Former man "saving herself"

New woman wants to remain virgin, for now

A woman who used to be a man before her sex-change operation in Iran, talks about wanting to remain a virgin before marriage.




by curiouscat (not verified) on

i didn't get what he/she meant by rabeteye oonjoriha??? kodom jooriha? can someone clarify? is he/she talking about A*@# sex? or O*@# sex?



by EWWWWW (not verified) on

In rejime akhoond haye hamjens-baz va bacheh-baz ham inha ro tashvigh mikoneh keh zan beshan hatta az khazaanehye dolat kharje amaleshun ro mideh.
Sick Mollah society of 1979-2008 Iran.


If this individual wants to

by pej84 (not verified) on

If this individual wants to be identified as a female, I don’t see an issue with it. It’s not harming anyone. Plus she seems to have the mentality of a lot of other Persian girls, take it in every hole except the vagina and you still remain a virgin LOL.


I'm 100% with you. "she has

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

I'm 100% with you. "she has no respect and self-respect" geat comment.

p.s. single? lol


Haji Agha Jan, My fellow

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Haji Agha Jan,

My fellow Canadian citizen:
Man fekr mikonam ke shoma kamelan aghleh khodetun ro az dast dadeed. Normaleh, enghad badbakhti keshidid ke dige simaatun ghaati shodeh.
Zan mesleh marde, hich kudum bar tari be ham nadaran. Va aghle hardo ham yeki hastesh.
Albateh, ashkhaasi mesleh shoma, ke kamelan bala khune ro ejareh dadan, meghdari az baghieh ba hoosh tar hastan va behtar meedoonan...

Mersi..keep commenting please
darzemn, videohatun chi kheily motad shodeh boodim be khandidan be rikhtetun..please add some more.


Think about how hard life

by Anonymousfemale (not verified) on

Think about how hard life must have been for her before, trapped in a mans body, that she is now willing to live this life in Iran. I’m sure it’s not an easy one, but for her it’s a better one. I mean cases like this go to prove that god doesn’t exist…why would a god torture someone like this.



by Ye Irani (not verified) on

Stuff like this are exceptional and should be treated as exceptions. That means to tolerate and do not protray phenomena as a mainstream event. Do not take it as a crisis but treat it as an exception.


Stop acting like Borat

by yet another ex Muslim (not verified) on

Transgender is usually a genetic disorder.
To make fun of such individuals is like watching Borat make fun of his retarded brother.

Isn't time to come of the third world?

Just think of this poor person.
As if it is not hard enough living in Iran as a normal individual, mother nature has turned him trangender and placed him in one of the most discriminating places on the planet.


To: Real Iranian Girl

by Anonymousmn07 (not verified) on

I'm 100% with you. "she has no respect and self-respect" geat comment.

p.s. single? lol


haji omad be bazar

by hajiagha on


این اگر به کانادا پناهنده بشه می تونه در مدت کوتاهی وزیر ویابه  یک شغل بالا بر سه  من با مردهای کاناائی زیاد سر مسئله ازادی زنها بحث می کنم حتی یک درصد انها هم با این ازادی ها موافق نیستند و فحش که به زن و قانون کانادا میدهند نه که من با ازادی زنها مخا لفم نه زن موجود لطیف و حساسیه و باید مورد توجه و احترام زیادی ر جامعه باشه و نباید به زن قدرت و پول زیادی داد چون از لحاظ فکری قادر به تحمل این ها نیست و نمونه ان کانادا فرار مردها از این کشور قتل زن ها و تفرقه در جامعه و طلاق . من هر وقت خواستم به زن کانادائی بگم فکر کنم این راه بهتره با تمام قوا سعی کرده من رو سر کوب کنه. شاید بعد ها پزشک ها و دانشمندان به زن ها سابت کنند با با  مغز شما نا قص تر از مردها ست. تا ان روز ما باید چه رنجی ببریم .

ما خوبه که بدون توهین و سانسور حرف خودمان را بزنیم زن کانادائی ای مال زذه عکس فرستاده فکر کرده من افریقائی هستم التماس می کنه که ارزو داره تا یک چیز کلفت....به من نگفته ارزو داره مادر بشه شوهر خوبی داشته باشه بچه های سالم متا سفانه اینجا هم زن ها زیر ستم زندگی می کند و بد بخت و تنها و بدون هدف و بازیچه مجلات مد و ...چون نقطه ضعف زن مغز عقب افتاده اون و حساسیت زیاد به ما دیات و تجملات و سکس و ...حال جمعئیت اندکی شون زود متوجه می شوند و می رند سر زندگی . مرد به زن نیاز داره و زن به مرد


