
Ayatollah Gerami in Qom priovdes quick service over the phone

Hilarious! He checks the Koran to see if it is OK or not to take whatever action you are contemplating.


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To Anonymous^2

by Suomynona ^ 2 (not verified) on

I think you Bush lovers should go back to Iraq and stay until 2012 to serve your country. OR, may be you're afraid to become upside down?

Read a book to be ashamed of the crimes of USA first, then write about USA.

American Wife

Don't worry Anon2

by American Wife on

I'm assuming Jaleh was speaking to Anon876... your language skills are quite sufficient.  However, 876 appears to be a little confused.



To Anonymous876

by Jamshid the plumber (not verified) on

You said "Don't you see the poverty, the low intelligence and education in your own country(USA)", why the hell you yourself reside in the U.S.A (your IP address fro your email says so!)?

May be USA is not intelligent enough, but many people will migrate to USA if its door becomes open to all.


Anon^2 for an average dumb American

by Jaleho on

who doesn't know his own mother language well, your command of Arabic and Farsi seems quite well!

But still, you can not hide your lack of intelligence. See, there's a difference between a traditional estekhareh on a private matter vs. president of a military superpower like Reagan making his important international decisions based on consultation with Nancy Reagan's astrologer.

He was still not as dumb as George Bush, who based on whispers from HIS GOD attacked Iraq. Because of the funny voices that commisioned him for the mission he thought was accomplished in 6 days, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, tens of thousands of Americans died, and another 20,000 Americans are hopping on one foot for the rest of their lives.

Yeah right, God Bless Bush and America. We are only lucky that Sarah Palin didn't get a chance to realize what HER GOD has been whispering in her ears!



by Abol H. Danesh, Ph.D. from UCR (not verified) on

...Well it seems the leafs of book is converted to the leafs of money since 1979 revolution and therefore this mullah better practice his profession by playing with a stack of money just in the same way people play cards to do fortune telling...

NOw let me see what this chinese fotune cookie is having for me after unwrapping it...

"There is nothing in life better than to have a small suitcase full of fresh stack of money each stack wraped by a rubber" On my to and out of bank...


Crocodile's in pardis

by Iran parast (not verified) on

All of them well be kicked out of Iran no moor Islam's cockroaches and crocodiles.


to Anonymous^2

by Anonymous876 (not verified) on

How literate are Americans? If they are literate why the hell they make fool of themselves and also their goverment fool them all the time? What is so special about America that you think Ameirca is America?!!. Don't you see the poverty, the low intelligence and education in your own country(USA). You need to do some reading and open your eyes to see what is going on in your country. A farmer in Iran knows and understand more than an highly educated
American. Your comment shows how educated you are!!!! Oh boy


An illiterate nation such as Iranians need

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

decision makers such as this mullah.

In America, people consult with their lawyers, doctors, accountants, psychologists, real-state agents, or other professional experts when they have problems or when they need to make important decisions. There is a reason America is America and Iran is Islamic Republic! Get it!

A proud American.
God bless America.
God bless President Bush.


He is a real, honest, shia

by imam 2 (not verified) on

He is a real, honest, shia molla.


No difference!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

What is the difference between this priest and the Jewish or Christian or other priests? He is doing basically what the others do. Priests are there to help their constituents. Their constituents want them to act this way or that way, or tell them this thing or that thing. The priests are simply doing the job for which they were hired. If there is a problem, it is not with the priest. It is with the constituent, the person who calls for this advice.
It is like the same discussion people have with prostitution. They say prostitutes cause moral decay. The fact is it is those who seek prostitutes who help create prostitutes. So, as you see, we should look for the source of the problem.



by Professor Abol Hassan Danesh, Ph.D. From UCR (not verified) on


In random
Some pages in the book are labled as "Good"
In random
Some leafs in the same books are labled as "Bad"
Still in randon
The remaining leafs are labled as "In-Between"
Of course
When you close the book completely
Together all pages in oneness become all good
By combining the first letter from each three conditions
To form a word
Which will be nothing but "Good"


mythology, astrology,

by RZ (not verified) on

mythology, astrology, estekhare, religion, santa claus, akhond, tooth fairy, flying spaghetti monster, all belong in the same category. I just hope to be alive the day they are all dismissed as nonsense. But for now, .......



by faryarm on

Perfecting the art of MOFT KHORI...