Is a freedom to walk in public place and saw some gay are naked in street front women and children? or going to have sex in Vancouver in night time's in park a public place, I call the police and they inform me Gay in Canada are supporting from government and they are free to do what ever wish. And why Iranian not willing to open own country to a such kind people, You gay, keep stay off my place or any public place street or park or beech is not place to naked and play with own? or your partner? disturbing the society like this?
23-Jan-2008Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Haji's pages are the most
by Haji Agha's fan (not verified) on Thu Jan 24, 2008 08:08 AM PSTHaji's pages are the most viewed and the funniest pages of all in the
Mr. Haji, stop humiliating yourself. Go to adult schools of boards of education. They have co-op programs for any subject you want, you'll get job experience in ART, or anything else. It helps you get a job after you finish highschool (even if you have "BSc".
You'll learn English too. I don't know which part of Canada you reside, but here is a link to Toronto District School Board. You can choose a program of your interest at a school near you. Click on each school and click on their website to see what they have to offer. It really helps and that's how I got my job here in Toronto 17 years ago and am still working and have moved up.
Haji Joon
by Ghamar dar Aghrab (not verified) on Thu Jan 24, 2008 07:45 AM PSTHalla rast begoo,
oon shab ke to mahaleye homless-ha bazar et ma'areke
karde bood, mozahemat baraye chand ta az in Siyah-haye daste bili ijad karde boodi? Khoshet oomad? Migan vaghti khelli gondeh hast faghat yek lahzeye aval dard dareh... Bemanad
Be jaaye naghashi jigar, shoru kon roozshomar zendegito baraye maha benvis, behet ghol midam vaghti khaterat e gozashteye tu Iranet ro neveshti, tazeh yadet miyad ke vaghti bache boodi, hamun doosthaye jebhe va roze khun aval dast paki ro be saret keshidan na in kanadai-haye badbakht. Vaze in gayhaye kanada malume, khodeshunan, edea'i ham nadaran vali tu Iran hame zahershoon najib vali pash ke mirese az dah ta kanadai ruspi koondaride taran... Bebinam bachegi kodum yeki az ghom o khishat aval koonet kozashtan?
Just a theory
by Bored iranian dude (not verified) on Thu Jan 24, 2008 05:35 AM PSTSome psychologists say that those who hate gay people might suffer from a denial that they might be gay themselves. Just a thought Haji.. And to the comment about gay parade.. SO FUCKING WHAT if someone wants to have a GAY parade, a HORSE parade, a DISNEY parade. You know what a gay parade is??? Its gay people walking for their rights, they dont walk around naked fucking each other you retard. BE TO CHE MARBOTE? Khoshet nemiyat, cheshato bebeand boro kare dige bokon. Azadi yani ine.
I'm not poulaki, Hajiagha
by Touran (not verified) on Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:25 AM PSTHaji, I'm not poulaki. Ok, we don't have to have money. You are poor and I am poor. Let's get married. If we can't pay our rent, we'll live on the street. If we can't pay for food, we go to StreeLink or get food from the Mustard Seed Food Bank.
Now, tell me, how can I cook for you if we are on the street? How can I have children if we live on the street. You cannot ask me to work and earn money, because I am a traditional woman and want to stay home and cook. What's the problem now? Why are you so diffult?
- Touran
Hve good night
by hajiagha on Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:09 AM PST//
خانم ٢٤ ساله با هوش تو من می خواهی یا پول من رو خوب برو با بانک ازدواج کن زن و مرد هر دو ای جا کار می کند دیدی باز غربی فکر کردی پولکی...در عشق و علاقه پول معنای نداره...شعر های حفظ و بابا طا هر عریان ر بخوان ..اگر پولکی نبودی از راه صفحه اینتر نتی من همه می تواند به من ای مال بزنند....در مورد هم جنس بازان ایا کوروش کبیر و مصدق و امیر کبیر و پهلوان تختی و فرهر و ...هم جنس باز بودند..به این خارجها انگلیسی های هم جنس باز قارتگر بی توجه باشید و به ایرانی بودن خوتان افتخار کنید اینها باید از ما یاد بگیرند نه ما
go to home page of haji then visit from modern museum art..
