BBC: The US and Israel have condemned Iran after it test-fired a long range missile capable of reaching Tel Aviv. Iran state media said nine missiles had been fired in total, including a new Shahab-3, with a range of 2,000km (1,240 miles). Tehran has tested the missile before, but the latest launch comes amid rising tensions with the US and Israel over the country's nuclear programme>>>
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Javadagha Bacheh Mullah
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:53 AM PDTAs if I did not see the subtitles ? ...
Whether its Memri TV or not that is broadcasting it the comments of Ahmadinejad are that of a so called elected and responsible president.
Fine if that is what you want for your country. You deserve him.
Even MashGassem had more brains than you.
Fake Show/Pictures???
by Majidi (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:17 AM PDTCould all these missiles testing be hoax to only put off any movement(s) inside the country???
According to Charles Johnson, a photo/video expert, the show's authentity is seriously questionable.
Check out the following websites:
Idiots vs. ZioNazis (suite)
by Hajminator on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:40 AM PDT... Amin
Idiots vs. ZioNazis
by Mehdi on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:24 AM PDTGod help the people stuck in the middle of this mess!
by Javadagha on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:02 AM PDTLOL. Peke
Check the source before posting. Let others read their bull and judge for themselves. Peke is not creditable.
LOL, Memeri TV
by Javadagha on Thu Jul 10, 2008 09:18 AM PDTLOL, Memeri TV broadcasts Ahmadinejad's rant. This has English sub-title, you must not have seen it to ask me to translate his words. LOL. He said Israel is nookar Americast. He should have said America nookar Israel ast. LOL.
Since you are at it, post videos of Natanyhou, otherwise, people labeling you is justified.
You are taking too much space to spread your non-sense. Our sport has become as political as anything else here in Iran.
to : Javad Agha, Enjoy unpublished comments by Ahmadi Nejad
by aaj sr (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 09:18 AM PDTThe credit of this clip is from Peke Iran. com
نیوز ـ شبکه اول سیمای جمهوری اسلامی شامگاه چهارشنبه فیلم منتشر نشده یکی از سخنرانیهای مهم رئیسجمهور در اجتماع فرماندهان و مدیران نیروی مقاومت بسیج که ظاهراً در تاریخ دهم خردادماه 87 انجام شده است را برای نخستین بار بر روی آنتن برد.
به گزارش خبرنگار شهابنیوز، با آن که این سخنرانی یکی از نطقهای مهم دکتر احمدینژاد طی یک سال اخیر محسوب میشود و بخشهایی از اظهارات رئیسجمهور بالقوه میتواند بسیار پربازتاب و حاشیهساز باشد؛ اما یکی از مهمترین بخشهای منتشر نشده این سخنرانی، اظهارات آقای احمدینژاد در زمینه سفر عراق وی بود.
بنا بر این گزارش؛ رئیسجمهور در این سخنرانی برای نخستین بار تایید کرد که در جریان سفر به عراق؛ با یکی از فرماندهان ارشد نیروهای اشغالگر در عراق دیدار کرده است.
احمدینژاد که در زمینه فروپاشی حکومت آمریکا سخن میگفت، با اشاره به این که در جریان سفر به عراق «یکی از فرماندهان ارشد نیروهای اشغالگر خواستار ملاقات با من شد» گفت: این فرمانده نظامی حتی مهلت مرخصی خود که با سفر ما همزمان شده بود را یک ماه به عقب انداخته بود برای این که بتواند با هیات ایرانی دیدار کند.
رئیسجمهور با اشاره به موافقت خود با درخواست ملاقات این فرمانده نیروهای اشغالگر تاکید کرد: «من گفتم بیاید، اشکالی ندارد».
احمدینژاد سپس افزود: هنگامی که این فرد آمد به من گفت شما در قلب من جای دارید. من خیلی دوست دارم که با شما عکس بیندازم.
رئیسجمهور در ادامه با تاکید بر این که با درخواست فرمانده مزبور برای انداختن عکس یادگاری موافقت کرده است، افزود: بعد از انداختن عکس، این فرد به من گفت که معاون من هم بسیار دوست دارد با شما عکس بیندازد. من هم گفتم بسیار خوب او هم بیندازد.
