Hejab police

Screaming Iranian woman dragged away for not observing Islamic dress code

Appears to be in Tehran:



To Zion

by Religion is ignorance (not verified) on

Zion, we know what is happening in our country, which I belive is also your country. We have big problems.

My question is, is that OK with you to be so hateful? My question is not why you are so hateful, because there cannot be any good reason for that. But, are you OK with that hate inside you?


Fatolahh are you on drugs??!!

by Tahirih on

How dare you blame this  corrupt government on Alborz, as you know he is a Bahai , and so am I, they are making petitions to eradicate Bahais in Iran and you say such a non sense. I know now there will be all these  "fair " commentators telling me to be a nice religious minority and shout up!!! but what you said has boiled my blood.

I know you mean Britain brought Mullah's and Bahais are Spy's for them!!! but till when you and your kind want to blame others for your ignorance. Look closely at bystanders are they British, or paid by Britain? they are children of Iran , sons of Rostam degraded by this dark regime and way of thinking and superstitions and their vain imaginations.

The enemy is within you and your kind. It is the product of your own ignorance , it is you!!!

Have some shame you ignorant small man,


American Wife


by American Wife on

I might counter with the fact that the Revolutionary militia was comprised of ordinary civilians... compared with the military might of the British Empire.  And while they might have been unfamiliar with the landscape, their navy was vastly superior.  As was their weaponry.  As far as the aid and support of the American Natives, how is that relevant in that the sheer number of Iranians who would benefit from overthrowing the regime vastly outnumber any aid from the relative few AN.


Shame on

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

thse idiots who just stood there and watched that terrible event...problem with many of iranians are that they call themselves ba gheyrat( IN PERSIAN) BUT ITS NOTHING BUT BUNCH OF EMPTY WORDS..If few of these people intervened, they could've helped poor girl ..


And in a few months time....

by A foreigner (not verified) on

millions of millions of iranians will take to the streets celebrating the 30th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution and the fact that 98% of the people voted for a regime like this. After visiting Iran recently I have no hope that the regime will colapse, the islamic republic has a overwhelming support by ordinary iranians outside the fashionable northern Tehran. Unfortunately...

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Petitions and demonstrations, admirable and well-intentioned as they are, are simply a waste of time and energy, when it comes to dealing with these lowlifes.

Unfortunately, these goons understand only one language. The language of force.

And, yes, I realize all of the implications that go with that, and no, I don't want to sink to their level.

But this isn't some schoolyard bully jacking your lunch money we are dealing with here. This is a collective, organized effort by a gang of criminals that are hell-bent on destroying our country.

aaminian: On your last post to AW, I have to disagree with you on Malcolm X. Jesse Jackson...you bet. He is one of the single biggest obstacles. 

But Malcolm woke up from the ether that Elijah Poole and those other pretenders put him under. That's why they killed him.


American Wife

by aaminian on

I think the difference between the American Revolution and the Iranian "Islamic" Revolution is threefold:

1. The British Colonialism of that era wasn't so well-established in America and the British weren't familiar with the landscape of the "New World".

2. Add to that the invaluable help that the American Revolutionaries got from the
native Americans (who were, of course, in the next two hundred years
pushed aside; that's a different story that can be discussed in a later

3. The Iranian Revolution was hijacked early on much the same way as the Human Rights movements of this country were hijacked by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Malcolm X.

American Wife

my point exactly

by American Wife on

" if enough people stood up to these things, it might end.


We all know this sort of

by javaneh29 on

We all know this sort of thing has been going on for the past 30 years. Why do we react when we see this sort of footage? We have all seen it before on film or in real life. I think because it offends our sense of who we are and where we come from?  What I dont understand is why its still going on? Have all the courageous men and women of Iran left Iran? I guess what people still there dont see is the bigger picture ... if enough people stood up to these things, it might end. Its a divide and rule thing and at the moment the IRI has it all 'nicely' under control.

