High school dance

Re-enacting video by Pussycat Dolls



It's not Iran.

by AmirT on

These girls may be Iranian, but I can assure you this is not happening in Iran. There is one or probably two genuine YouTube videos of Iranian girls in Iranian classrooms dancing, and then apparently a bunch of girls got inspired and thought it would make for interesting videos to wear the official manteau and scarf of Iranian schoolgirls and do "outrageous" moves. Just look at the size of the classroom and the type of chairs in the class. Anybody who's ever been to school in Iran knows this is not Iran. Heh.


doing like Iranians do...

by Anonymoussssssssssssssssssss (not verified) on

Well, I don't know about the other 72 million, but for me the rule is that my only reason for existence during the couple hours of carnal exercisers that we have is for her to have orgasms...by all means necessary! Of course, I would like reciprocity. Then we eat, walk, etc. and we do it again:))))))))) My ancestors were freaks and nymphos, and I'm damn proud of it!


Regarding the previous

by TalkSpeak on

Regarding the previous comment the reason why so many absorb and skewer their lives into Western culture is because of many of the freedoms and pop binges not allowed in Iran. So you can't blame everyone for gravitating toward Western culture, styles, and ideals. But then again, for a country that places certain limits on that kind of music, it sure is pretty popular. Sort of like, an oxymoron...the girls dancing and everything.

NOTE: How do you fuck like an Iranian?


Whatever trashy shit comes

by Anonymousssssssssss (not verified) on

Whatever trashy shit comes out of the West, Iranian boys and girls are ready with their tongues hanging out to slurp it up!!! For heaven's sake, go fuck if that's what you want...nobody will judge and your parents will eventually accept it. Go do someone, get laid, hook up, whatever...just do it as an Iranian, not a monkey dancing to someone else's tune!


The only girls in Iran

by Miz Abdol Azim Khaneh Cheese Koloft (not verified) on

that dance like that are the daughters of the Mullahs. The same people who went out of their way at the time of the Shah too.

What I am trying to say, due to more freedom for the daughters of the religious power holders, they are able to express their hormonal urges a little be better than say, those whose parents hold three jobs to bring bread home.

Any comments Haji Agha?


good for them. let them have

by azadi55 (not verified) on

good for them. let them have fun.


New Focus of School Curriculum

by TalkSpeak on

I guess dance class must be part of the school curriculum...I am impressed :)