احمدینژاد سپس یادآور شد که در پایان دیدار خود و پس از گرفتن عکس یادگاری، فرمانده نظامی مزبور را «تشویق» کرده و «بر پشتش» زده است و به گفته است: مواظب مردم عراق باشید. ملت عراق را مواظبت کنید.
آقای احمدینژاد در پایان این بخش از اظهارات خود تاکید کرد که «کار آمریکاییها تمام است» و حتی فرماندهان آنها نیز با ایران هستند.
گفتنی است رئیسجمهور در بخش دیگری از این سخنرانی با اشاره به سفر چندی قبل جرج بوش رئیسجمهور آمریکا به عراق و پس از آن به استرالیا و با تاکید بر این که قصد دارد یک «خبر موثق» و «دسته اول» را به حاضران اطلاع دهد، گفت: رئیسجمهور آمریکا در این سفر از فرماندهان ارتش آمریکا در عراق خواست که یک موشکی، تیری، چیزی به سمت ایران پرتاب کنند که با مخالفت آنها مواجه شد.
احمدینژاد افزود: بوش در آخر کار حتی به این مساله هم راضی شده بود که هواپیماهای آمریکایی به ایران بیایند و فقط دیوار صوتی را بشکنند اما فرماندهان نظامی او تصویری را از ایران و تواناییهای ایران برای او ساختند که بوش با وحشت عراق را ترک کرد و عازم استرالیا شد.
احمدینژاد همچنین انتقادات صریحی را از مخالفان دولت و برخی رسانهها مطرح کرد و با تشریح دلایل تورم، برخی شخصیتهای سیاسی منتقد دولت و رسانهها را متهم کرد که «میخواهند با انتشار حجم بالای دروغ پردازیها و توهینها از ملت ایران انتقام بگیرند و چون مردم در انتخابات به حرف آنها گوش نکردهاند، نگذارند برنامههای دولت به نتیجه برسد».
برای دسترسی به خبر رسمی این سخنرانی که در تاریخ 10 خرداد 87 توسط پایگاه اطلاع رسانی ریاست جمهوری منتشر شده بود؛ [اینجا] را کلیک کنید
Javadagha : Mistranslation ? Redneck ?
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:15 AM PDTYou Say:
"DK is talking like a redneck American or an Israeli. Ahmadinejad’s words were mistranslated so that Israel can run to big Daddy and ask for more money."
Of course Mr. Javadagha you are more outraged when it comes to Soccer failuresby Iran than by Human Rights Violations in our beloved country as I can see:
Javadagha Why not call me a Traitor too ? like your recurrent habit of dismissing Reality for more than 30 Years now and blaming it on others.
I am Limiting the video posts on YOUR PRESIDENT's STUPIDITY to 3 Videos for Your Sake I won't post the other dozens left :
Well then Listen for yourself if you speak Persian you can Translate this for Everyone's Benefit :
Ahmadinejad Chants "Death to Israel" :
video: //
Ahmadinejad: Nuclear production by a 16 yr old girl:
video: //
Ahmadinejad : Sees Hollow of Light at the UN:
video: //
I suppose I am distorting the comments of an elected President who is supposed to defend the image of his country in the World. Bah Bah ...
Thanks for everyone's concern
by Javadagha on Thu Jul 10, 2008 07:41 AM PDTDK is talking like a redneck American or an Israeli. Ahmadinejad’s words were mistranslated so that Israel can run to big Daddy and ask for more money. Israel has benefited from any conflict in the region or in the world. There are evidences that Israel is paying MKO members now that their source of funding is drying out. Iran can test any military equipment in her land. The U.S. sees no problem to attack other countries and threaten others. Stupid Arabs do not realize the U.S. is taking their oil and stealing their historical heritage. Iraq has asked for a timetable for the U.S. to leave; yesterday President Bush said: “We will leave when it is beneficial to us.” I won’t repeat good points which others have raised. DK you have disappointed us with your stupid remarks. Please leave this topic alone and stick to your movies and Shahloah’s. Ba sepas.