Lets face it .. demonstrating in the US or anywhere else in the world isnt going to make a blind bit of difference. The change has to take place from within.

Its horrible and distressing to see such things. I want to cry everytime I see film like this. What can we do? Sign a petition, demonstrate .....   Javaneh

American Wife


by American Wife on

does Bush's rating have to do with ANYTHING in this blog.  Or anyone's VOTING record?   


%30 vs 70%

by Majid on

NOW that's a new definition of "democracy and majority"!

American Wife

one more thing...

by American Wife on

Virtually everyone on this blog has criticized the "bystanders".  Is this another case of it's ok to criticize if you're "one of us"... another case of "this is for Iranian's only"... another case of "double standards"?

American Wife

Our President is voted by the majority

by American Wife on

whether you disagree with him or not.  You HAVE a choice to vote for whomever you please.  This is totally irrelevant to what's going on in Iran.  We're talking about a revolution, not a democracy.  WE have a democracy BECAUSE of the American Revolution.  The "people"... you know... as in "We the People"?  We decided we were not going to be puppets of the British and we said "NO".  It was a bitter war and many many people lost their lives.  They decided that freedom for ALL was worth the price.  It is a simple concept.  One that a people choose to make... or one that they don't.



by Majid on

Where were Patrick Henry(s) when you re-hired your employee with below 30% job approval rating?

Where were the other 70% ? 

 Oops I forgot! you didn't even vote that year OR in 2000...LOL

I know, it's just us.


Mosht nemooneh khar-var

by Iva (not verified) on

This incident is one among thousands that takes place in Iran by the hand of fascist islamist. Why they can do that, because the new addict generation of iranians simply don't care .. it is not them who are being abused and dragged to torture chambers.

Like sentiment of many others on this forum, I am saddened to see this incident, however, by standers make me throw up .. bunch of sheepish, BOZ-DELs.


Do you want to help this innocent girl?

by cyclicforward on

To all of  those who are disgusted by this video and want to do something. Please go to New York and demonstrate against Mahmud's visit. If enough of Iranain show up at the place, I can assure you that people start to notice. Don't let these guys bully you. put these animals in their place and show them they will be accountable.


Agha Alborz, don't think and

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Agha Alborz, don't think and don't wonder too much! Why do I suspect that you and people like you gave a helping hand in bringing these hayvanat-e ensan nama to power!? F.

American Wife


by American Wife on

I understand what you're saying.  You're absolutely right.  But I'm not sure that makes a good enough excuse.  When I have this conversation with my husband, I don't ever feel like I'm getting a good enough answer to WHY you (Iranians) put up with it.  I remind him of our American Revolution and all I get is "you don't understand".  He's right... I don't. 

"Give me liberty or give me death"  (Patrick Henry)


Dear aaminian, I have seen

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Dear aaminian, I have seen similar atrocities, and I have done nothing, nothing, nothing and nothing!!! That is why some of the people in here are so brave, beeroon vays-tand meegan lengesh kon!


No need to insult farm animals - please!

by alborz on

While the transforming influence of dictated Islamic values on the “noblest creature” is on full display in Iran, we speak out vehemently when we get a small glimpse it and at other times we live with it, silently?  I wonder.

Is it that we can only relate to the plight of one person at a time?
Is it because we can only comprehend physical assault?

Is it because it disturbs our perception of ourselves?

We are reaching new lows and let’s give credit where it is due.  Being able to do this is what distinguishes from farm animals.




Shame on Akhoonds

by Damian33 (not verified) on

I SIncerely WISH Humility and denigration to the worst possible degree for All akhoonds and hezbollahi and Fundamentally Minded people in IRAN and all over the world.
Tof be rooyeh Ahmadi nejad and His entire gang of Reeshooes.


The end is near believe me.

by ‫انفجار (not verified) on

These B.st.rds know it too

اي ديو سپيد پاي در بند!
اي گنبد گيتي! اي دماوند!

