Iranians and their dogs

Documentary (1)

PART 1: A documentary on Iranians who keep dogs in their homes. According to Islam, dogs are unclean and allowed to keep only for hunting or guarding. The producer of this documentary believes that Iranians who keep dogs are badly influenced by western culture >>> [PART 2] [PART 3]



Interesting but not balanced!

by Kamangir on

Aren't camels 'najess' in this islam? What did the arabs know about dogs anyways?  Who cares about what islam says about dogs and other things, anyways. The documentary although very interesting, does not refer to a single good or positive aspect of having a dog. No wonder!.  It's interestig to see how the so called 'psychologists' refer to those who like keeping a dog as 'depressed' or prone to depression. Well, if having a dog helps people emotionaly (which it does) then I don't see any problem. When a kid sees a puppy, his or her natural instincts tell to play, protect and hug the puppy (natural human instincts!!!!)

We Iranians love dogs, and have kept them for guarding purposes besides, having them as pets. Where I live, there's a no pet policy in the building, that it has to do with the barking of dogs. So long as everything is done with common sense, a dog is a magnificent, good friend. The documentary is trying to give a very negative image of dogs to anyone watching it. To those who consider dogs as something Western: Get this straight! having dogs as pets is the most 'Iranian' thing ever. I wish to see more and more dogs everywhere in Iran not just Tehran.



Dogs vs. cats

by Haleh_M (not verified) on

Right, the thing is we Iranians were probably one of the first cultures who started to use dogs as guard dogs. The reason being one the first bones of domesticated life stock (sheep!) were found in the Zagros mountains. So the dogs were out faithful servants for a very long time. Our way of life, being tribal and on the move with large amount of life stock, saw the need of guard dogs to be even greater. This sealed the dog-Iranian relationship even further, even after we the Iranian tribes decided to become sedentary. Their importance can also be observed in Acheamenid art, as in sculpture.

However when it comes to cats, we had no need for a "mouser", to keep our corn silos free of mice, like the Egyptians did. And their importance can also be observed in Egyptian religion, they were deemed to be almost god like. (An Egyptian was under the threat of death if he killed a cat!)

So this brings us to a very interesting point...
About 2 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting a Zoroastrian theologian in London.
I being a cat lover, and also finding this faith extremely interesting, and previous to this meeting found out that the Zoroastrians found Cats unholy, even demon like, I asked why this was he case.

And he kindly explained: The Zoroastrians see dogs as guardian angels, almost have heavenly...Every family had at least one. Apparently when one in the family dies, they bring the family dog around the corps, and only declare him dead if the dog does not bark...And they re also allowed in the Ateshkede, howver the dogs do not enter the holiest part of the Ateshkede, and do not soil the Ateshkede area.

Now the cat being the natural enemy of the dog, well the rest kind of falls into place...and as mentioned the Iranian tribes had no need of a the they had a longer relationship with the dog...

And here is the big BUT...where does the Persian Cat comes in?? Well apparently they were brought by the Arabs when they invaded... Those this rings any belles??

Could be that this business with Najas dogs, is just propaganda used by the Arabs to alienate the Zoroastrians from the "Muslim" population?? To take away part of the newly "Muslim" Iranians identity away, and introducing a new pet, the cat?? (Which probably worked the other way with Zoroastrians...keeping the communities from each other, and creating boundaries between them...I guess divide and conquer... And now after nearly 1500 years after Islam's conversion of our culture and Identity we are just clueless and have lost our guardian angles...


Dogs have been known to have

by jkondori (not verified) on

Dogs have been known to have helped human beings throughout the history of mankind.
In Parsee “Sag” means 3 “cee” and 1 “yek”. 3 part animal and one part (ensan) human being.
These wonderful friends of ours have been used to give us the pleasure as having them as companions, guard dogs, police, hunters, helping the blinds, those who suffer from epilepsy and the list can go on…
No where in Quran it is stated that a dog in unclean.
This misconception about dogs only exists in the mind of narrow minded people.
In Quran states only those animals are consumable if they are “splitters of hoof and chewers of cud”.
Christians eat pork which is splitters of hoof but not chewers of cud.
Moslems eat camel meat which is not splitters of hoof but chewers of cud.
If any Moslem in the world is so particular about Sharia laws, they should stop eating camel meet labeling dogs as unclean and read the Quran.
None of these idiotic commentators have ever read Quran.
I rather live with a dog than with an idiot.
If there is anybody who is unclean (Najess) is that F*ing Mohammad and his followers.


I take any dog

by Dog Lover 1 (not verified) on

any time, any where, over any human.

Dogs & horses are God's best creation.

Don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs!!!!


Rom nemishe

by Anonymous31 (not verified) on

be nazam naze mother in law tu ro ke roye tu yeki ru kam kard. baba nazesho.



by Rom nemishe begam ki hastam (not verified) on

My mother-in-law has moved in with us and has brought with her 6 cats. Our garage has become her cat stuff storage room, and our house looks like a zoo now. There is cat fur everywhere. The washing machine broke because of it. The house smells like crap. They freak me out by jumping out of a corner and running away from me. Everything is dirty and smelly and full of fur. She also puts tons of bird food in the yard every day. She chopped my beautiful bushes so she can sit in the kithen and watch the birds. The whole yard is dirty. The grass is gone. But it all seems so small when I think of her stupidity and the trashy life style she has imposed on me and my kids. And I cannot do anything. I either have to walk out. Or stay and live with it. My wife doesn't do anything about it and I don't have the power to stop this.


I have two Pomeranians which

by JR (not verified) on

I have two Pomeranians which I love as much as any person in the world. I like to see the verse in Qoran which stamps dogs as unclean. We as a society are still not educated enough about this book and therefore are taken advantage of by those who can.
Think about it.


hah hap hap hap hap

by Anonymous6 (not verified) on

Dog is nice animal's and very friendly but need to be out of the home and free in large place.


I hate dogs. It has nothing

by dog hater (not verified) on

I hate dogs. It has nothing to do with najes or whatever, because I eat other najes things such as pork. Dogs are just annoying. When I walk in the street, no matter from the right or left side of the side walk, these annoying dogs have to come to you and smell you.... I'm like, get the fu*k away from me. Cats are never like this. They have their own space and they don't annoy me when walking in the street.


Islam is foreign culture to Iranians not dogs.

by Islam is poison for Iran (not verified) on

Persepolis shows our affinity towards dogs.



by Bull Detector (not verified) on

no place in any Islamic book has there been an attack on cleansiness of a dog. Dog is well respected in Islam. Only the British should be considered as untouchable and najes and important to throw them out of our houses and our land......


What about cats?

by Hameed (not verified) on

Are cats considered "Najess" in Islam? We all have heard of Persian cats. If not, what makes dogs Najess but not cats?

And, don't give me the nonsense about the bacteria in saliva. Cats can cause diseases too. (cat scratch fever).