Khoroos e Footballist

Cock kicks ball :o)




by Bond Girl (not verified) on

Is this you 007?


Not right...

by Saman on

The words "cock" and "ball" used in one line are just not right at all!


hire him for team melli

by Soccer Fan (not verified) on

i think this rooster can kick better that some of the players that play in Iran premier league and the national soccer team team melli.

American Wife

ok... so this is totally irrelevant

by American Wife on

but I thought of this when I saw the title.  The University of South Carolina's mascot is a "gamecock".  The mascot of Clemson University is a "tiger (also referred to by enemies of Clemson as pussycats).  These two schools are interstate rivals. They've made them tone it down ALOT since I was in school but you can imagine some of the slogans during football....LOL.

"Go cocks" is the leading favorite.  And there was one, something about Carolina "licking" Clemson.  I'll leave it to your imagination...   :-)

Happy Thanksgiving to all!