasi" music comes from Kurdistan region of iran...Kurds are iran lovers and they have their distinct language/culture which is indeed Iranian language/culture…same with azaris


Anonymous-persis and other associates

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Just enjoy the song and give some feedback. What has persian culture to do with song. Also you seem like educated person, so try not affend other Iranians, by stating that the Persian culture is Iran. Remeber that without the other Iranian groups, Iran wouldn't existed. Even Cyrus the Great wasn't pure Persian. He was Persian/Mede(Kurd).


to people that over use the work Persian!!!!!

by Anonymous999999999999999 (not verified) on

either your an uneducated person or at worst a racist...Iran consists of different ethnic groups that one of them happens to be persian...Kurds, Azaris, Lors, persians, arabs are the some of the important ethnic groups of Iran...no ethnic group is better than the other one...individually we are better than each other on the basis of how much we have serves our people/iran instead of complaining about how bad the government is all the time…I am really sick of that too...we (all ethinic groups) have lived with each other and fought our enemies (e.g., arabs, Ottomans(turks), russians) for thousands of years...don't you see how Turks are racists and at the same time they suck up to the big powers...it is because racism is in inferior ideology that would ultimately sunk a nation into nothingness...we are shia-Muslims (apologies if you are not) and we will never back down and let people play with our dignity…I am an Azari who dislikes Azaris from the north...because they acts like racist/useless Turks from Turkey and have no dignity...Yes, i am ashamed the Qadjars were Azaris, but Nader Shah was also an Azari who rebuilt iran and made it into an empire again...and Yes i support the Islamic Republic, because with all it's problems/shortcomings/corruption/not-trusting-its-oun-people/lies, it does not take shit from big powers...The main problem of Iran is not its Government...even though that is one of our biggest problems and we should work to fix it...but the biggest problem of all facing iran is "me" and "you"...the moment we ask ourselves, what have we done form our country/people/city/future-generations- with-no-oil, then the answer will become clear...with every skill we have we should work hard for our people and even people in other parts of the word…after all we are all human beings and we are as great as our positive effect to our surroundings…all i'm saying is if any of you Persians think you're better than the rest of the ethnic groups, or you have superior language/culture we'll make you regret it by kicking you out of your own country and sending you to any where you like…pick your choice…America, Europe, Israel, Afghanistan, or even planet Mars.


to sara

by Anonymous-persis (not verified) on

Dear Sara,
insulting other people is actually prohibited in our Persian culture, remember that: good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Don't worry about Fohsh dadan, we like all people around the world(Do they think in the same way or they are waiting to tear us and our country apart). I don't get it when you say listening to this music is HUMANITY(ENSANIAT BOODAN), what are you trying to tell us? If you think you will be a better human by listening to this music then go ahead and listen to it 1000 times. We just want to protect the Persian culture and values. plese educate yourself about all issues that are related to your country, if you love your country!!!.


If people don't get it...

by sara- (not verified) on

If people don't get it... perhaps they just don't get it.

Tekrar mikonam:

Ensaan boodan inghadr moshkele??

In yek 'BACHE' ast, dareh avaaz mikhooneh, (man khodam be in joor avazha alaghe nadaram , va hichi ham nemifahmam, vali kari be oon nadarm)

Agar Koorosh o Darush ham mesl-e alan ma fekr mikardan maa hichvaght oon emperatoori bozorg o por obbohat nemishodim!

Hala 2500 saal az oon mogheh gozashteh,
agar mikhahim hatta yek kami ham mesl oon mogheh beshim bayad mesl oonha fekr konim.

Oonha baa ensaaniat va beh ensaaniat fekr mikardan.

(kheili balaa ha sar-e maa oomadeh va hamintor dareh miyad... digeh khodemoon oonha ra ba gheyr ensani boodan tashdid nakonim)

In tor fekr kardan dar mored-e in clip faghat yek nemooneh ast!

In nazar-e man ast hala agar doost darid
fohsh bedahid, in gooy o in meydan....kindly go ahead.


To Sara

by vatan parast (not verified) on

I hope you know why we Iranians, the people that once ruled over the ancient civilized world so benebolently, having been reduced to such a stage of depravity. That is the price that we pay for ignoring our own national identity and our valuable culture. See how the turks, Arabs and other nations defend their own culture from getting infected by other cultures. Why we Iranians should be always Beeganeh Parast and at the same time ready to bash our own people, culture and history? Is that the result of multiculturism or just ignorance?


