Kesafat Kari!

Old man complains on Iranian state TV about lack of toilets in park


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Israel wants to bomb these people!

by Mehdi on

Accroding to Israel if they bomb Iran everything will be great after that. I haven't seen it specifically but I guess that means right after the bombing, Moasd will take care of the toilets in Iran. Maybe they have a lot of experience "cleaning up messes" considering how much "kesafat" their government spread around the world.

There are tiny groups out there that think that the solution to Iran is sanctions, threats and war. What do you think? 


Missing the hole!

by Mister clean (not verified) on

During my stay in Iran once I was traveling and I had to use a bathroom in a gas station.I went inside and when I walked in the bathroom I saw someone who just had relieved himself by side of the bathroom.Talking about missing the hole!


Public toilets

by Anonymousity (not verified) on

Not exactly toilets, but urinals from around the world. Some are really interesting, but some are just plain revolting.


Ali P.

First priority

by Ali P. on

Costa Rica has beautiful public bathrooms. Tourism is booming there. Next door, Nicaragua's bathrooms are the pitts. They have a hard time pulling tourists in. 

I have not been in Iran in 26 years, but I hear the 'pulic bathroom' problem still has not been resolved.

People judge a restaurant, by how clean it's bathroom is. I tell you, if we want to draw tourists to Iran, we first need to take care of our public bathrooms.

 If you can't "go", in a country, you won't go there.



sweet old man

by mony on

god bless him.


برید مسجد

من (not verified)


اگر خونین و مالین شدید برید مسجد

اگر گشنه تونه برید مسجد

اگر تشنه تونه برید مسجد

اگر ریغ دارید برید مسجد

بیخود تو کوچه پس کوچه ها نشاشید

گناه داره

برید مسجد



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

He says clearly the trees in the middle of he street are all the green space they have. For god's sake they do not have toilets to release themselves. Further there is no health clinic, nor transportation. And the reporter keeps asking about green space! Talking about freedom of reporting in the Islamic Republic.


What a great people

by Abbas Moshiri (not verified) on

I miss the honest people who are human and no jango-fang. I miss the honesty and humanity. Love Iran.