by Anonymous3 (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:56 PM PSTAre you ever visited from museum modern art gallery NY, or LA? You have great 9 . do not blame the haji
An Artist?
by local man (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:15 PM PSTyou call this an art and yourself an artist?. Anybody can draw a meaningless cartoons and write few provocative lines..You have no artistic integrity. you have no style or subjective except drawing people's dick and cursing. And don't except people to sympathize for you just because you were homeless at one time. That doesn't mean anything plus who's fault was that? The true artists are people who can show their solidarity with their own community and be more compassionate and meaningful. All you do is cursing and bad mouthing your own people. yes you're absolutely right. we don't understand you just because you are lost. you are an angry insecure middle age lonely guy who need a professional help.
Hajiagha you are a good man
by Touran (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:02 PM PSTThank you Mr. Hajiagha for your response. You are honest, you don't smoke or drin. That's very good. I don't like men who smoke or drink. And you are honest, for sure. Now, please tell me: can you financially support me and our future children? Are yopu homeless? Do you want to make me homeless too. I'm scared.
Touran (24 years old)
Haji tells the truth and truth is BITTER
by Ye Irani (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:41 PM PSTImagine Iranians being spectators for a gay parade. What do you think their reactions would be?
-Appalled to see the strange people?
-Can not imagine being there with their loved ones?
-Making Joke and laughing to death at the paraders?
-Teasing the paraders for what they wear or do?
It's impossible to find an iranian to sympethize with the gay community here but it's amazing how they blow their anger for few (exceptional escapee from Gazvin) in vatan!!!!!
Way to go my countrymen!!!!!!!!!
Bite your tongue, Haji
by She (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:23 PM PSTNever call me a "man", Hajiagha. I'm a young woman (afif girl), and I want t have a "saalem" life and 3-4 children. Please tell me what you have to bring into the marriage. Can you feed me and your future children? Thank you.
Touran(ok, I had to mention my name)
a man never hiding behind women name
by hajiagha on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:40 PM PST//
This local man should first publish his own photo before writing about your look. There is nothing wrong with your look. Many women would like to date you.
Iranian are brave people. and I am right look all this chicken trying to advice me?
some good about me, I think when Iran in dangers and are family I left school to war, I wounded, 90% close to die in hospital by chamical boomb, .then we send some one esspecial to war from are family he die in war. I left Iran nice job, to support freedom and democracy, I sleep on street and at same time's I supporting freedom by my art look all my cartoon on Iranian from past, I did not have money to buy food but I pay for computer and all this to make sure you have right cartoon's on Iranian at right time's, . non smoking or drinking, honest, artist, talent guy, what kind talent you are asking me ? smoking hashish or get drunk no way this is not my talent women?
Wife available
by She (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:13 PM PSTDear Hajiagha,
I am an average Iranian woman (yes, we exist) and ready to marry you. Please tell me ONE SINGLE GOOD THING about yourself. JUST ONE. Thank you.
- Desperate Woman (24 y.o.)
What to do.
by Mahroom (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:03 PM PSTHaji joon, che mishe kard. Khoda be een siah jama'at daadeh dasteh beel, vali be ma irooni ha yek hasteh khorma.
I just get my daily visit from Iranian
by hajiagha on Wed Jan 23, 2008 09:12 PM PST//
اشتباه حزب الی ها اینه که با خشونت برخورد می کند و من با منطق . این خانم برای من ای کاش می نوشت ارزو داره شوهر کنه مرد خبی گیرش بیاد بچه ای سالمی داشته باشه..اما روزگار عوضی شده جوانان امروزی غربی هیچ بوی از انسانیت و زندگی سالم را نبردند وبرای همین ما در منجلاب سرمایه داری به ارامی فرو می رویم دختر ١٣ ساله کانادائی شب هنگام گرفتار قاچاق فروش ٥٠ ساله و...میشه انطرف تر پلیس داره قبض جریمه به پارکنینگ بد میده..این میشه اینده ایران تا دوباره انقلاب کنیم خینی دیگری بیاد مثلا نجاتما ن بده ..ما باید فر هنگ خودمان را پیدا کنیم دردمن اینه که شما نمی فهمید.