Indians in the middle east
by Hajminator on Thu Jul 10, 2008 06:33 AM PDTچند وقت پیش در اخبار بود که در منطقه ای دور افتاده در مرز پرو و برزیل قبیله تازه ای کشف شده که از تمدن کاملا بدور هستند... و وقتی یک هواپیما برای فیلم برداری روی منطقه پرواز میکرده به طرفش نیزه پرتاب کردن! حالا حکایت موشک دوربرد ایران بنده رو یاد این جماعت انداخت! به نظرم قدرت نظامی ایران در جای دیگریست نه در تکنولوژی موشکی
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Jul 10, 2008 02:04 AM PDTLet me answer you with the following question:
Are you Pro-Arab and Pro-Palestinian rather than being on the side of the Iranian Human Rights and legitimate demands for Democracy and individual and Social Freedom like Them ? :
Up Yours Smart Ass !
Dearest Abarmard
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Jul 10, 2008 01:52 AM PDTThank you Abarmard for your lenghty and argumented response. I agree that it is a long debate and I also share the frustration of many compatriots in regard to the Western Responsability and cynicism in this crisis. I have doubts however on the true intentions of Iran's leaders.
Again I insist I oppose ANY Attack on Iran be it even surgically for I am first and foremost an Iranian and secondly I know perfectly that is what the IRI wants in order to rally support from Iranians at Large. I don't think however that we will benefit from such a diplomatic of military victory of the Islamic Republic.
I trust however Iran's civil society, Human Rights Activists and intellectuals who oppose the regimes methods and general behavior. So more Power to them and less to that of the Regimes and its manipulative henchmen.
dearest Abarmard I am sure we will have further constructive conversations like this one in the future. I just hope that wisdom will prevail amongst leaders on each side. I am less optimistic in this case than you. And to be quite honest I hope you are right and I am wrong on this issue but the months to come seem very gloomy to me and I fear that Irans civil society by large will once again be the victim of the collateral damages inflicted by this crisis.
Lets Hope I am wrong ...
Warm Regards,
Gul doost
by AnonymBemoon (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:06 PM PDTGol ghofti,
But, your comments on who has to come on this site the last time I read you leaves me somehow puzzled... never mind we talk about it another time !-)
in 2003 Israel asked US to attack Iran before Iraq!supports MEK
by gol-dust on Wed Jul 09, 2008 09:30 PM PDTIsrael is Iran's no. 1 enemy!They have been looking for an excuse to devastate Iran since 1979. Remeber, Israel asked the US first attack Iran, before Iraq! They support Mojahedine Khalgh. They have been on Iran's tail for 29 years! For all my adult life Israel never bothered me except their treatment of poor palestinians. However, as I have read and witnessed more and more, I have come to realize what a troubling country this is! They really have a superiority and racist attitude even though they are surrounded by arabs, they hate them to death and would want them to be perished from the face of the earth! What a stinky attitude! How can they expect to survive for generations to come with such an attitude?
Israel having poked everyone in the neighborhood in the eyes, now they are poking us! As we used to say: Don't play with the lion's tail! These people have caused all the misery in the region even the iran- iraq war was fueled by them. they are the ones who inflamed it by selling arms to iran, while both their enemies were destroying each other! They are devils! No wonder most world doesn't care for them!
Mr. kadivar, I am sensing now who you really are. Are you a zionist? I think you are. which one do love more, regardless of iranian regime, iran or israel? israel! Good bye!
The IRI will be the big winner if a war ever breaks out...
by ThePope on Wed Jul 09, 2008 09:06 PM PDTNO matter if they loose(!) or win(!) the war. As long as there's a huge "mow down".
A bloody massacre will indeed guarantee the survival of the regime and buy them more time to rule over an "Islamic" Iran. The Islamic fanatics who support the martyrdom ideology of the mullahs will become even more blood thirsty for revenge over U.S. and Isreal. And that's exactly what the regime's looking for.
Don't forget that for 30 years they've been chanting death to U.S. and Isreal everyday. Not only the regime supporters or their troops, but the majority of Iranians have been brainwashed, mind raped and trained to hate U.S.& Isreal for the past 30 long years. That's not a joke! 30 years!! From the very first year of primary school, the Iranian students are chanting the same slogan everyday over and over again; death to U.S., death to Isreal. Why? To prepare them mentally for such day. And what a nice job they have done! So, that's exactly what the mullahs are looking for, a WAR with U.S. and/or Isreal cuz they'll be the BIG winner anyhow! Unfortuanetly for the Iranian people (us) it's a choob-e 2 sar gohi situation if ever a war breaks out or not. Hope not!