To Falcon

by Mobarez (not verified) on

you are way out of line! I don't understand what you are trying to tell, I think your emotions got into the way of your reasoning. You don't understand our Iranian essence and culture. This would be bizarre elsewhere, but in Iranian.com instead of teaching our people the real and valuable Persian history, Art and culture, they have to learn about Arab, Turk, American and European culture. That is sad, very sad for a nation with thousands of years of civilization.


Ay gofti Falcon Jaan!

by sara- (not verified) on

Ay gofti Falcon Jaan!

Digeh bass-e, aghayoon khanoomha.

Yeh bacheh dareh mikhooneh, hala be har zabooni, chinee, bolghari, fanlandi, ya troki... harchi.

Hameh chi bayad yaa siasi besheh ya melliati (ke maa behtarim!)ya...

Ensaan boodan inghadr moshkele??


See a shrink

by Falcon (not verified) on

Baba cheghadr zer mizanin shoma. Just comment on the kid's singing, good or bad without reference to his ethnicity. I recommend just a separate threat or chat site so you guys can unload your frustration with all your insecurities on each other. Over there you can all spew off why pure Iranian race deserve to rule the world due to our pure persian blood and turn every discussion into fohshe khar madar.


To Anonymous 99999999999999

by Anonymous persis (not verified) on

What do you mean by saying "In Iran's Azarbadegan we are in some ways more patriotic than PERSIANS when it comes to proclaiming our land". Do we Persians had any attempt to sell our country to its enemies? Did we Persians made Shia to official Iranian religion? Do you know who the Qarars were(known as Vatan forosh)?.


too much censorship

by Anonymous-Persis (not verified) on

Dear administrator would you please let the website visitors post their comments and opinion about the issues, topics, videos etc published in Iranian.com. Is censorship a part of our culture? Do you want to read only positive comments on this video clip? What is the meaning of freedom of speech for you Dear sir/Miss. Then let change the name of Iranian.com to AntiIranian.com. Turks and Arabs hate Persian culture and language and never allow that something about Persian culture(music, Art etc) get published in their media and websites. Why we always have to pay the price for multiculturalism.


lol at censorship in this

by sohrab (not verified) on

lol at censorship in this website…was my comment that hurtful? sorry for complaining about an Azerbaijani song being posted in an Iranian website. I really doubt if they will play Iranian songs in Azerbijani.com


Sad Hezar Afarin

by AnonymousBahBahChahChah (not verified) on

Barikallah, Che sedai, che she'r e por ma'nai,
Kheyli Lezat bordam, Migan Azari hunar e, va Farsi shekar e :-)
Vaghtesh resideh ke maa hameh chand zaban yad begirim, to bebinim chetor maa hameh yeki hastim, hich farghi nadarim. Afarin be in pesar e dasteh ye gol. Sad afarin...


Zendeh bashi


Eshq, Mehr, Mohabat va Ziba-ee

by AnonymousMehr (not verified) on


Chera honar, musiqi, farhang va in hame zibai ro ba afkar takhribi, siyasi, faje'ehamiz ghati mikonid. Heyf az in sedaye ziba va resa ye in pesar, ke shoma rahat ba barchasp-haye e nejadi, ghomi, zabani hameh chiz ro biarzesh mikonid. Chera???? Shoma khodetoon moshkelsaz hastin.

Why are you ruining this great art, music, culture and beauty with distructive, disasterous thoughts and words. What a pitty to take the wonderful powerful voice of this youth and easily stick racist, ethnic, ligustic labels on it and rendor it worthless.
Why???? Can't you see you are also part of the problem.


Very Nice

by Dariush (not verified) on

The talented kid is singing to everyone happy, not to make you hate each others. Enjoy it!


it is amazing to me that...

by Anonymous999999999999999 (not verified) on

it is really amazing to me that both Turks in Turkey and Azari's in Azarbaijan LOVE to suck up to and worship westerners this much...it is sick, disgusting, and stupid...In Iran's Azarbaijan we are in some ways more patriatic that Persians, when it comes to proclaiming our land...Majority of Kurds are Iran Lovers too...Now some M**** F**** (e.g., American Government, Arabs, Turks) are jeleaous of this fact and they try to missrepresent Azari's as seperatists. if any one wants to seperate, trust me it's not us...we would be the last ones to leave Iran, after the persians.


i agree

by sanazi on

i agree that historically baku belongs to armenia, and most iranians agree w/ that too, and thats why soviet azeris are pissed at us cuz they expect us to back them up (since no one in the region backs them except Turkie). and especially, they expect us to back them cuz they r shia (like iranians),,,,but history has proven that baku belongs to armenia.


to anonymous8888888

by Anonymous1174 (not verified) on

Unrealizable dreams and uncontrollable appetite!