Mano Seft Beboos!

American man singing love song for Iranian woman


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Mamm Dali Khan and the dingeling poster

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

black Mercedes and black interior?

You think women want a mobile funeral parlour?

I wouldn't be seen dead in one.

Dingeling poster. In Persian it's called : pool - o-dool



by Majid on

You are a keeper and she's a keeper. That's the bottom line. 

Good for you and good for her.


Anonymousity is quite right

by Anonypishi (not verified) on

Iranian men look for girls with big jahizieh, big boobs and if the girl is sefid boloori with blond hair digeh nagoo o napors.


If that is true...

by Anonymousity (not verified) on

... then why are Iranian women criticized when Iranian men are looking for women with big breasts?

If we want to perpetuate cliches then perhaps we could say that Iranian men are even stupider than Iranian women are, because they don't have the good sense to also want lots of money in addition to lots of breast tissue.


Re: Erooni

by Anonypishi (not verified) on

My dear, Iranian women are not the only ones who want the big dingaling. All women(and some men)from all races do. In fact five thousand years ago there was this religion worshiping dingaling.


What Iranian women want is!

by Erooni (not verified) on

This may be hard for Iranian women to take .I do not approve of this remark,but I was told that what Iranian women want is a man with lots of money and a big dingaling.

ebi amirhosseini

Re : John

by ebi amirhosseini on

So true.


Maybe it's something else?

by John on

My Iranian girlfriend is very demanding, it is true, but she has accepted me into her life despite my lack of Mercedes, position and wealth. What she demands from me is what I also demand from her: respect, understanding, attention, compassion and love. All of these things I give to her in large quantities, and all of these things she gives back to me in large quantities. So perhaps women and men (Persian and Non-Persian) all have the same needs and desires?


by playing

by Mammdali Khan (not verified) on

by playing guitar Persian girls won't come forward, you got to have money, position and a black Mercedes with black interior. Don't waste the precious life....