read this one all true

by Anonymous778 (not verified) on

این معلوم نیست شاید از اون زن های باشه که دودول داره و بزرگتراز مرد. من که کف کردم هر وقت رو اینترنت نوشتم افریقائی هستم اقا صدها ای مال می اید همه بزرگ و کلفت می خواهند تا می فهمند حاجی از ایرون امده همه شون فرار می کند. این دیوانگی که ما مردها به ازادی زنها احترام بگذاریم تا بعدا خودم تو دردسر بیا فتیم باور کنید هر شببه مدت دوازده ساله دارم اگهی اینتر نتی مد دهم و دنبال زن هستم اما حتی یک دونه شون هم اهل زندگی نیست این مطلب رو خانهای مغرور بخاند که دشمن خانمها ما مردها نیستیم حما قت خود انها و مغز ناقص انها س چون من هنر مند با اغوش باز امم به خارج و بدون نفرت از زن حالا چی شده ارزو می کنم تو ایران سنگسار کردن دوباره رو کار بیاد ما وحشت داریم حقیقت رو ببینیم بای همین یا فحش می دهیم یا سانسور می کنیم یا زندان و..


حاجی آقا کوجاس

Fanolhaj (not verified)

حاجی آقا کوجاس این سحنه رو بیبینه؟!
حاجی: بیا بیا عروس اومده!


Valla zan ke boodim

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Valla zan ke boodim natumestim khodemuno dorost negar darim...kashki ma ham betumin amal konim mard beshim.....shayad untori betunim khodemuno hefz bokonim...meeduni??? UNTORIA!
Haji kojaiiiii to ro khoda ezhareh nazar bokon...mordeem az khandeh..tanhai


damn! Iranian community can

by nima (not verified) on

damn! Iranian community can be so intolerant....even those living in the west....



by Na najeeb (not verified) on

This is a MAN, with shoulder-length,colored hair, and badly tweezed eye-brows...there is nothing "naz or delroba" about him...s/he needs to continue with the hormone therapy to lose the masculine voice, and s/he needs to get rid of that Adam's apple.


Good for her..

by *Anonymous (not verified) on

My conclusion from seeing this video, and the way she talks is that, for sure she needed to go through the surgery to adjust her body to what it supposed to be.

My only friendly suggestion for her is to do less delbary :), and just be herself.


First of all it she and not

by Anonymousfemale (not verified) on

First of all it she and not he, get it right. What makes a person a female or a male…this is way too complicated. I mean if you’re talking about having a xx chromosome vs. a xy yes then she isn’t a “real” female. But, what really makes us a female? Our tits, vagina and hormones. Looks like she has all of that, I mean she probably felt really trapped in a mans body and it wasn’t her…mistakes happen in nature. There’s a pretty famous study of a scientist injecting male hormones into the placenta of a pregnant rat and when the female rat is born it tries to have sex with other females. So, it’s not her fault…In my eyes she’s a female no different than I.


Some one tell me please!

by Wonder (not verified) on

Che Joorieeaaaaa? :)


Who is s/he kidding?

by Real Iranian Girl (not verified) on

I have a few questions:

Since there are more single woman than men in Iran, why would a man choice to be with him/her?

Being a woman is not about what the eye sees, there is something non-tangible that makes a female different from a male. No surgeon give one the magical quality of being a real male or real female.

The way s/he is laying on the sofa is completely undignified in Iranian culture. It shows she has no respect and self-respect -- qualities needed for true virtue.


She might be Shahi

by Alborzi (not verified) on

You see, she may not feel confident with the new
apparatus (she was more comfortable the old fashioned
way) and now by using virginity as an excuse she is doing it the way she was always. She does not say so,
but Alborzi thinks she must be Shahi, they like it the old fashioned way, however they should be more open minded and not be afraid. :-)


Live free

by Door (not verified) on

Why not, she should live her life as she wishes. To each her own. Carry on babajan. Enjoy sex and enjoy the beauty of life per your suiting.


Can't wait for Haji's

by Mehran (not verified) on

Can't wait for Haji's comment:-)


nazesh mano koshteh...

by Fanolhaj (not verified) on

چقده ناز ناز ناز داری والله!
این نازو ادات حاجی آقا رو می کشه...

دختر 12 ساله به اندازهء این لعبت ناز و ادا نمی کونه!...

یا حرزت جرجیس! خودت رحممون کن....


who is she kidding?

by reality (not verified) on

with all due respect, she/he has so much naz and atwar.

she cliam she has sex,at the same time wants to stay virgin, yah right, we just have to use our imagination.



by Chicken 1 (not verified) on

So he/she wants to not have a sex from front, but that is OK to have it from back. Or rub the guys bolbols!!!!


Viva Bekarat!

by nokhod (not verified) on

it was cool. you made my day! very funny...