Erwin Khachikian

Karmandan 'Namayesh'

Persian Alternative Rock. See:


Recently by Babak KhiavchiCommentsDate
Sanaz Ahari: Google
Jul 07, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
Dance with Me
Nov 06, 2010
more from Babak Khiavchi

Coming from a non-Persian...

by Eskimo (not verified) on

I'm not even Persian, but that shit rocks! Way better than the crap they play on the Persian channels. Plus he's way better looking than Andy (aka Diego Maradona) and the rest of the cheesy pop singers that you guys listen to, especially on the Nooruz specials!!! This is what you need to take you out of your bubble...


Great Music

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

Great music, very different
Creative and genuine

Go guys, great work. I hope I see more of your work.

It was awesome



by Ajam (not verified) on

The music sounds a lot like an Alan Parson's Project rip-off!


You cannot do that.

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

you cannot start off with burgundy and yellows and black and then suddenly for no reason whatsoever go all azur.
The music is dreadfull enough.

I wish people would stop doing so many silly things


Hellz yeah...

by Saman on

Any person who's willing to sit on a MOSTARAH in a music video and put it on youtube is my hero. Good work to all and glad we're changing the trend!


Chetori Babak?


Like his message, his

by Mitra khuzestani (not verified) on

Like his message, his music and his video too. Not to mention his looks. Very Nice

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Nice song, excellent video. Very well made.