Iraq: Dancing to Iranian tune

U.S. women soldiers of the 22nd Battalion in Iraq dancing to "Morgh e Delam"



How sad

by XerXes (not verified) on

These people are savages!
Look at the neo cons and their society. It's classless and dark similar to Nazis and Zionazis.

Free America from Zionazis.



by maziar 58 (not verified) on

you guys should know a us GI get paid roughly $18000.00 per year and most of them if they have a second wage earner as they they need to work will not qualify for state assistances like food stamp and such ,But us army and their sub contractors hires
Iraqi soldiers of desert storm eras with mili. exp.(now american citizen) as translators whith $ 100-$160.000 annual salary plus other benefit that I personally know 4 of them.
please don't put an american AS A human in the same side by american politics and wrong foriegn policies.
they die in far away land ( avg. ages 19 to 27 yrs) if are not wounded to suffer the rest of their life in vain.
If you guys are against U.s.a please move to UAE.

peace on earth


I second that motion

by Iva (not verified) on

that people who call soldiers who are serving their country to create a better life for ignorant naggers should go to hell.

Iranian akhonds sent 1 million young Iranians to their death in attempt to reach that hell on earth location Karbala ... that was 20 years ago. Same murdering moslem clerics are hanging Iranians in public in hundreds per year and that is why Iranians have fled that Iran and live either in US or Europe and yet the igonrant ones who do not know how to use their new found freedom complain and call their saviors "child killers".


Bless Soldiers, Damn Politicians

by 135 (not verified) on

She must be a Heli or Jet marshal.
They are famous with their dancing skills!!

God bless all soldiers in the world.
Damn all the east, west, middle, north and south politicians who risk these young souls lives.



"....go to hell" !

by ThePope on

Amir Nas

Instead of "sending her to hell", pray for all American soldiers to learn from her and be more like her. After all dancing is better than shooting bullets!!!

But seriously,
they're only soldiers, which means they only obey whatever command given to them. You wanna "send them to hell", send their politicians to hell and not the poor soldiers who are stuck in Iraq without a choice. They WILL NOT stay for a second if it was up to them.

Maybe the reason for her dancing is cuz she's going back home (US).


Your not Americans

by You people disgust me (not verified) on

You know what is funny how arrogant all of you are.
You come to the US live here and enjoy the freedom this country offers you, yet you call our Soldiers Murderers, baby killers etc, yet you refuse to live in the Middle East and talk about Arabs as if they are below you and beasts. US Soldiers are there because they have sworn an oath to follow the commander and chief and our elected officials who the people of the US have voted for, YOU HAVE AN ISSUE IN HOW YOUR ARMY YES YOU IDIOTS THEY ARE YOUR ARMY IF YOU CARRY A US PASSPORT. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO MURDER PEOPLE ETC.. WHAT A SOLDIER DOES IS follow orders and they go to war when they are called to serve. You’re the most arrogant people I have ever met all you do is complain LEARN TO VOTE AND DON'T CALL MY HUSBAND A MURDERER...

The reason I say your not Americans is very clear..
Americans that are against the war would never say these things about our soldiers how dare you



by Anonymouss (not verified) on

How do we know she is dancing to this song? youtube can be edited to any song.


Killers and murderes

by Amir Nas (not verified) on


Give her credit!! For what?

For killing innocent people.

I published another comment previously about this video and has not been published.

Her it goes again.

They are murderers and child killers. They have killed millions of people and destroyed the life's of million others.

I hope she and the rest of them go to hell.


The G.I. Jane dance

by sanazi on

There are no circuses in the US Army for the talented ones to entertain the depressed soldiers? But still, let's give her credit for having such a high spirit!

Ali P.

"kill the Iraqi childeren and women"?

by Ali P. on


What would US gain by killing Iraqi women and children?

Are men included in this?



by Anonymous46 (not verified) on

Oh how sweet, this totally erases any misconceptions I may have had about soldiers killing and harassing Iraqi civilians on a daily basis.


This woman rocks

by Mazloom on

...I mean, this woman rockets!


Even with a red neck music

by Hajminator on


... the miss is doing more martial art movements than dance. Neverthless she's trying to skip war as she can.


so thats what they do afte rthey kill the Iraqi childeren

by ali sefati (not verified) on

so thats what they do afte rthey kill the Iraqi childeren and women in Iraq, then someone makes a mix songs from it!

Shiny Head

she was better off ....

by Shiny Head on

if she was naked.


Bad mix!

by Ali reza (not verified) on

Come on have a good taste.At least play the original sound.It sounds better and it does not look so fake.About the effect of war this is nothing compare to all the injured ,disable,and homeless soldiers that here in US.Peace on Earth



by toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

The original video has redneck music on it.


so fake mix!

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

so fake mix!