4 platforms and
by Iva (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 08:13 PM PDTI saw 4 missle platforms/missles being prepared and then only 3 flew off ... I guess the invisible creature forgot to gas up the last one.
Keep in mind, akhonds will not hesitate for a second to use these very same missles against Iranian population if they feel it will save their hide.
bad timing
by azadi55 (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 07:32 PM PDTJust when you thought tensions would ease a bit, they start testing missiles. These people have no sense of what a good PR is. Although, it does show that the division within the government ranks is growing, which is good news, it's the beginning of the end for this regime.
on a side note, I wonder how they can claim to be able to hit a target like Tel Aviv with their missiles. Don't they need some kind of satellite to guide the missile to its target?
Dear DK
by Abarmard on Wed Jul 09, 2008 06:48 PM PDTYour concerns and questions are valid and has been asked by those who see Iran as the problem. The issue is a bit more complicated than what we can discuss here. To simplify let me tell you this:
- Iran is not a trustworthy regime and many countries, including our own citizens look at the government with doubt and distrust. Yet like any organisms the government is not a constant entity. It can change, at least in the case of Iran. The Iranians issue today is not international but domestic dilemma.
- The "Western" world today are being very unfair in regard to Iran. They are taking advantage of the bad image of Iran to isolate and bring the "Stray" dog back to her owner! Many Iranians feel tired of this kind of treatment, so they are stuck with IR as a government or the west as the boss. Neither has been good, but historically the west has done worse. So take your pick
- Ahmadinejad is well known for the western politicians and those who understand governments. He is no threat, at least much much less than Mr. Natenyahu, which in many occasions has called for destruction of Iran at any cost with millions of casualty as a collateral damage! Again take your pick
- The issue here then is two fold:
A) we have a system that needs our attention and requires fixation. No one can help but us, since historically the western regimes have not been on freedom or people side.
B) We have a country that is in danger. Granted the IR is not helping, but they are not the true problems. During the Khatami government, Iran held its nuclear activity for about two years and the west not only did not lifted the threats of sanctions, but brought about new issues such as Hezbullah or "Human Rights". The IR has learned that excuses the west are using are just that. They want a weak yes sir system not a system that stands up to them. Unfortunately for us, Iranians, we are totally screwed here.
- The better option is for Iran, as a country, even under this system, to advance technologically and militarily. I have no doubt that in time we will take care of the regime. For now, we have no choice since weakening the regime might translate to weakening Iran...
As I said, this could be a long discussion but I tried to make it brief. Let me know what you think.
reporter from France
by Alain Delon (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 06:06 PM PDTPlease stick to your entertainment reporting and kissing up to the Royal family. You are repeating the propaganda the West uses when attacking Iran. All the out of context and mistranslations created conveniently to serve their agenda. Iranian internal problems should be solved by them not US or EU. The West is the biggest bully and thief and has plundered the planet of it's resources. I thought you knew a thing or two about history so why is it that you forgot all the ill deeds of the West in the past 400yrs. They are reaping what they sew. Are we as Iranians supposed to kiss French and American ass for ever?! well you maybe comfortable with that but we aren't. Regarding Israel and why it is our business I suggest you study a bit of global socio-economics of ME and stop getting your fact from the movies you watch.
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Jul 09, 2008 05:13 PM PDTDear Toofan,
I also believe that Iran needs nucleare technology for its sheer economic existence but can one explain to me what that has to do with the existence or not of the State of Israel and the reality of the Holocaust ?
Iran's Ahmadinejad perfectly knew what they were setting foot into by making those useless comments in the first place. And Now they are complaining as if they are being bullied around.
I wouldn't want nor trust ANYTHING coming out of the mouth of a bunch of stubborn mullahs regardless of whether the principle is right or not given the fact that they Do not believe in Principles to start with.