از سيم به سر يكي كله خود
ز آهن به ميان يكي كمر بند

تا چشم بشر نبيندت روي
بنهفته به ابر، چهر دلبند

تا وارهي از دم ستوران
وين مردم نحس ديومانند

با شير سپهر بسته پيمان
با اختر سعد كرده پيوند

چون گشت زمين ز جور گردون
سرد و سيه و خموش و آوند

بنواخت ز خشم بر فلك مشت
آن مشت تويي، تو اي دماوند!

تو مشت درشت روزگاري
از گردش قرنها پس افكند

اي مشت زمين! بر آسمان شو
بر ري بنواز ضربتي چند

ني ني، تو نه مشت روزگاري
اي كوه! نيم ز گفته خرسند

تو قلب فسرده زميني
از درد ورم نموده يك چند

شو منفجر اي دل زمانه !
وآن آتش خود نهفته مپسند

خامش منشين، سخن همي گوي
افسرده مباش، خوش همي خند



by aaminian on

I won't be surprised!


mardan begheyrat

by MRX1 (not verified) on

Mardom begheyrat and self centered to the bone! if ten of these people would have intervined do you think they will be able to abuse this girl. Problem is with us Iranian: if it does not touch our families personaly,we don't care and that's the reason you see this.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

This silence is exactly why these thugs have been doing this with impunity for 30 years.

I know what you are saying and you do make avery valid point. But these bastards have become used to being able to do whatever they hell they want with no one questioning them.

But if a handful of people in the crowd were to overpower these SOBs and give them a taste of their own medicine, believe me they will be so scared, that if someone else were to gooz, they would be the ones saying "excuse me" instead of the person who farted. You're right, they cannot be reasoned with. They can only be dealt with in one way, just like the garbage they are.

Yes, it sounds too easy. It is indeed easier said than done. But nothing worthwhile is ever easy, is it?


Police force

by Negin (not verified) on

Let me understand this is the same police force whose director was caught with 7 prostitutes!!!!!!!!!!!!



by aaminian on

Here is a question to all the prople that are so "shocked" and "ashamed" of all the bystanders in this video that are doing nothing while this innocent girl is being dragged by the islamo-fascist police:

What would you HONESTLY do if you were in that position knowing that those thugs would take you away to never be heard from again? You can't reason with these bastards; they'll do to you what they've done to thousands of other innocent Iranians: torture, hang, and stone you to death.

That is the reason why so many of us left that God-forsaken place. We simply didn't want to have anything to do with all that mess. Now, we're all standing here and asking our country-men and women to throw in punches. That is really brave of us!



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

All those men standing around letting this happen!! With that sort of men, Iran has no future.


Against Ahmadinejad

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

Let us unite together when Ahmadinejad is coming to new york and voice our concern against his regime and the crime he has committed.


'Children of Rostam' and 'The Islamic Democracy'

by Zion on

Very nice. Very laudable. There is just so much to respect in this video.

As apologists keep reminding us here , 'every democracy does it differently'. Perhaps this is just the way the Islamic democracy in Iran does things, instead of imitating the West. Besides let's not forget, let's not forget, there is also the Guantanamo bay. So all this is permissible and really not a big deal anyway, you anti-Islam hypocrites! ;-)

Maybe that's why the children of Rostam are happy and see no need to do anything. Who are we to judge. Otherwise if that is not the case, then where are these children of Rostam I am being constantly lectured about recently? DK, what do you think? Is this also the way 'Aryans' like it? Any irrelevant videos you want to post here?

Where are you O brave ones? Perhaps looking around for some Jew with a Kippa you could bad mouth to show just how manly you all are?

Is this why the rest of the wold must take it easy and do nothing while your leaders are getting their hands on nukes? Is this what you mean when you say Iranians don't want any outside intervention? Is this the way 'Iranians themselves' are going to deal with 'their situation'?

(I am really trying not to be sarcastic. We could use the help of these brave children of Rostam today. Join forces and make the necessary change in order to prevent the coming catastrophes. If you are around, show yourselves. Come out, Come out! Where ever you are! )