
Maryam Toumrai

CBC Fresh Air Program Favourites List of 2007

Being a Mezzo Soprano, I was greatly influenced by Ceceilia Bartoli during my western classical training. In my early years in Iran, I was influenced by Googoosh, and my Persian chant or Avaz is influenced by the late, great Haydeh. My Western Pop voice is influenced by Barbara Streisand and Linda Rondstadt. And... in the mid 80's and early 90's I WORSHIPED Whitney Houston!>>>

Who's your Iranian of the day. EMAIL PHOTO


more from Darius Kadivar

I just listened to your CD.

by alan (not verified) on

I just listened to your CD. What a wonderful voice! I hope to hear more of your unique sound.


Constructive Criticism

by Anonymous30 (not verified) on

She seems lovely and I wish her the best but her voice isn't particularly remarkable in any way! Remember folks: art is subjective! We have the freedom to like or dislike what we see and hear, so let your fellow Persian post what they want!


Pia Maria!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Any specific reason for not liking her voice ????
Oh ,by the way next time when you think you have something sharp to write take a breath and count to 10 (hoole nashoo!)then post it so you do not have to make public corrections!!!!



by Pia Maria (not verified) on

nothing artistically or technically demanding ( unlike her 80's idol, Whitney Houston-accodring to her own website)


voice of an angel? ( to Tahirih)

by Pia Maria (not verified) on

ehhhh, I don't know... I have never heard one, because thankfully I don't hallucinate. And this woman's voice? ... very ordinary and nothing artistically or technically demanding ( like her 80's idol, Whitney Houston-accodring to her own website)


technically weak

by Farshad A. (not verified) on

The voice could not sustain itself, and would go low, then struggled to come back to the note that is supposed to be. Technically very weak.


the best voice in the world

by nauzanin (not verified) on

the best voice in the world



by Farshad (not verified) on

Great voice, nice music! You have the potential of becoming an international superstar, if you are not already.

Thank you Darius for introducing her to those of us who haven't had the chance of enjoying her music before.


I spoke to her!

by CS on

Ohh,,,,Its the woman that I spoke to on the 91A Buss to Thornhill, Toronto! Her relative for for the store I work at! She is very nice!


you have voice of an angel!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

I have not heard her voice before ,and thanks to JJ ,I did today and my God it is so beautiful.I will for sure buy the CD.
Good luck to you Maryam.