Iranian culture

Guide to Iranian cultures and customs

Is the second part of "The Iranian" series written, edited and directed by Ebrahim.


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Good work!

by AK8 (not verified) on

Good work!


This clip was great

by antiIRI (not verified) on

I recommend watch the other clip not his.

The one that a guy gets beaten up while he tries to pull a prank on another guy.

Or the other when the girl is getting kicked in the face by an Iranian man, while she is getting inside a car.

Or another clip when an Iranian girl is talking on o the phone and the boys are calling her a whore and asking her to suck his thing.

That is part of our culture, hate and violence to brought to us by IRI and their supporters?

90% of Iranian women get beaten, harassed, and abused by their male counter part.

IRI culture ask JJ he can explain

Am I not right JJ?


What happened to kissing? Add more feelings and warmth!

by gol-dust on

Good start! Thanks


My Dear Friend, I am so

by Sara Miami (not verified) on

My Dear Friend,

I am so proud of you for being a great gentleman and teach our youngster to be true good Iranian. I am sure you grow up in a great family.

Sara, Miami


This is a great attempt at

by A (not verified) on

This is a great attempt at trying to teach the younger generation the right vs. wrong way.
But the thing is ,if you are with close friends taarofing does not always apply.
Like if you are in the middle of a football match(UK) and your friend brings some food and stands in front of you you don't politly get up and
take the tray...
I'd tell him to get outa the way...
But it is good to know.


Beware of Taarofees!

by Milan (not verified) on

While Taarofing somehow works in Iran, it usually spells disaster elsewhere. My dearest Persian friends are those who don't taarof, nor disrespect. They're tactfully honest, and I am most comfortable around them. I don't need anyone to stroke my ego and elevate my station, because I know damn well the same person is the first to talk smack behind my back.



by AnonymousMM (not verified) on

I think this guy is a true gentleman.


I have learned so much from

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

I have learned so much from this guy. He is a genius in the truest sense of the word.



by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

the snow thing. I mean come on, this isn't particulary Iranian, except I have yet to meet an Iranian with this shoe kafaffle.

That tarofing thing makes me run a mile away from any Iranians who starts with it. Makes me sick.
The few Iranians I do know, luckily don't do this horrific display and don't assume that everyone else knows about them

Why follow rituals blindly and not only that then be proud of them?