
Mansour Ahmadian & Jila Nazari

Software design award winners

Mansour Ahmadian and Jila Nazari, former SIP JRI research students, received the Institute of Engineering and Technology's (IET) 2008 innovation award in November for "Software in Design". They are shown in the photo at right being presented with the award on behalf of their employer Sundance DSP for their entry "Generating Parallel Applications Automatically From Simulation Models">>>


American Wife


by American Wife on

Absolutely right on... their success is independent of "who" they are and I congratulate them with a "high five".


Accomplishment Yes, Nationality No!

by Noketh! (not verified) on

One's accomplishment is not inherited, it is hardwork and determination, this rubish Nationalism has lost its basis as there was none to begin with. No one chooses where and to whom they are born. However what they do with their lives given the opportunity defines them and their identity as a human being.

Congradulation to these individuals not because they are Iranians but because they realized their potential and did something with it.

American Wife

well now...

by American Wife on

I'm certainly happy to congratulate their success but let's tone down the "outperform almost everyone else here in the US".  I don't get it... I thought you were Americans now?  But yet you want to emphasize a clear separation between yourself and the rest of the US?


IrIdie. Where were you when

by kouroshS (not verified) on


Where were you when everybody was condemning the war and the destruction of iranians in the hands of arabs? You just woke up sleeping beauty?
Now you are using that as an EXCUSE To lash against iranians.

We have our priorities straight. why don't you do the same?


This is what we should focus more

by IRIDie (not verified) on

This are the sort of things we need to focus more not the Arabs and their violence.

It is funny how Iranians here are so concerned about the Palestinians and Arabs.

But when Iranians were dying in the hands of Arabs in Iraq-Iran war no one showed any concerns.

Iranians you are a funny bunch.

Get your priorities straight.

JJ, your web site is filled with IRI supporters aren't you concerned?



by IraniIrooni (not verified) on

Great work! It is so good that us iranians have and will continue to outperform almost everyone else here in the US! Lets hope we can utilize our knowledge and experise to maybe create more of a united Iranian community in the US, as have many other minority groups.