What if They DO Get to Make the Bomb ? In two years, three years or earlier ? Which one of you guys can guarantee that Iran will become a democratic nation overnight ?
We need nucleare energy and I clearly do understand that the West is Hypocritical on this but tell me what are we to gain from all this nationalistic gibberish coming out of the leaders of our country ?
How can any world leader today trust leaders who speak in mystical terms and possibly trust them in regard to the use of a technology that can not only wipe one country but several countries in the region ?
Do you want to see Ayatollah Khamenei in charge of the Red button ? I DON'T. If Iran has that capability it won't hesitate to develope it. As far as the CIA reports are concerned they are so out of touch with Espionage that I would not even trust the CIA whether it is right or wrong. They are Incompetant and have proved to be so often in the past.
Iran is first and foremost At War with Itself, Its People at large and it is not at peace with the world community. I don't trust the American neo cons neither but they are not defining the general attitude of the United Nations or Israel on this issue.
Iran needs to stop its recurrent provocations against Israel and the Holocaust before claiming anything else. It would ease tensions but I think it is just too late especially after all the oppurtunities it had to retreat from its aggressivness.
Last But Not Least Let it Be Clear :
Ahmadinejad nor anyone else from this regime is DR. Mossadegh !
My Humble Opinion
Iranian missile , what Iranian missile ?
by kaleh dar on Wed Jul 09, 2008 05:12 PM PDTThese are North Korean missile , bought by IRA , Sadam had very similar junck from N Korea and you saw how that protcted him!.AGHAYOONE KHOSH BAVAR , this regime still does't have technichal ability of assembling a Peykan engine ,or building a oil refinary, then you beleive they can manufacture rocket engine and guidance system!!!, I like to know , where these rockets landed .
Good........that's great.
by Anonymous123 (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:42 PM PDTIran is and has always been a regional power, and rightfully so, she has to be able to defend herself.
In todays world, with leaders like Chaney and Bush, the only way to survive is to be strong. Iran should and will have nuke bombs too.
Iran has now introduced a cost to any assault to it's national integrity. US and Israel only attack those who they deem to be easy and defense-less targets, those who don't pose any hardship or consequence to them. well attacking Iran will have severe consequences, it's no longer a practical target.
RE: Dariush
by ToofanZeGreat on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:41 PM PDT"Which responsible country does that today?"
The US, Israel, GB, Germany, France, China and Russia. We are learning from the best wouldn't you say? Listen I understand your point, and agree with most of them, but the reality is that they are interested in grinding Iran into dust, with or without a nuclear program, missile program etc. They want to control that region, we wont let them, they can back off and accept that, or chose to fight, in which they will screw themselves as well.
Diplomacy has been offered by the IRI, the deal offered in 2003 and the deal being offered now. Uranium enrichment capability is a resource important for the future, anyone denying that needs to have their head examined. I refuse to accept that Pakistan, India, Israel are more responsible non NPT members than Iran, justice for all, no justice, no peace.
Iran Also Has Responsabilities ...
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:41 PM PDTIran's Nationalistic gibberish should not be a substitute to accountability and responsability as a member of the Human Community and the United Nations.
What right has Iran to call for the destruction of another nation or deny its history and call for a conference to establish the reality of the Holocaust ?
What is all this pro palestinian gibberish coming out of the mouth of an illiterate President Elect ( elect under what democratic circumstances may I ask ? ) who has visions of a Holy Light amidst speaking to a serious assembly like the United Nations to defend Iran's nucleare Rights ...
What are you guys talking about ? Are we responsible in front of the United Nations or are we supposed to think we are living in a World where we can say and do anything from taking over embassies and pissing on other nations flags at our Ease ?
Which responsible country does that today. Blaming Bush for Attacking Iraq should not be an excuse for not seeing the reality of world issues. Saddam Hussein also is fully responsible for the misery of his people. He invaded both Iran and Kuwait with the results we all saw and it backfired.
Do we want our country to be the same international Pariah for the next decade and only a source of hate and misunderstanding ?
The IRI is NOT In a position to give lessons to the World neither in terms of Human Rights and even less in terms of general international behavior.
Iran's foreign policy is based on Hatred and provocation. What about Diplomacy which by definition is the Art of Avoiding War between nations ?
