Jon Stewart: Ahmadinejad in Iraq

Iraq welcomes America's enemy... huh?!

Jon Stewart compares and contrasts the Iraqi government's reception of Ahmadinejad to George W. Bush.


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Jon Stewart rocks!

by ramintork on

Jon Stewart is really funny.

He usualy tows the CNN (Democrat) line, and bush bashing on Iraq is a popular sport in UK. 

Judging by this visit, I'm guessing that after the slight ease off on Iran's nuclear issue, there must have been some horse trading in the background with the Bush Administration (not something they would ever admit to) to see Ahmadinejad sitting in Iraq.



Dido Bored!!

by Anonymous4 (not verified) on

Damit Garm, Bored Dude. US is not only no friend of Iraq, Duh, it is no friend of any other people who don't bend over and take it up their ass just because the mighty US said so.


this is so funny. JS

by tootoo (not verified) on

this is so funny.
JS delivery of course, is what makes it work.


Well thats the point

by Bored Iranian dude (not verified) on

you stupid moron in a suit, the US is no "buddy" of Iraq. Iran and Iraq on the other hand, are going to have to live with each other for thousands of years after the US has crumbled itself into a third world country.


That was pretty good

by farokh2000 on

I watched the program last night and saw this. It was really great when he compared the two trips.

Intelligent people would know why GW was hiding and why Ahmadinejad was not and it was great to bring it to the attention of a nation that is being brain washed to think everyone in the World is evil and U.S. is loved by all nations.

Thanks for posting this.