look here over 5 years I am going to have free add on Internet to date female, after she find I am from Iran almost all of them are going ran from me ,may my face is ugly? but to night I make copy from internet a African man have large cock? and have sex, I change my add and O write I am African and i like to dare some one look here after 5 second I release my add she write me this:
OMG no way is that really your the size of your cock ? please tell me ok. Ive always wanted to try a black guy ok... am only 27 years old but am ahottie... and am tight so you'd kill me ... let me know k sandy
and tell me this society and this women right and this kind life is right for Iran, I am independent artist, I bring my talent here to you have fun with
To "Anon" : please don't expect too much of Haji
by a reader (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 08:00 PM PSTPoor Hajiagha, he's bad in Farsi too. Stop putting so much pressure on him. Gonaah daareh vallaah! He is a homeless man in search of a blond blue-eyed woman - allegedly :-) Of course, a blond blue-eyed man will do too!
Hajiagha's lawyer
Is this a real post? What is
by Anon (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 07:41 PM PSTIs this a real post? What is this person trying to say exactly???? In martikeh be andazeyeh kharam Englisi balad nist, aghallan be Farsi beneviseh...
Haji is so annoying. I hate
by Anonymous34343 (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 07:00 PM PSTHaji is so annoying. I hate the way he breathes and does a half "menno men" between sentences as he gathers his thoughts. Chendesham mishe.
you got paid $$$$
by local man (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 06:36 PM PSTi remember one time one of your close friend told me that you were hanging out on the weekends at gay club in davie street called Numbers. i even heard that because you didn't have money you got paid for having sex with a old gay guy. Now, you're a homophobic..shame on you..ay namak nashnaseh welfarey..
Haji think about it: you are gay man! don't walk away!
by fozool (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 01:58 PM PSTSEX SEX SEX
from early morning until late night,
you have this in your sick mind.
vancouver has thousands street. why do you
end up going to only one gay street in town?!!
BABA you are one! KHEJALAT NAKESH!!!
Hey, proud to be
by proud to be gorbeh (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 01:39 PM PSTHey, proud to be Cadadian!
according to you, Haji should move back to Iran and then to Saudi Arabia after Iran is changed ..
and then to Egypt when Saudi Arabia is changed
and then to England when Egypt is changed
and then to France when England is changed
and then to China when France is changed
and Finally back in Canada, when Canada is changed
Hey Haji, welcome back home again.
Elahi Bemiri
by Anonymous911 (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 01:32 PM PSTKe digar bedunam kojai
beduman k'az in jahan jodai
411 For hajiagha:::Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
by proud to be Cadadian (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:42 PM PSTeven though I'm not agree with gay/lesbian attitude.
But as Canadian Citizen everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association.
NOW khafe sho, and as Bored Iranian dude said:"If you don't like it, you should move back to Iran, and then to Saudi Arabia after Iran is changed."
To my friend James Bond :-)
by GoozBaghali (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:32 PM PSTJames Bond Khan,
Baa zabaan e khodesh daram baa Haji harf mizanam taa shirfahm beshe LOL!!!!
Dar zemn, Haji mazukhist tashrif dareh, be nazar miyad doost dareh hame bezanan tu saresh.
Shayad eshtebah mikonam, vali adami ke khodesh ro doost dareh inqhadr donbal e jalbe nazar kardan e manfi digaran nemitone bashe.
GoozBaghali, to keh az Haji
by James Bond (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:22 PM PSTGoozBaghali, to keh az Haji betarbiyat-tari ?
cheghadr goh o kesafat beh zaboon ovordi !!
Haji bayad az to dars begeereh?
You have no right
by Bored iranian dude (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:21 PM PSTYou have no right to decide wether or not what gays are allowed to do or not to do. Every human being is allowed to do what they want, to love who they want and to be with who they want. No Hajiagha, gay people dont sleep naked in streets, no they dont eat little children, and no they dont walk around wanting to touch other men all the time. They are ordinary people with a different sexual orientation. Its ashame that two guys walking hand in hand makes you blush, but there are gays in Iran, and one day hopefully, they will enjoy full rights as equal citizens like any other Iranian. But learn this, beat this simple fact into your head: You and people like you have NO RIGHT to judge people and decide that is morally correct or not. That is a truth and fact. If you dont like it, you should move back to Iran, and then to Saudi Arabia after Iran is changed.
shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by proud to be Cadadian (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:15 PM PSTyou're always complaining about Canada.
why you're not going back to Iran?
shame on you! taking everything for granted.