Iran is not willing to make the slightest concession and the victimsR of this attitude are the Iranian people themselves hostage to a bunch of fallocratic and RACIST Leaders.
Ahmadinejad owes an excuse to Israel be it regarding the Holocaust denials. As long as he continues to provok Israel on this TRULY BELLICOSE Language it will jeapordize Iran's security as well as our People who never asked for this ridiculous confrontation.
Clean the Front door before accusing others of intentions of War.
War Will Happen if Iran refuses flexibility and a Stubborn behaviour like it does today.
IR is like a bully in the play ground..
by Parthian on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:27 PM PDTHave you ever met one of those bullies in the play ground that talk tough without having any ability to back it up? IR is like one of those bullies, just itching to get its ass kicked, and take the Iranian nation down with it.
I pray every day for a
by Anonymous183766546779347 (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:13 PM PDTI pray every day for a peaceful resolution to this situation. Nobody wants a full scale war, especially Iran. The parades, war games and missile tests are mostly a bluff. You would have to be delusional to think the ill equipped Iranian armed forces could stand up to the United States. This is in no way meant to be a brag, it's just reality. The Iranian people would be the ones who would suffer for the mistakes of the hard liners in charge. The world has had quite enough suffering and does not need any more. I sure hope it never comes to this. To go up against the most powerful best trained best equipped army on the planet would be suicide.
It would have been
by Shah II (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 04:07 PM PDTIt would have been provocative if Iranians had played their war games in the Gulf of Mexico, like what the US and UK did in the PERSIAN Gulf. The Iranian nation has every right to defend itself.
Iran has every right to defend itself
by Kevin Lander on Wed Jul 09, 2008 03:55 PM PDTthat should say lived in England all my life not in US
IRI wishes to be attacked
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Jul 09, 2008 03:36 PM PDTYou are all being fooled. The IRI wishes with all its heart that Israel attacks Iran's nucleare sites. Its a golden oppurtunity for the mullahs to present themselves as victimes once again.
Iran is in the position of making a gesture of peace and reconciliation with the Jewish State and by acknowledging that it went too far in claiming that the Holocaust was a myth and that Israel should be wiped off the map.
Instead they keep provoking Israel on an issue that should have nothing to do with Israel rights to exist or even the Holocaust.
Tell me who is the provocator here Israel or Iran since the begining of this entire debate ?
What stops Iran to say they were wrong. Israel has repeatedly been asking Iran to stop its provocations and yet Iran keeps insisting on the same rhetoric.
And then you are surprised to hear the Israelis do manouvers in retaliation to our presidents comments and provocations ?
I'm no fan of the Israelis ultimatums but on the otherhand I cannot blame them.
We had NOTHING to do with the Palestinian cause or the Arab Israeli conflict, less alone with the well documented crimes of WWII against the Jews.
Now The country Founded by Cyrus the Great has become a parody of common sense and a pariah to the international community.
This is where all these stupid Shoar's have led our countrymen and women to be hostage to the radical minded henchmen of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Shame on us to have allowed this misinterpretation of our values and true patriotic aspirations by a bunch of irresponsible traitors we chose to raise to the rank of leadership.
I hope that Shapour Bakhtiar did not die in Vain !
"Iran Hargez Nakhahad Mord"
Mahmoud Mughabe Nejad said, there is no war !!
by aaj sr (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 03:34 PM PDTIRI is buying time for a) enhance/advance enrichment, b) get closer to US election where no one would think about war.
The so called "accepting the package", not accepting package, good cop bad cop scenario between Motaki, Larijani , Ahmadi Mughabe Nejad, is to engage the 5+1 for couple of more months, then again a few more tactics will be used for further delay. Fortunately, West have learnt (and learning) how Mullahs are operating.
-IRI is confident that US is not attacking due to deep involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, unpopularity of opening a Third Front, financially and economically US cannot afford it due to increase of oil price.
-IRI is confident (at least Mahmoud Mughabe Nejad is) if they are attacked, Mehdi will take care of the situation.
The prelude of war is approaching fast, similar to what we experienced before Iraq's war.
Today's test of Shahab is not helping neither, and contrary, it adds more fuel to the fire.