God Damn America!

Bill Maher's New Rules

Nov 14 2008:


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Arash Monzavi-Kia

Majid is right

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on

But remember that we have thousands of Mahers who are very MAHER (skilled) but can only text-message their jokes in Iran. When it comes to jokes, no one can beat the Persians; hell look at our governments from Hoveyda to Rajaii to AhmadiNutJob :-) 

Arash M-K


Is he awesome or what !!

by Majid on

Can you imagine if we had this kinda freedom of speach in our country?

We would not run out of material for eternity.

Bill Maher rocks!


He's damn right!

by Nkminea on

Only in America...

ladan K

Bill Maher for President!

by ladan K on

The guy(along with his writers) is a bloody genius.   People like him are the only kind of people that make me (and the resto fthej world) think that Americans are pretty right on after all. I'm so sick of the Palin following ignorance or the war mongering money buckets that vote for self serving replublicans like Bush & cheney just to hang on to a couple more dollars at the end of the fiscal year. 

People that "vote for their pocket books" even when their morals are at steak should be ashamed of themselves.  You know who you are!