Finnish lessons for Iranians

What refugees would say

Finnish - Persian trouble lesson 1

Finnish - Persian trouble lesson 2

Finnish - Persian trouble lesson 3


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Iran is the best

by XerXes (not verified) on

We all need to go to Iran, forget all these weird people in all the weird countries. If you live in the west, you have seen it all, go somewhere to gain some real culture besides this nonsense.
Rebuild Iran. Go Iran, spend money, visit your culture, visit the poor towns and country sides.
Iran above all!


> Scandinavia

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

Finland like all other coutries of Scandinavia are facing demographic deficits. They generally have very generous laws and social helps towards foreigners.

At the same time, Italy is very racist country, with a weak economy. None except dummies would like to migrate there.



go to itlay dummy

by shirazie (not verified) on

Finland? why?


Who the ... would want to learn Finnish?

by farrad02 on

And what the heck? Why is Finnish so hard to pronounce?