I live in Canada more than 10 yrs, I'm happy to be's my second home.
you don't deserve to live here.
get out of here , you stupid fool.
Haji, don't be upset when
by think positive (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:09 PM PSTHaji, don't be upset when you read comments of people like local man.
You are a courageous man. You don't hide yourself behind fake photos or names, talk openly about your problems, ideas and feelings in your cartoons or comments.
This local man should first publish his own photo before writing about your look. There is nothing wrong with your look. Many women would like to date you.
Think positive about yourself and others and you will see many things will be changed in your life.
Bizarfiyat va bijanbe, kam gonjayesh....
by GoozBaghali (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:58 AM PSTOzgal e bozorg, Hajiagha Olagh,
Vaghti to Tehran be dokhtar bache-haye farari, va ya khyabani kheyli mard-ha sue nazar daran, ya aziyat va azar va hatta tajavoz beheshoon mishe, aya kesi barmigarde bege ke hameye mardha ye jame'h ke degarjens-gerah ham hastan hameh az dam kesafat va heyvan hastan? Hameh midoonan ke dar har goruhi, hamjens, degarjens, zan, mard, mosalmun, masihi, yahudi, Irani, canadai, gheyreh va zalek... adamhaaye khoob va adamhaye bad vojud dareh. Martike, baraye har yeki az in grouh-haye gay ye be ghole to "lajan va kesfatkar" bist ta grouh-ha ye digeye gay ye saalem, honarmand, tahsil kardeh va najib ham voojood dareh. Bozmajeh, chera rahe door berim, hokumat e Iran ke inhame kesafathari mikone, aya mishe goft ke hameye Irani-ha kasifand va lajanand? Chera ba didan e chand nemooneye bad ke oon ham to mahaleye homeless-ha didi, va ya to gay pride molaheze kardi, ba yek negah e kham hame ye gay-ha ro be cheshm bad o kasif mibini. Toye hamoon gay prade gofti chand nafar lokht boodan, vali 95 darsad ke lokh oor naboodan ke? Va ba'ad azadi hamjes-garayi, be ma'naye sex to khyaboon nist, nafahm, be ma'naye azad bood dar jameh az lahaz e tab'iz e dar mahal kar, zendegi va hughoghe madanist. Sanian, agar kesi mikhad koon lokht biyad biroon be to martike che marboot, agar kesi be oon koon lokht-ha irad nagerefeh dalilesh tahamole didhaye motefavet dar jame'ehye hamjensgerayan mi bashad, na be ma'naye ta'eed az raftar efrati yek grouh kami ke be nudism (Lokht-zisti) eteghad darand. Dar zemn kesani ke be nudism mo'taghedand, aksareshoon hamjensgera nistand va zan-ha va mard-haye degarjensgra hastand va in tasmim shakhsi oon fard e ke chi mikhad bepooshe ya napooshe. Kheyli as ghabayel e afrigha va Amrica ye jonubi lokht zisti mikonanad, in farhang ke fargh dareh, to hagh nadari ensaniyat in afrad ro zir e so'al begiri badbakht e oghde'hi. Taa vaghti ke kesi be to ye koskesh sadame'i nazade bashe, to chekar be kare mardom dari? kesfat, aval yekhordeh fekr kon, ye chiz yad begir ba'ad dahanet ro baz kon berin be sar ta paaye hameh..
Davie street vancouver
by local man (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:28 AM PSTit's not Denman st.. it's a davie street vancouver the macca street for gays and lesbians.. and you were living in the heart of davie street..
You're so ugly...
by local man (not verified) on Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:22 AM PSTPlus ypu're the most unattractive iranian man i've ever seen in my life...don't flatter yourself people have a better taste..i don't think any gay or any female wants to date the the ugly carrying TB sick man...